Posts Tagged ‘overseas’

The Helms Amendment: 50 years of blocking safe access to abortion overseas 

People everywhere — here in the United States and across the world — deserve the safety and dignity of basic reproductive health care, including abortion. Source

Citing War in Israel,Israel’s Overseas Colony in Florida Governor DeSantis Suspends Habeas Corpus, Begins Mass Arrests Of Anyone Loyal to America and Telling The Truth Of Israel’s War Crimes

Editor’s Note: This is fake news. [Well, Kinda, Sorta] Citing the ongoing war between Israel and Hamas, Governor Ron DeSantis has suspended habeas corpus in Florida and begun the mass arrest of federal and state officials accused of being sympathetic to Hamas. The move drew praise from fellow Republicans, while being condemned by several Democrats, […]

US Issues ‘Worldwide Caution’ For All US/DC Citizens Overseas Because of US’s War Crimes Against the Semitic Indigenous Palestinian Descendants of the Biblical Judeans

The US State Department has issued a “worldwide caution alert” for all US/DC citizens traveling abroad. US/DC Citizens may be targeted in retribution for the US assisting the Rothschild’s Non Semitic red Russian Turkmen Mongolian Khazarian mongrel Jew Cult members in one huge 75 year long war crime, Holocausting the Indigenous Semitic Palestinian Descendants of […]

On some aspects of recent overseas trips of Narendra Modi, Prime Minister of India

The two recent overseas trips by Narendra Modi, Prime Minister of India, which took place two weeks apart between the second half of June and mid-July, is a glaring example of the rising foreign policy activity of the nation’s head of state, who is increasingly asserting himself as one of the key players in the […]

Fumio Kishida’s latest overseas tour

The NEO has already drawn attention to the increased activity on the international stage displayed on various occasions by members of the current Japanese cabinet, especially Prime Minister Fumio Kishida himself. This activity was reaffirmed by his week-long overseas trip, which began on January 9 of this year and included Italy, France, the United Kingdom, […]

Overseas rates of cancer, cardiac events & respiratory conditions are up, yet NZ figures are not being made available… Why?

From In 1923 three of America’s largest corporations formed a company to add tetraethyl lead to petrol. They omitted to mention it included lead and simply called their additive ‘ethyl’. Almost immediately, production workers began to exhibit the discoordination and confusion that mark those severely poisoned by lead. Bill Bryson records that almost immediately, […]

China has opened overseas police stations in US and Canada to monitor Chinese citizens

China has opened dozens of “overseas police service stations” around the globe to monitor its citizens living abroad, including one location in New York City and three in Toronto. Source

Turkish Legal Professionals Oriented In The Path Of Overseas Traders

We associate with you all through the authorized process, from beginning to finish. Provision of annual legal counsel providers to companies and people, serving to purchasers to resolve their legal problems at work and in file. The sources of worldwide regulation embrace worldwide custom , treaties, and common rules of legislation recognized by most nationwide […]

‘I’ve Never Spoken to My Son About His Overseas Business Dealings’: 17 Times Joe Biden Got Involved in the Family Business

President Joe Biden was involved in his corrupt family business at least 17 times over ten years, records from Hunter’s “laptop from hell” and reports show. Source

G7 countries to end overseas funding for fossil fuel development

“We are united in the view that climate and environment security are absolutely synonymous with energy and national security.”

America is Devolving From Killing Everyone Overseas to Killing Each Other as the Blood Spattered Empire Cannibalizes Itself

Killing for the Sake of It: The Grisly Reality of the Failing US Empire Mired in financial collapse, moral decay, and lack of leadership & direction, the last sole superpower is lashing out in every direction, spreading brutal destruction throughout the world for nothing more than its own depraved sake This article from our archives was […]

Inspector General: FBI Agents Had Sex with Prostitutes While on Overseas Assignment

Four Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) agents allegedly had sex with prostitutes while on an overseas assignment, according to an investigation by the U.S. Justice Department’s Office of Inspector General (OIG). The OIG investigation reported: The OIG substantiated allegations against six FBI officials as follows. The OIG investigation found that four FBI officials solicited, procured, and accepted […]

Overseas Governments Fuel Australia’s Gas Industry

Public financial institutions across China, Japan, and South Korea have bankrolled Australia’s gas projects to the tune of $28 billion (US$21 billion) over the last decade. However, as Prime Minister Scott Morrison joins world leaders at COP26—the 26th United Nations climate summit in Glasgow—environmental groups have decried Australia over its continued inaction in halting coal, […]

Rothschild Khazarian Mafia Runs United States and Overseas Central Banks-Decides Who Eats & Who Starves Same As Stalin Did to Ukrainians (All Of Same Tribe)

3rd Edition: Super-Imperialism By Michael  Friday, October 8, 2021 Articles  No tags  Permalink The updated and expanded 3rd edition of Super Imperialism: The Economic Strategy of American Empire is now available. This highly respected study of U.S. financial diplomacy explores the faults built into the core of the World Bank and the IMF at their inception. Forensic detail reveals how the […]

Ocean camera network launched to protect wildlife in UK Overseas Territories

A network of underwater cameras designed to protect wildlife beneath the waves are being installed across UK Overseas Territories. The government said the project is the first of its kind and the world’s largest ocean monitoring system to protect wildlife. It is also part of the UK’s Blue Belt programme of marine protected areas around […]

Overseas demand for Israeli homes rising ‘through the roof’

Demand for Israeli homes from overseas buyers has gone “through the roof,” said Tzvi Shapiro, co-founder of First Israel Mortgages. “While American Jews once looked at having a home in Israel as luxury, or a nice thing to have for the holidays, it is now seen as a necessity for those who can afford to […]

China to end recognition of British Overseas passport as UK opens visa program for over 5 MILLION Hongkongers

Beijing has said that the British National Overseas (BNO) passport will no longer be recognized as a travel document or form of identification in China from Sunday, when the UK’s new visa program opens to millions of HK citizens. Speaking on Friday, Chinese foreign ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian told journalists that Beijing reserved the right […]

Let’s further tighten the border and – oh, wait, don’t make it too tough for overseas students to come here

Point of Order Hurrah.  The PM is back to posting her announcements on the government’s official website, her deputy is back in the business of self-congratulation, Rio Tinto is back in the business of sucking up cheap electricity to produce aluminium at Tiwai Point, near Bluff.  And overseas students (some, anyway) can come back to […]

Support for political violence, whether in the U.S. or overseas, is as American as cherry pie

There have been plenty of stupid comments in the mainstream U.S. media since Trump supporters stormed the U.S. Capitol. Many have been along the lines of, “We expect this kind of political violence in the Mideast, or in a banana republic — not in our own democratic America.” Such remarks betray a limited understanding of […]

The Chickens Have Come Home to Roost: U.S. Gets the Kind of “Democracy” It Championed Overseas

HomeOp-ed Nebojsa Malic is a Serbian-American journalist, blogger and translator, who wrote a regular column for from 2000 to 2015, and is now senior writer at RT. Follow him on Twitter @NebojsaMalic6 Jan, 2021 21:29Get short URL A protester is seen hanging from the balcony in the Senate Chamber on January 6, 2021 in Washington, DC ©  Win […]

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