Posts Tagged ‘gladio’

GLADIO GUN CONTROL MCE! Two Dead, 14 Wounded, shot at Memphis “Block Party”, part of America’s Lawless Leftist Cities

Two Dead, 14 Wounded, shot at Memphis “Block Party”, part of America’s Lawless Leftist Cities Source

Episode 454 – JFK: From Mongoose to Gladio

Podcast: Play in new window | Download | Embed We all know what happened on 11/22/63. But what about what happened on 11/22/90? And what connects these two events? And what does Seven Days in May have to do with it? Join James Corbett for a special presentation to the JFK Lancer conference on “JFK: […]

Interview 1836 – The 9/11 Emergency: From Gladio to Gun Grabbing – #NewWorldNextWeek

 This week on the New World Next Week: the 9/11 legacy continues to reverberate as the national emergency renewal ritual repeats; NATO’s false flag shenanigans are part of the latest Gladio trial in Italy; and the New Mexico gun grab psyop can be read in many ways. The post Interview 1836 – The 9/11 […]

Operation Gladio: How NATO ran secret Nazi terror armies

Illustration by Ben Norton. Almost a year ago I started publishing a series of articles about Gladio, a clandestine network of terrorist armies across Europe which were dominated by Nazis and fascists and which was run by NATO to undermine the left. This post collects together all three parts of that series, as well as […]

Covid Vax-Triggered Mass Shootings Difficult to Distinguish from Gladio-Style False Flag Terrorist Attacks

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Operation “Gladio” as a new form of confrontation between F. Gülen and R. Erdogan

Over the past 20 years of the new century, for various reasons, relations within the NATO alliance have undergone certain transformations. It should be acknowledged that after the collapse of the Warsaw Pact and the USSR, for some time the threat of nuclear confrontation between the leading powers was lessened. However, this state of global […]

As predicted, a Gladio-style false flag mass shooting would be carried out in America’s heartland to further distract from the Democrat’s countless election thefts.

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Operation Gladio: how the West recruited Nazis into a secret anti-communist terror army

Belgian neo-Nazi group the Front de la Jeunesse had a special unit secretly staffed by gendarmes. (BBC) I was a guest this week on Radio Free Amanda, an excellent socialist podcast. We discussed Operation Gladio, NATO’s secret Nazi armies during the Cold War. Subscribe Sign up as a paid subscriber for early access to this […]

False flag NATO terrorism: Inside Operation Gladio

Yesterday Ben Norton hosted me on his Multipolarista show to talk about Operation Gladio. This was NATO’s network of secret Nazi armies, which carried out false flag terror attacks across Europe. As always with Ben, it was a great discussion. We give an overview of Gladio, how it operated and how we know what we […]

Watch the BBC’s forgotten series on Operation Gladio

On Tuesday I published a new article which is the first in a new series about Operation Gladio, NATO’s Cold War-era network of Nazi terrorist armies. Gladio is a wild topic. It’s hard to get your head around the sheer scale of it. One of the three main sources I’ve relied on to write these […]


[embedded content]… ‘The wealth divide between the North and South of England has widened dramatically , according to figures that highlight Boris Johnson‘s challenge as he seeks to hold on to “red wall” seats.’ The UK’s CONSERVATIVE party has been a disaster for hard working ‘working people’. The UK’s LABOUR party appears to work for Lord Mandelson and his friends […]


Padrenostro. Mattia Garaci as Valerio. Pierfrancesco Favino as Alfonso, Valerio’s father Padrenostro,  ‘Our Father’, is a 2020 Italian coming-of-age film co-written and directed by Claudio Noce. It was selected to be shown at the 77th Venice International Film Festival. The film is loosely based on the 1976 attempted assassination of deputy police commissioner Alfonso Noce, by terrorist group Nuclei Armati […]

Watching The Hawks – CIAs Operation Gladio with Paul Williams

Watching The Hawks – CIAs Operation Gladio with Paul Williams Watching The Watching the Hawks Sean Stone sits down with award-winning journalist and former FBI counter-terrorism consultant Paul L. Williams to learn more about Operation Gladio and the CIAs historic affinity for propping up paramilitary groups across the world. Williams shares his experiences researching […]

Powers & Principalities: Operation Gladio and the Strategy of Tension

Joe Atwill and Tim Kelly discuss how some currents events appear to be separate, but are actually tied together in a grand strategy. Download Timothy’s Podcast Source Article from

The Patriots and the Independent Media Forces CNN and Obama to Address Our Concerns

The Oregon Militia and the Independent Media have forced Obama and the mainstream media out of the closet as they are forced to address our concerns. Last night, CNN displayed The Common Sense Show website on the Anderson Cooper Show. Of course, CNN, aka, The Communist News Network is no […]

BOMBSHELL: Guess Where This GITMO TERRORIST Released By OBAMA Was Just Discovered…

Dean James III% AMERICA’S FREEDOM FIGHTERS– President Obama made a campaign pledge to his supporters that he would shut down Guantanamo Bay (GITMO) which we all know has proven to be a disaster. He has recklessly released KNOWN TERRORIST LEADERS who, upon being set free go on to rejoin their jihadist terrorist killers. Well, it’s […]

14,000 refugees go missing in Sweden, police say little can be done

     Reports indicate that hordes of foreign nationals who had been asked to leave the Nordic country have simply gone missing, and police say there’s little they can do about it. Sweden, which had previously declared itself open to refugees fleeing violence in the Middle East, recently slammed the door firmly shut on new arrivals, […]

Why Can’t We Pay Cash for Doctors?

Dr. Accad talks about practicing medicine in the Age of Obamacare, where every symptom and every treatment must fit into an insurance company code. Doctors are miserable, in debt like never before, and slaves to billing systems that consume their time. Worst of all, they’ve become de facto employees rather than trusted protectors of their […]

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