Posts Tagged ‘predicted’

Secret Society Illuminati card game PREDICTED 9/11 terror attack, Donald Trump, Covid-19 and the “Insurrection” riot at the Washington DC Capitol building

Secret Society Illuminati card game PREDICTED 9/11 terror attack, Donald Trump, Covid-19 and the “Insurrection” riot at the Washington DC Capitol building How could anyone have predicted that the World Trade Center “Twin Towers” would be attacked by “terrorists” in the 1990s? Then, how could those same soothsayers predict Donald Trump would charismatically lead millions […]

The W.E.F predicted a “catastrophic cyber event likely in the next 2 years” at a 2023 meeting but the outage today was just a test according to a lot of X users!

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First Trillionaire Predicted Within 10 Years As Richest Double Their Fortunes In 3

The gap between the super-rich and the bulk of the global population has been “supercharged” since the pandemic, said anti-poverty organization Oxfam. Source

As many have predicted, terrorism strikes the USA during Thanksgiving week and at a very popular American tourism site

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Oil Prices Surge, Predicted To Hit $150 Per Barrel Following Hamas Attack

Oil prices have rocketed by almost 5 percent in the wake of the Hamas attack, with some analysts now predicting it could hit $150 per barrel and warning that Americans already facing inflated gas prices will again have to deal with a price surge. Reuters reports that Oil prices jumped more than $3 a barrel […]

Donald Trump Just Predicted ‘America’s Greatest Defeat’

The loss of the U.S. dollar’s global reserve status could force America into an economic collapse on par or worse than the Great Depression. Source

Big Pharma thrilled as autism treatment market predicted to reach $11.42 billion by 2028

Big Pharma thrilled as autism treatment market predicted to reach $11.42 billion by 2028 03/17/2023 / By Belle Carter Big Pharma companies are reportedly gearing toward comprehensive treatment programs for autism spectrum disorder (ASD). This came on the heels of a recent report that the global ASD treatment market is projected to reach $11.42 billion by 2028. The study […]

Riots in France ‘Predicted’ by Netflix Movie Athena

Last year Netflix released Athena, which is a movie about how evil, racist Frenchmen murdered a poor young immigrant, causing the subsequent rioting and street violence that ensued. This closely mirrors the “reality” we are currently watch unfold in France, much like how Netflix’s White Noise showed what was going to happen in East Palestine, Ohio. […]

PROOF Dr. Buttar Was Murdered by Big Pharma, Exactly How He Predicted

Yet another holistic doctor working against Big Pharma has been found dead in highly suspicious circumstances, as the community of physicians attempting to work outside the confines of the pharmaceutical industry, exposing their agenda, continues to be eradicated. Dr. Rashid Buttar, the British-American physician who was responsible for waking up millions of people to the […]

Silicon Valley Bank Crisis: The Liquidity Crunch We Predicted Has Now Begun

By Brandon Smith There has been an avalanche of information and numerous theories circulating the past few days about the fate of a bank in California know as SVB (Silicon Valley Bank). SVB was the 16th largest bank in the US until it abruptly failed and went into insolvency on March 10th. The impetus for the […]

Russian who allegedly predicted Chechen wars also predicted shift of Jewish power from Israel to Russia

By Timothy FitzpatrickFeb. 20, 2023 Anno Domini I’ve been piquing the curiosity of my readers on Twitter and Gab now and then with snippets of indicators I’m seeing of a future controlled collapse of the Zionist state of Israel in preparation for an expanded, softer-appearing Jewish power base that will birth the anti-Christ global government. […]

Russia Blamed (As Whitney Predicted) For Spain “White Supremacy Attack” – Vanilla ISIS Psyop Begins

Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (1/25/23). As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth […]

Exxon scientists accurately predicted climate damage while company pushed misinformation

“Airtight evidence that Exxon Mobil accurately predicted global warming years before, then turned around and attacked the science underlying it.” Source

As “TUT predicted.

The Ugly Truth website predicted that President Donald Trump may be forced to say something. Something that no other US President has said out in the open. He may have to call out Israel and the Jews. Revel the truth about major historical events. such who was behind the 911 attacks and the JFK assassination. […]

As predicted, a Gladio-style false flag mass shooting would be carried out in America’s heartland to further distract from the Democrat’s countless election thefts.

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The Simpsons Predicted Fake Fall of the USSR in 1998

The Simpsons predicted the very predicament we find ourselves in today with Soviet Russia’s brutal invasion of Ukraine. Source

No clear winner predicted as Slovenians elect new president

Voters in Slovenia on Sunday are out to vote and elect a new president of the small Alpine nation, with no clear winner in sight among the three main contenders. Though the office is largely ceremonial in Slovenia, Sunday’s vote is still seen as a way to gauge the popularity of its liberal government that […]

Nostradamus Predicted That King Charles III Will Abdicate

Michel de Nostredame, the French astrologer, physician and reputed seer best known as Nostradamus, predicted that the reign of King Charles III would be short and sweet, according to a new interpretation of his prophecies. The seer who predicted the rise of Hitler, the Great Fire of London, the assassination of John F Kennedy, and […]

In 1917 Rudolf Steiner Predicted “Vaccines Will Destroy People’s Souls”

Austrian philosopher Rudolf Steiner predicted that vaccines would be used by the global elite to destroy people’s souls in order to leave them in a state of fear, helplessness, despair and anxiety. Steiner was an […] The post In 1917 Rudolf Steiner Predicted “Vaccines Will Destroy People’s Souls” appeared first on News Punch.

As Predicted, Masks are Coming Back

Los Angeles, the San Diego Unified School District, Athens, Georgia, Lincoln, Nebraska…all have returned or will soon return to masking to some degree. Source

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