Posts Tagged ‘gods’

The Problem is NOT White People

What David Burke darkly announced to the pilots of PSA flight 1771 right before he shot both dead in the cockpit with a large caliber .44 magnum and nosed the plane over into a death dive that killed 42 completely innocent passengers in 1987. Even back then, the traitorous media protected the black race — you hardly heard a word about such horrific crimes committed at their hands since the media […]

ALERT! Everyone who lives in these states needs to contact their governor and representatives to encourage this action to stop Obama’s invasion…

Bill Clinton Was A Frequent Flier On Paedophiles Private Jet

Former president  Bill Clinton was a more frequent guest on a registered sex offender’s private jet than was previously reported. Newly released flight logs show that Clinton flew on convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein’s infamous “Lolita Express” jet at least 26 times. Reports in January suggested that Clinton was on board the billionaire’s Boeing 727 on […]

ALERT! Everyone who lives in these states needs to contact their governor and representatives to encourage this action to stop Obama’s invasion…

Truth is the First Casualty of War: Anti-Armenian Media Misinformation

A foreign correspondent is someone who flies around from hotel to hotel and thinks the most interesting thing about any story is the fact that he has arrived to cover it.” —Tom Stoppard (“Night and Day”) The Crimean War, in mid-19th century, introduced the world to the cardigan, the raglan jersey, and the balaclava headdress. It […]

Dy FM: Report on implementation of JCPOA to be presented to Majlis

Tehran, March 8, IRNA – Deputy Foreign Minister and head of headquarters to follow up implementation of Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) Seyed Abbas Araqchi said that establishment of a verification bureau for Iran’s safeguards in International Atomic Energy agency (IAEA) is not contrary to JCPOA. He added that the report on implementation process […]

FOX News Issues BLISTERING Statement on TRUMP Presidency That Has MILLIONS Ticked

Dean James III% AMERICA’S FREEDOM FIGHTERS – Mitt Romney came out of the woodwork the other day to blast Donald Trump in an attempt to get other Republicans to do whatever it takes to stop Trump from winning. What a foolish thing to do. Where was Romney when we NEEDED him? He choked against Obama. He […]

Israeli soldier killed by friendly fire

Maureen Clare Murphy Rights and Accountability 25 February 2016 The Gush Etzion junction in the occupied West Bank on Wednesday after an Israeli man was killed by Israelis coming to his aid on 24 February. Wisam Hashlamoun APA images An Israeli died from his wounds on Wednesday after he was shot when soldiers and an […]

Medicinal clay used by Native Americans shown to be more effective than overused antibiotics

(NaturalNews) For thousands of years, indigenous people throughout the world have used clay for and dirt for their powerful health benefits. Even animals are drawn to clay, especially in the form of mud. Whenever they are wounded, animals instinctively lick the mud and roll in it to obtain relief. They also tend to […]

Medicinal clay used by Native Americans shown to be more effective than overused antibiotics

(NaturalNews) For thousands of years, indigenous people throughout the world have used clay for and dirt for their powerful health benefits. Even animals are drawn to clay, especially in the form of mud. Whenever they are wounded, animals instinctively lick the mud and roll in it to obtain relief. They also tend to […]

South African Communist Party is Getting a Land Expropriation Bill Passed

If you didn’t think South Africa was at the sharp end of the White Genocide spear, think again. This is what the international community pushed for when they lobbied and sanctioned South Africa into dismantling Apartheid. I am not here to defend Apartheid, as it was doomed from the start due to poor implementation. The reliance […]

Israeli group Ad Kan continues attacks on anti-occupation activists with ‘expose’ of Anarchists Against the Wall

Two weeks ago a right-wing Israeli group called Ad Kan released an undercover video that claimed leftist Israeli activists were a driving force behind Palestinian violence. After the footage was aired on a major local news station three people were arrested on charges of conspiracy—one Palestinian and two Israelis. One of the arrested Israelis, the high-profile activist Ezra Nawi, was […]

A Global Martial Force Is Being Assembled- Facebook to Provide Intel On American Citizens

    Earlier today, I published a report which detailed the threat posed to Facebook users. Reportedly, Facebook is releasing private information to the Chinese military. This is to aid the Chinese military when they are called in by the UN to restore order inside the United as civil unrest […]

Dr. Duke reveals Hillary has been personally bribed with 3 million from the big Jewish banks headed by Goldman Sachs! Also Dr. Slattery on Ukraine.

Dr. Duke reveals Hillary has been personally bribed with 3 million from the big Jewish banks headed by Goldman Sachs! Also Dr. Slattery on Ukraine. Today Dr. Slattery started the show by talking about possible changes in the confrontation with Russia over Ukraine, as the negative results from the disastrous policy pushed by arch neocon […]

Dr. Duke reveals Hillary has been personally bribed with 3 million from the big Jewish banks headed by Goldman Sachs! Also Dr. Slattery on Ukraine.

Dr. Duke reveals Hillary has been personally bribed with 3 million from the big Jewish banks headed by Goldman Sachs! Also Dr. Slattery on Ukraine. Today Dr. Slattery started the show by talking about possible changes in the confrontation with Russia over Ukraine, as the negative results from the disastrous policy pushed by arch neocon […]

Steve Quayle On the Resurgence of Hitler’s Nazi Empire

  Steve Quayle Is the author of Empire Beneath the Ice-How the Nazis Won World War II. As Mark Twain enjoyed pointing out that “history may not repeat itself, but it sure does rhyme”. This statement has never been more true than it is today with the mainstream resurgence of the […]

Executive Order Allows Doctors To Declare Activists ‘Mentally Ill’

The White Houses’s new executive order on gun control will allow doctors to report activists as being ‘mentally ill’ to authorities in order to have their guns confiscated.  The new rules allow doctors and health providers to do background checks on people without legal repercussions. “The disclosure is restricted to limited demographic and certain other […]

How NRA Prevented Gun-Related Research For the Last 19 Years

Susanne Posel ,Chief Editor Occupy Corporatism | Co-Founder, Legacy Bio-Naturals December 16, 2015   Congressman Jay Dickey has called on fellow lawmakers to undo a 19 year old ban that prevents the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) from studying gun-related injuries and deaths. Dickey was responsible for the prohibition; but now […]

Police Chief McCarthy Says Cop Who Killed Rekia Boyd Should Be Fired

Print Friendly Above Photo: Chicago Police Superintendant Garry McCarthy. Viewminder. Police chief Garry McCarthy reversed course on the subject of Dante Servin—the Chicago Police officer who shot and killed a 22-year-old woman on the West Side in 2012 and was acquitted of charges against him earlier this year—Monday night, saying he now believes Servin should be […]

Russia Cites US Violation of Flight Memorandum in Turkish Air Piracy – Veterans Today

. <!– –> Home Health Agent Orange Coping Gulf War Illness (GWI) Medical Disability Benefits PTSD Investigations 9/11 Holocaust JFK Assassination Paris Attacks 2015 Sandy Hook Life Art, Books, & Entertainment Economy & Business Education Environment Food, Wine & Travel History Civil War (1861-1865) Cold War (1947-1991) Gulf War (1990-1991) Iraq War (2003-2011) Korean War […]

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