Posts Tagged ‘unleashes’

“We are going to hurt you”: UC Santa Cruz chancellor unleashes police mayhem against student protesters

A brutal, nine-hour, multi-agency police assault against unarmed protesters at UC Santa Cruz shows the university would rather use violence against its own students than address demands to divest from genocide. Source

MAGA Cultist Shane Vaughn Unleashes Racist Attack On Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson

On Monday, the Supreme Court heard arguments in the case Murthy v. Missouri, a lawsuit brought by the states of Louisiana and Missouri and several social media users alleging that the Biden administration has been unconstitutionally pressuring social media platforms to remove or censor conservative content. During the hearing, Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson raised concerns […]

Hezbollah unleashes Falaq-1, battle-tests new capabilities (Footage)

26 Jan 2024 Source: Islamic Resistance in Lebanon – Military media ByAl Mayadeen English The Islamic Resistance in Lebanon targets multiple Israeli sites on Friday and releases footage of Israeli military positions it had obtained via a reconnaissance drone. In support of the Palestinian people and their Resistance, Hezbollah launched multiple attacks on Israeli military sites […]

Kentucky unleashes fury with bill to legalize deadly force against unhoused

As a hub for activists and change-makers, NationofChange operates entirely on reader contributions. Help us continue being a transparent and ad-free resource for you with a donation today. Republican lawmakers in Kentucky have ignited a firestorm of controversy with the introduction of the “Safer Kentucky Act.” This proposed legislation, which has garnered substantial support from […]

‘Disease X Is Coming’: Bill Gates Unleashes mRNA Vaccine ‘Wafer’ Technology

Bill Gates has unveiled a new wafer-like mRNA film that can be stored at room temperatures and given to people under their tongue for a needle-free vaccine delivery. The Gates-funded Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI) is […] The post ‘Disease X Is Coming’: Bill Gates Unleashes mRNA Vaccine ‘Wafer’ Technology appeared first on The People's Voice. […]

Biden’s climate catastrophe: IRA unleashes fossil fuel frenzy, jeopardizing environmental future

In a striking revelation, the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA)—President Joe Biden’s flagship climate legislation—is under scrutiny for potentially enabling an upsurge in fossil fuel production. This scenario poses a stark contradiction to the Act’s intent of fostering a greener future. Oil Change International (OCI), a prominent environmental advocacy group, recently unveiled an incisive analysis, revealing […]

Trump Unleashes on ‘Corrupt’ World Health Organization in Viral Truth Social Video

Originally Published on Vigilant News When former President Donald Trump announced his intention to withdraw from the World Health Organization in May 2020, he was met with fierce backlash from the mockingbird media and political opponents. President of the American Medical Association, Patrice Harris, called Trump’s move “senseless” with “significant, harmful repercussions.” Senator Joe Manchin […]

Russia Unleashes Missile Attack Across Ukraine After Zelenskyy Speaks At UN

The strike was carried out on the International Day of Peace. Source

Far-Right Broadcaster Stew Peters Unleashes an Astoundingly Anti-LGBTQ Rant

Earlier this month, the California state Senate passed a bill that would require health care plans to cover infertility treatments, stipulating that “coverage for the treatment of infertility and fertility services shall be provided without discrimination on the basis of age, ancestry, color, disability, domestic partner status, gender, gender expression, gender identity, genetic information, marital […]

Putin unleashes direct nuclear warning to NATO saying Russians will ‘suffer’

Vladimir Putin has accused the West of trying to undermine and destroy his country in an attempt to justify Russia’s choice to leave a nuclear arms treaty. Putin warned that he was considering the United Kingdom’s nuclear capabilities as part of his response to the West’s alleged aggression. In his interview, Putin condemned the West’s […]

Ukraine Unleashes Mass Kamikaze Drone Boat Attack On Russia’s Black Sea Fleet

The largest city in Crimea and the home of Russia’s Black Sea Fleet woke up to heavy explosions and anti-aircraft fire during an attack Russian officials say included aerial drones and especially unmanned surface vessels (USV), both of which were ‘suicide’ or ‘kamikaze’ types mean to explode when they arrive at their targets. Source

Executive Order: Biden Unleashes Transhuman, Genetic Modification Firestorm On America

Transhumanists and Technocrats in Big Pharma have cracked the U.S. government wide open to flood the bioeconomy with taxpayer money and labor to push the frontier of genetic modification of all living things and especially humans. This will ultimately spark the biggest public backlash in modern history. Biden pledges not only funding but an all-of-government […]

Washington Unleashes Biological Warfare in Syria

The US crimes in Syria have already been repeatedly reported by the Western media, the Syrian Arab News Agency SANA, as well as various international organizations. The airstrikes on Syrian cities, which were carried out by the US and the coalition led by them in violation of international law and had disastrous consequences for civilians, […]

UK government unleashes food police social credit score system modeled after communist China

By Ethan Huff The allegedly “conservative” government of the United Kingdom is introducing a new communist China-style social credit score app that will allow Prime Minister Boris Johnson to police the eating habits of Brits and award those who consume the most government-approved food. By the end of the year, Brits will have their supermarket purchases tracked […]

Israel unleashes strikes after vowing to press on in Gaza

Israel unleashed a wave of airstrikes across the Gaza Strip early Thursday, killing at least one Palestinian and wounding several others. The latest strikes came after Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu pushed back against U.S. pressure to wind down the offensive against Gaza’s militant Hamas rulers, who have fired thousands of rockets at Israel. Explosions shook […]

Netanyahu Unleashes Herds of Israeli Terrorists against the Palestinians

 ARABI SOURI MAY 12, 2021 Netanyahu, the embattled war criminal the Prime Minister of so-called Israel and the person in control of all the western regimes, has unleashed thousands of armed radical Israeli terrorists against the unarmed Palestinians in the cities occupied in 1948. The war criminal Netanyahu by this sets the stage for a repeat […]

Palestinians Undeterred As Israeli State Unleashes Devastation

By Popular Resistance. May 13, 2021 Above photo: Worshippers pray at Al Aqsa Mosque on Eid in Jerusalem. From the Palestinian Information Center. Despite the recent escalation of attacks on Palestinian Muslims worshipping at Al Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem, tens of thousands of people attended prayers for Eid on Thursday, as the Palestinian Information Center […]

“We’re So Stupid Following Our Politicians”: Charles Barkley Unleashes One Minute of Truth on America

“We’re So Stupid Following Our Politicians”: Charles Barkley Unleashes One Minute of Truth on America We Are Change » Feed / John Titor Forget Orwell’s “Two Minutes Hate.” NBA legend Charles Barkley unleashed ‘One Minute Truth’ on NCAA-Final-Four-watchers last night, telling viewers that: “I truly believe in my heart most white people and black people […]

Possible Abbas Successor Unleashes Antisemitic Rant Equating Israel to the Nazis

Palestinian Football Association head Jibril Rajoub speaks during a press conference regarding the cancellation of the soccer match between Argentina and Israel, in the West Bank city of Ramallah, Sunday, June 6, 2018. Photo: Flash90. One of Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas’ possible successors went on an antisemitic rant on his Facebook page, equating Israel […]

The NYPD Unleashes Its Most Brutal Cops On Protesters

The police unit most likely to bust protesters’ heads is full of cops with long misconduct histories. “The SRG is a familiar presence at demonstrations and has targeted specific organizers and groups.” This summer in New York City was defined by protests. The murder of George Floyd by a Minneapolis police officer drew hundreds of […]

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