Posts Tagged ‘legalize’

Kentucky unleashes fury with bill to legalize deadly force against unhoused

As a hub for activists and change-makers, NationofChange operates entirely on reader contributions. Help us continue being a transparent and ad-free resource for you with a donation today. Republican lawmakers in Kentucky have ignited a firestorm of controversy with the introduction of the “Safer Kentucky Act.” This proposed legislation, which has garnered substantial support from […]

India’s Supreme Court Refuses To Legalize Same-Sex Marriage, Saying It’s Up To Parliament

The ruling disappointed campaigners for LGBTQ+ rights in the world’s most populous country. Source

African Christians are calling for Pope Francis and Vatican to Legalize Polygamous Marriages

So, the Anglican Church in Southern Africa has developed certain ethics aimed at accommodating more and more homosexual partners. I also hear that the Pope of the Catholic Church has begun to warm up to homosexuality as opposed to previous stances from the papacy. Then Steven Hofmeyr apologised to the gay and lesbian community for […]

A New Bill Could Legalize Kidnapping Trans Kids by Their Parents

A newly introduced bill in Florida could let a parent kidnap their children and bring them across state lines if the parent believes that the child is receiving gender-affirming health care—or even if the child is simply “at risk” of getting that care. “A court may not treat a parent′s removal of a child from […]

Scientist calls out Polish government over attempt to LEGALIZE GENOCIDE

(NaturalNews) (Natural News) Polish naturalist and biochemist Dr. Diana Wojtkowiak has sent a notice of liability to Polish government officials regarding the government’s attempt to legalize crimes of genocide against Polish citizens through the Act on the Protection of the Population and the State of Natural Emergency (UD 432).The said bill was … [Read More…] […]

Cuba holds Referendum to Legalize Gay Couples and Adoption of Kids

In a public referendum, over four million Cubans chose to support the government’s proposed changes to the island’s Family Code, according to Havana officials on Monday. The proposal to legalize same-sex marriage, surrogacy, and the adoption of children by homosexuals, among other things, was supported by more than 66% of those who cast ballots, according […]

Gavin Newsom Signs Bill to Legalize Human Composting in California

California Governor Gavin Newsom signed into law a bill that will make human composting a legal burial option in the state in 2027. A human composting burial method or natural organic reduction (NOR) lets a body decompose into soil, which takes about 30 to 60 days. The soil can then be given back to the family […]

California to legalize state-sponsored trafficking of children combined with child mutilation and castration surgeries in the name of transgenderism

(Natural News) Is California on the verge of becoming a sanctuary state for child transgender trafficking? The state’s legislature is definitely trying to make it happen. Senate Bill 107, introduced by Scott Wiener, a prominent Democratic state senator, was recently passed and now awaits a signature from Gov. Gavin Newsom. If signed, SB 107 would […]

California to legalize state-sponsored trafficking of children combined with child mutilation and castration surgeries in the name of transgenderism

(Natural News) Is California on the verge of becoming a sanctuary state for child transgender trafficking? The state’s legislature is definitely trying to make it happen. Senate Bill 107, introduced by Scott Wiener, a prominent Democratic state senator, was recently passed and now awaits a signature from Gov. Gavin Newsom. If signed, SB 107 would […]

California to legalize state-sponsored trafficking of children combined with child mutilation and castration surgeries in the name of transgenderism

(Natural News) Is California on the verge of becoming a sanctuary state for child transgender trafficking? The state’s legislature is definitely trying to make it happen. Senate Bill 107, introduced by Scott Wiener, a prominent Democratic state senator, was recently passed and now awaits a signature from Gov. Gavin Newsom. If signed, SB 107 would […]

California To Legalize Human Composting To Tackle Climate Change

@media (max-width: 1200px) { }.novashare-inline:not(.novashare-columns) .novashare-buttons-wrapper { justify-content: center; }body .novashare-inline:not(.novashare-columns) a.novashare-button, body .novashare-inline .novashare-total-share-count { margin: 0px 5px 10px 5px; }body .novashare-buttons.novashare-inline .novashare-button-icon { width: 100%; } The far-left state of California is to begin offering people the option of composting themselves and their loved ones after death. Democrat Gov. Gavin Newsom signed a […]

California To Legalize Human Composting To Tackle Climate Change

@media (max-width: 1200px) { }.novashare-inline:not(.novashare-columns) .novashare-buttons-wrapper { justify-content: center; }body .novashare-inline:not(.novashare-columns) a.novashare-button, body .novashare-inline .novashare-total-share-count { margin: 0px 5px 10px 5px; }body .novashare-buttons.novashare-inline .novashare-button-icon { width: 100%; } The far-left state of California is to begin offering people the option of composting themselves and their loved ones after death. Democrat Gov. Gavin Newsom signed a […]

Bank of Russia agrees to legalize crypto for cross-border payments

The Ministry of Finance announced the possible imminent legalization of cross-border payments in cryptocurrencies. Picture: Петр Ковалев/ТАСС Historically opposed to the idea of using crypto as a payment method, the Bank of Russia has reportedly agreed to allow cross-border payments in crypto due to geopolitical changes. The Russian central bank has been rethinking the approach […]

A new iniquitous California bill, AB-2223, will legalize infanticide. Killing babies up to 28 days old!

A new iniquitous California bill, AB-2223, will legalize infanticide. Killing babies up to 28 days old! People of all faiths, no faith, every political party, race, gender & sexual orientation are vehemently rejecting this. Pls click link & take action. — kathy ireland (@kathyireland) April 21, 2022 _____ Source

To help Democrats survive 2022, Biden should legalize marijuana right now

marijuana close up Medical marijuana is already available in 36 states. Recreational marijuana is legal in 18, while 27 states have decriminalized its use. In states where recreational marijuana is legal, things are going well. Tax revenue has surpassed expectations in many places, opioid deaths are down, and teenagers are actually using marijuana less.  With […]

Switzerland Votes To Legalize Same-Sex Marriage By Nearly Two-Thirds Majority

GENEVA (AP) — Cheers rang out, hugs were exchanged and rainbow-colored flags waved overhead across Switzerland as the Swiss resoundingly voted to allow same-sex couples to marry, final results of a nationwide referendum showed Sunday. Official results showed the measure passed with 64.1% of the vote while more than half of all voters approved in […]

Ukraine Parliament Passes Law to Legalize and Regulate Cryptocurrency

Ukraine has become the latest country to legalize cryptocurrency, just days after El Salvador adopted Bitcoin as legal tender. In an almost unanimous vote on Sept. 8, the Ukrainian Parliament adopted a virtual asset bill making cryptocurrency and other digital assets legal in the country. Known as Bill No. 3637 On Virtual Assets, the draft bill provides clarification on how individuals and […]

Cunningham announcing plan to legalize marijuana in SC

Joe Cunningham — the former one-term Democratic congressman now running to unseat South Carolina Republican Gov. Henry McMaster — is pushing for medicinal and recreational legalization of marijuana, changes he says would offer health care options and spin off millions in tax revenue for state coffers. “This is going to be a game changer in […]

Jewish National Fund pushes forward plan to legalize West Bank land purchases

News and Partnerships Life and Culture Columnists and Opinion Haaretz Heb and TheMarker, the online English edition of Haaretz Newspaper in Israel, gives you breaking news, analyses and opinions about Israel, the Middle East and the Jewish World. © Haaretz Daily Newspaper Ltd. All Rights Reserved Source

Portugal’s top court rejects bill to legalize euthanasia as unconstitutional

The constitutional court of Portugal has turned down a bill approved by parliament earlier this year to decriminalize the euthanasia of terminally-ill patients, saying that it threatened the principle of “inviolability of life”. Seven out of the top court’s panel of 12 judges, including the head of the Constitutional Court Joao Caupers, voted against approving […]

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