Posts Tagged ‘hysterical’

HYSTERICAL! MEATHEAD Rob Reiner Now Practically Begging Taylor Swift to Endorse Joe Biden for 2024

MEATHEAD: Rob Reiner Now Practically Begging Taylor Swift to Endorse Joe Biden for 2024 Source

CRAZY HYSTERICAL! Transgender Space Force Colonel Says Using Pronouns In Emails Will Help Win Wars

READ HERE: During a speech to the U.S. Air Force, transgender Space Force Col. Bree Fram demanded everyone use pronouns in their emails as a way to enhance “winning war fighting strategies”.   Source

This is hysterical

  This guy has to be nuts.  He actually believes the landmass of the Eastern USA is a dead dragon.  The dragon shits into Washington DC.  That really is a swamp.  He is seriously deluded.  He believes Bryce Canyon is a giant stomach.  He believes all the surface of the earth is made out of […]

Video: Rand Paul Warns Health Authoritarians “Are Hysterical About The Unvaccinated”

Senator Rand Paul warned in an interview Friday that health officials are acting ‘hysterical’ when it comes to unvaccinated people, and that what they are claiming is “actually the opposite of the truth.” In the appearance on the Ingraham Angle, Paul referred to his epic encounter with Biden health secretary Xavier Becerra last week in which the Senator […]

Seoul Continues to be Hysterical while Tokyo Digs a Fukushima Water Tunnel

On August 25, 2021, South Korea expressed “strong regret” that Japan was unilaterally implementing its plan to release radioactive water from the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant “without any prior consultations or seeking consent from the South Korean government”.  Oh, my gosh – Tokyo Electric Power Company Holding Inc. (TEPCO) has unveiled a preliminary construction plan of […]

Bizarre Hysterical Reaction to England’s Chief Medical Officer Being “Harassed”

After England’s Chief Medical Officer was accosted by a couple of drunk idiots on the street trying to get a selfie, the media reacted hysterically, claiming that Chris Whitty had been viciously harassed with government ministers calling for the culprits to be found and locked up. The clip shows two men who are clearly inebriated […]

Rep. Ritchie Torres says the ‘hysterical demonization of Israel’ on social media ‘set off a global wave of antisemitic violence’

Rep. Ritchie Torres (D-NY) appeared on Real Time with Bill Maher last Friday where he talked about economic policy and the recent attacks on Gaza. Maher, a consistently vocal supporter of Israel, told the congressman that he was “incredibly gutsy” for defending Israel’s recent attacks. During their conversation Torres and Maher criticized activists for attempting […]

Ukrainian MP blasts ‘hysterical’ Facebook after influence network busted

A Ukrainian MP has slammed “Orwellian” social media giants and prepared a draft bill for a “Council on Freedom of Speech” in retaliation to Facebook deleting hundreds of accounts it said had promoted him as part of a wide-ranging ‘influence-for-hire’ operation. Pro-Russian lawmaker Andrii Derkach was one of several Ukrainian politicians named as having benefitted […]

Hysterical Imbeciles Cancel Jeopardy! Winner For “White Supremacist” Hand Sign That Had Nothing to do With White Supremacy

In the latest hysterically contrived moral panic, a Jeopardy! winner is now facing cancellation by the mob for doing a “white supremacist” hand sign despite the fact that it was actually supposed to indicate the contestant had won three games. “A group of 467 purported former participants on the show posted an open letter on […]

“RULES FOR A COVID ECONOMY: RULE 01 DO NOT BECOME HYSTERICAL” – a ‘must read’ book by John Bevan-Smith

Amazon QUOTE: “Rules for a Covid Economy: Rule 01 Do Not Become Hysterical examines the days of crisis in late March 2020 during which the New Zealand Prime Minister, Jacinda Ardern, misled the country with an unconscionable truth-claim of mass death, acted unlawfully with members of her executive by requiring New Zealanders “to stay at […]

US post-Capitol: Armed, hysterical, depressed & yet out for blood

January 14, 2021 by Ramin Mazaheri (@RaminMazaheri2) for the Saker Blog The FBI says armed protests are being planned in all 50 states from January 16 until Joe Biden’s inauguration day on January 20. It’s a living nightmare in the US right now – what else can be said? “Hysteria” is the one word which […]

The doctor who treated Hitler’s hysterical blindness

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Coverage of double agent’s alleged poisoning is hysterical propaganda – Lavrov

Sergey Lavrov said that Russia is blamed for everything that goes wrong on the planet, and noted that no facts had been presented to suggest any Russian involvement in the poisoning of Sergey Skripal and his daughter. UK-Russia relations at risk as MPs step up attacks over ex-double agent’s poisoning “We haven’t heard a single […]

Antisemitism In Hysterical Spin

KathJuliane December 29, 2017 @ 3:24 am God bless you dear +BN for a terrific video pointing out the perverse spin of the Jews’ claims of anti-Semitism which sends them into hysterics. Of course, it didn’t and doesn’t stop them from making Shoa jokes, peddle anti-German (particularly demonizing German women) propaganda and sneaky disparaging, anti-American […]

Hysterical Israel advocates demand Tillerson resign

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Hysterical Democrats who say health care reform will "kill people" don’t seem to realize how many Americans are already killed every year by the medical system

(Natural News) To hear hysterical Democrats say it, any attempt at health care reform by the GOP is equivalent to “killing Americans.” In their delusional world — which has long since abandoned anything resembling reason or reality — the Obamacare system saved lives and killed no one, while a Republican-run system would be the equivalent […]

HYSTERICAL BREAKDOWN: A Tear Drenched Kathy Griffin Declares "HE BROKE ME"

Source: The irony of this presser is that it was very funny, much better than her cringeworthy stand up routines. She is, without question, a talentless wench and should be ferried to Guantanamo Bay, to live and to serve, with the rest of the terrorists in our possession. Here is […]

Brexit: Wtf Just Happened? What Comes Next?

Please support us if you can. Daily Stormer is 100% reader-funded. And these bastards are always at our throats. Sign-up with Liberapay to make a weekly recurring credit/debit card donation: Details on signing up for Liberapay and other contribution options here. Source Article from

Jewish myths bite the dust: Western Wall (Wailing Wall) and Al-Aqsa Mosque

UNESCO has finally accepted the historical fact that the so-called Western Wall (Wailing Wall) had nothing to do with Judaism. It’s remains of a Roman fortress wrongfully adopted as a religious structure by the Jewish colonists. The same applies to the Al-Aqsa Mosque complex which the mostly atheist Zionist Jews claim to be as their holy Temple Mount […]

New York City cracks down on ‘upskirting" crimes against women, potentially being registered as a sex offender

     New York City police are on the lookout for illegal “upskirters” who take voyeuristic photographs of unsuspecting women in crowded train stations and subways, officials have said. Five arrests of so-called “upskirters” who targeted women in public places were made during a spate of warm weather in March, according to the office of Manhattan […]

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