Posts Tagged ‘begging’

HYSTERICAL! MEATHEAD Rob Reiner Now Practically Begging Taylor Swift to Endorse Joe Biden for 2024

MEATHEAD: Rob Reiner Now Practically Begging Taylor Swift to Endorse Joe Biden for 2024 Source

Video: Rand Paul Slams “Corrupt” Zelensky “Begging For More Money”

Senator Rand Paul doubled down on his staunch opposition to further funding for the war in Ukraine Thursday, blasting the visiting President Zelensky as a leader of a corrupt regime “begging for more money.” “It’s not even just going to armaments. You realize we’re funding the pension of their government workers and we complain about […]

WOW!!! Even stalwart Democrats are begging to replace drug-addled, dementia-ridden Joe Biden for the 2024 POTUS nomination.

READ HERE: CNN’s Van Jones Sounds Alarm Over ‘Grandpa’ Joe Biden Running In 2024   Source

Get woke, go broke: Bed Bath & Beyond now begging product consignment company to stock its shelves so that stores don’t appear empty

(NaturalNews) (Natural News) Woke retailer Bed Bath & Beyond was spiraling into the ash bin of history but has gotten a last-minute reprieve — of sorts — that will likely only delay the franchise’s collapse.On Wednesday, the company revealed that it is partnering with Hilco Global to restock its inventory as part of its ongoing […]

After Months Of Homeschooler Begging For Mobile Device, Parents Finally Cave

WICHITA, KS — After months of arguing that he was ready for the responsibility of a mobile device, local homeschooler Kevin Hillstead at last wore his parents down. Source

Why Democrats are begging Trump to start 2024 right now

Democrats aren’t just eager for Donald Trump to cannonball into the 2024 presidential race before the fall midterms. Across the country, they are actively plotting ways to immediately capitalize on a pre-November announcement. Campaigns and officials at major Democratic outfits are planning to capture the anticipated cash windfall that would come their way should Trump […]

Fact Checker Caught Begging YouTube To Censor More Videos Because Nobody Is Watching Her Content

PolitiFact editor-in-chief Angie Drobnic Holan was caught begging YouTube to censor more videos for “misinformation,” with one of the reasons being that nobody is watching content published by fact checkers. The shameless demand for more […] The post Fact Checker Caught Begging YouTube To Censor More Videos Because Nobody Is Watching Her Content appeared first […]

‘They’re all begging me’: Trump’s 2024 veep tryouts get underway

“A lot of times, a presidential candidate will pick a running mate to balance out wings of the party. But with Trump, that’s not the issue. He is the party, basically. It’s so united behind him,” said John McLaughlin, one of Trump’s campaign pollsters. “So his choice, if he runs, will come down to what […]

Afghanistan’s all-girls robotics team ‘begging’ Canada to help escape Taliban

An all-girls robotics team in Afghanistan, which recently made headlines for innovating a prototype using old car parts, is desperately asking Canada to take them in and help them flee the country, now under Taliban control. The 20-member team, known as the “Afghan Dreamers”, includes girls between ages 12 and 18. They are “extremely terrified” […]

Tens of Thousands of COVID-19 “Vaccine” Injured in the U.S. Begging for Help as the Medical Community Turns Their Back on Them

From Comments by Brian ShilhavyEditor, Health Impact News Over 6 months into the mass vaccination campaign with the experimental, non-FDA approved COVID-19 shots, where about half of the U.S. population now has received at least one of these injections, tens of thousands of victims are beginning to speak out, regretting their choices, and begging […]

‘Begging The Question’ And Distorting Scripture In Biblical Exegesis

We would like to address a topic we hope will be a benefit to anyone who has taken it upon themselves to study and understand the Scripture. Often when we read the Scripture, we become our own worst enemy — and being cognizant and weary of that fact is important. Here we would like to […]

Lowly Peasant Approaches Biden’s Throne Begging For Permission To Celebrate Independence Day This Year

Lowly Peasant Approaches Biden’s Throne Begging For Permission To Celebrate Independence Day This Year WASHINGTON, D.C.—A lowly peasant approached the great throne of King Joe Biden this morning, asking for permission to celebrate Independence Day this year. One in a long line of peasants with requests ranging from permission to hug their grandma to more […]

CAUGHT ON CAMERA: Brad Raffensperger BEGGING for Chinese Votes

Georgia RINO Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger was elected in the Georgia House of Representatives back in 2015 by a powerful network of Mandarin-speaking Chinese people in the U.S. According to video footage obtained by National File, Raffensperger spoke at an event in which he begged Chinese people to get him more than 100 votes […]

US election: Donald Trump recorded begging Georgia official to overturn Biden victory

President Donald Trump badgered and pleaded with Georgia’s election chief to overturn Joe Biden’s win in the state, suggesting in a telephone call that the official “find” enough votes to hand Trump the victory. The conversation Saturday was the latest step in an unprecedented effort by a sitting president to pressure a state official to […]

Right Wing Round-Up: Begging for a Dictator

ALL donations 3X-MATCHED by 12/31 to save our democracy! Every day, the reporters and researchers of Right Wing Watch expose the hateful words and deeds of right-wing leaders and the far-right players who fueled Trump’s rise to power and aim to keep him there. Our work is read daily and used by major media outlets, […]

Airlines Begging to Relax Quarantine Rules

Airlines desperate to jumpstart business are pleading for universal coronavirus testing for departing passengers, according to the International Air Transport Association. They believe that the 100% adoption of rapid antigen tests could be the key to removing quarantines and getting more passengers flying again, according to Bloomberg. Currently, quarantine restrictions are what is “killing” the […]

Antifa and BLM Are Begging You To Stop Sharing Riot Footage Because They’re Getting Arrested

Antifa and Black Lives Matter protesters are begging people to stop sharing photos and videos of the violent protests and far-left criminality that has taken over the streets of major cities across America. “Stop sharing videos and pictures of people at riots,” a protest organizer orders in a viral video. “The police are tracking these […]

Antifa and BLM Are Begging You To Stop Sharing Riot Footage Because They’re Getting Arrested

Antifa and Black Lives Matter protesters are begging people to stop sharing photos and videos of the violent protests and far-left criminality that has taken over the streets of major cities across America. “Stop sharing videos and pictures of people at riots,” a protest organizer orders in a viral video. “The police are tracking these […]

Antifa and BLM Are Begging You To Stop Sharing Riot Footage Because They’re Getting Arrested

Antifa and Black Lives Matter protesters are begging people to stop sharing photos and videos of the violent protests and far-left criminality that has taken over the streets of major cities across America. “Stop sharing videos and pictures of people at riots,” a protest organizer orders in a viral video. “The police are tracking these […]

WATCH – Roma (Gypsy) Women Dressed As Muslims Begging In The Streets Of London

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