Posts Tagged ‘checker’

Fact-Checker, Check Thyself

SHARE | PRINT | EMAIL In two articles on this site on November 13 and March 18, Andrew Lowenthal explained the intimate connections in the Virality Project between the US government, Stanford University, and Big Tech, to enforce Covid orthodoxy via the Censorship Industrial Complex. A similar collusion has operated in Australia but not, as […]

German “Fact Checker” That Received Funding From Government, Facebook, Omidyar Network, and George Soros’ Open Society Foundations, Dismisses German Farmers As “Conspiracy Theorists”

How voices are silenced. Source

Fact Checker Caught Begging YouTube To Censor More Videos Because Nobody Is Watching Her Content

PolitiFact editor-in-chief Angie Drobnic Holan was caught begging YouTube to censor more videos for “misinformation,” with one of the reasons being that nobody is watching content published by fact checkers. The shameless demand for more […] The post Fact Checker Caught Begging YouTube To Censor More Videos Because Nobody Is Watching Her Content appeared first […]

BMJ Exposes Facebook “Fact-Checker” Facade, FDA Pill With Tracking Sensor & 335 #CollapsingAthletes

Podcast: Play in new window | Download | Embed Subscribe: Email | RSS Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (12/19/21). As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for […]

Fact-Checker Shadowbans NewsPunch for Refusing to Publish Vaccine Propaganda

One of Facebook’s fact-checkers followed through on their threat to censor NewsPunch for refusing to publish pro-vaccine propaganda, by shadowbanning our entire website on Wednesday. On Wednesday, Agence France Presse (AFP), one of Facebook’s designated fact-checkers tasked with deciding what users can and can’t see online, issued a “partly false” rating against an article we published which accurately detailed […]

Fact-Checker Tells News Not to Report Crime Because It’s Racist

Podcast king Joe Rogan issued a stark warning this week concerning the ongoing leftist campaign to defund police departments all over the country, noting that the U.S. could soon resemble Mexico if it continues. “Cops don’t do anything if someone jumps into someone’s backyard, they don’t arrest them — like, you have to do like […]

Facebook’s Independent COVID Fact-checker Site Funded By $1.9 Billion Vaccine Lobby | GreatGameIndia

EXPOSED: Facebook’s Independent COVID Fact-checker Site Funded By $1.9 Billion Vaccine Lobby | GreatGameIndia RSS feed A so-called independent fact-checker website is exposed to be funded by the same $1.9 billion vaccine lobby group that it is supposed to check. The site is a Facebook partner whose articles are used to censor […]

Facebook Fact-Checker Claims No Causal Relationship Between 929 Deaths Reported After COVID Vaccine

Tell that to the bereaved!! Thanks to Kim Hampton for this link from Collective Evolution According to the CDC Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS), as of today (February 20th, 2021) 929 deaths, 316 permanent disabilities and more than 15,000 adverse events have been reported from people after taking the COVID-19 vaccine. This mainly represents […]

Fact-Checker Claims No Causal Relationship Between 929 Deaths Reported After COVID Vaccine

By Arjun Walia What Happened: According to the CDC Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS), as of today (February 20th, 2021) 929 deaths, 316 permanent disabilities and more than 15,000 adverse events have been reported from people after taking the COVID-19 vaccine. This mainly represents reports that are coming in from the United States. The data […]

Wa Post ‘Fact Checker’ Admits Team Will Not Bother Checking Biden Claims

Photos and video have emerged of thousands of National Guardsmen in D.C. forced to sleep OUTSIDE and in a parking Garage near the Capitol building after a Democratic lawmaker complained that ONE guardsmen was not wearing a face mask. It appears that this is the reward for protecting Democratic lawmakers: Around 5000 guardsmen were forced […]

Candace Owens Wins Challenge Against Facebook Fact-Checker Forcing Them To Remove ‘Correction’ To Her Biden Post

Candace Owens has won a challenege against PolitiFact, a third-party fact-checker for Facebook, forcing them to issue a correction to a previous ‘fact-check’ of her post stating Joe Biden is not technically president-elect. Owens tweeted on Saturday: “Weeks ago, Facebook censored a post of mine which truthfully stated that Joe Biden is NOT the President-elect” […]

Our Latest Experience With A “Fact-Checker” About Vitamin C & COVID-19

The Facts: A new paper recently published a paper in the Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology calls into question the safety of aluminum adjuvants in vaccines. Reflect On: Why have there been no studies by regulatory agencies in conjunction with independent scientists to see where vaccine ingredients travel to in the body […]

Democrats are lying about Republican tax plan, says Washington Post fact-checker

     The Washington Post’s fact-checker said Thursday that Democrats aren’t telling the truth when they say the Republican tax plan would raise taxes on most middle-class families. In an early Thursday morning story, fact-checker Glenn Kessler gave Democrats four Pinocchios for making that claim. According to the Post, four Pinocchios are reserved for claims that […]

DHS gives TSA authority to forcibly irradiate Americans against their will

(NaturalNews) Americans who understand the health risks of full-body TSA X-ray scanners will choose to opt out of the invasive scan. The TSA requires those who opt out of the full-body scan to undergo a physically invasive full-body pat down. Now, a new rule created by the Department of Homeland Security will give […]

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