Posts Tagged ‘thyself’

Fact-Checker, Check Thyself

SHARE | PRINT | EMAIL In two articles on this site on November 13 and March 18, Andrew Lowenthal explained the intimate connections in the Virality Project between the US government, Stanford University, and Big Tech, to enforce Covid orthodoxy via the Censorship Industrial Complex. A similar collusion has operated in Australia but not, as […]

DNC Chair Debt Trap Debbie Exposed in Ad: ‘Payday Lending is Necessary’

Susanne Posel ,Chief Editor Occupy Corporatism | Media Spokesperson, HEALTH MAX Group   The non-governmental organization Allied Progress (AP) has paid for television adverts that highlight the relationship between Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz and predatory payday loan lenders. Spending an estimated $100,000 on these ads, AP has placed them on cable stations across southern […]

Nutrition For Better Skin Health

20th May 2016 By Marie Be Guest Writer for Wake Up World Proper skin care is important, since the skin is the bridge between the outside and the inside of the body. What you put on your skin gets directly absorbed into your body; put toxins on your skin, and you body will take the toll. […]

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