Posts Tagged ‘checking’

Fact Checking the Fact Checkers: Experts Say Fluoridated Water Not Safe to Drink

As Americans wait to hear the outcome of a federal court’s ruling on water fluoridation, corporate fact checkers are attempting to confuse the public. Let’s fact check the “fact checkers”. On the final day of the lawsuit between the Fluoride Action Network (FAN) and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), a “fact check” was released […]

A Field Guide to Dubious Fact-Checking

It’s now 2024 – the Associated Press says so. In case a claim was made that it’s still 2023, the AP wants to assure everyone that that is false. Now that’s a fact check. What isn’t a fact check is most of what is produced by the fact-check industry. PolitiFact,, and each of the in-house […]

Fact-Checking Founder Suggests Abandoning Goal of “Informing Democracy” To Act More Like “Marketers”

Bill Adair, co-founder of PolitiFact, recently posted an article on Nieman Lab addressing his predictions for 2024, expressing his frustration over the perceived inadequacy of fact-checking practices. The traditional method of publishing fact checks online has proved ineffective, according to him, and the notion of “informing democracy” is no longer functioning as it should. Source

Racket News: Fact-Checking NewsGuard

The “counter-misinformation” service NewsGuard fact-checks most major independent outlets, including Racket. They even bless us with a “reliability rating,” based on factors like my willingness to answer questions about funding sources (there are none, the site is 100% reader-financed), the lack of a formal masthead (calling myself editor isn’t good enough, apparently), and incidents like reporting issues disputed by […]

How “Fact Checking” Obliterates Truth

Truth is beauty and beauty is truth and it’s really beautiful when you can manipulate the truth to suit your own ends. Welcome to the world of PolitiFact – and every other “fact-checking” service operating today. To begin with, the entire premise of “fact-checking” is ludicrous as it is based on the idea that media […]

Google unveils new “fact-checking tools” meant to censor and keep independent media out of search results

(NaturalNews) Google may have just announced a worldwide ban on independent and alternative media outlets with its new “fact-checking tools.”In a short video,… Source

UN Unveils Fact-Checking AI Named ‘The Beast’ – Which Will Purge Conservatives From the Internet

The United Nations (UN) has launched a new fact-checking system run by artificial intelligence (AI) that will be used to completely purge conservatives and independent outlets from the internet. Nicknamed ‘The Beast’, the fact-checking AI […] The post UN Unveils Fact-Checking AI Named ‘The Beast’ – Which Will Purge Conservatives From the Internet appeared first […]

The UN’s New Fact-Checking System Called “iVerify” Will Be Used To Crack Down On “Misinformation” All Over The World

Our world is becoming a creepier place with each passing day.  Most of us just want to live our lives in peace without excessive governmental interference, but unfortunately the control freaks that are running things just can’t help themselves.  Source

‘Checking Privilege in the Animal Kingdom’: Biologists Investigate Animal ‘Inequality’

Increasingly, scholars and the media link so-called animal privilege with economic and sociological terms such as inequality and intergenerational wealth. Source

Study Finds Connection Between Checking The News, Longing For Jesus To Return

U.S.—A new study has found a connection between checking the news headlines and aching for that day when Jesus will return to make all things new. The study found that Christians who read the news suddenly find within themselves a deep desire for another world, one where there is no sorrow or tears or pain […]

Video: Biden Claims He’s “Checking” Whether He Can Overrule States Banning Federal Mandates

While British holidaymakers continue to face uncertainty and headaches over returning from foreign vacations, UN globalists arriving for a climate conference in Scotland won’t face the same COVID-19 restrictions. For months, Brits have been hesitant to travel due to onerous quarantine rules which enforce self-isolation upon return from different destinations. This was exacerbated by the […]

Wa Post ‘Fact Checker’ Admits Team Will Not Bother Checking Biden Claims

Photos and video have emerged of thousands of National Guardsmen in D.C. forced to sleep OUTSIDE and in a parking Garage near the Capitol building after a Democratic lawmaker complained that ONE guardsmen was not wearing a face mask. It appears that this is the reward for protecting Democratic lawmakers: Around 5000 guardsmen were forced […]

Contribution of Farming to Checking Climate Change Can be Immense, and Traditional Wisdom Can Contribute Much

Keeping in view the importance of checking climate change , all sectors must contribute to he reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. In this context the extremely important contribution which the food and agriculture  sector can make was underestimated initially but more and more research is now indicating that the contribution of this sector can extremely […]

‘Too crazy’ for Trump: Fact-checking the president’s legal team’s wild conspiracy theory

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Fact-checking Trumpworld’s accusation that a Venezuela-Soros-linked voting machine stole the election

Download App© Haaretz Daily Newspaper Ltd. All Rights Reserved News and Partnerships Life and Culture Columnists and Opinion Haaretz Heb and TheMarker, the online edition of Haaretz Newspaper in Israel, and analysis from Israel and the Middle East © Haaretz Daily Newspaper Ltd. All Rights Reserved

Bill Gates Fraudulent Employee: Dr. Fauci Knows the Gig is UP! (Excuse Me Checking Out the Length of Fauci’s Nose)

By infostormer -November 12, 20201 Anthony Fauci the primary figure in the United States who has pushed this lunatic virus hoax is now saying that the pandemic won’t be around much longer. Yeah, so he says this right after the election as we get news that coronavirus vaccines are getting rolled out. This was never a crisis […]

ACH (1370) Mischa Popoff – Fact Checking The Book Of John Chapter 8

ACH (1370) Mischa Popoff – Fact Checking The Book Of John Chapter 8THE ACH SHOW In today’s show originally broadcast on October 23 2020, Andy is joined by Mischa Popoff, for a show entitled, “Fact Checking The Book Of John Chapter 8.” We discussed: the interesting linguistic skills of Colin Powell; should Christians be armed; […]

Checking In on the Four Intersecting Cycles

Correspondent James D. recently asked for an update on the four intersecting cycles I’ve been writing about for the past 10 years. Here’s the chart I prepared back in 2008 of four long-term cycles: 1. Generational (political/social) 2. Price inflation/wage stagnation (economic) 3. Credit/debt expansion/contraction (financial) 4. Relative affordability of energy (resources) Here are four of […]

Snopes Lead Writer Admits She Gets High While Fact Checking

Snopes lead writer Kim LaCapria admitted in her personal blog that she smokes pot while fact checking political articles. The Daily Mail report that LaCapria, who boasts of being a dominatrix called Vice Vixen, also keeps a personal sex blog. In her personal blog she described what she did on a day off, writing that she […]

Checking settlement exports "impossible," EU admits

David Cronin Rights and Accountability 28 September 2017 Lars Faaborg-Andersen (left) was deferential towards Israel throughout his four years as EU envoy to Tel Aviv. (European External Action Service/Flickr) The European Union has admitted that it cannot monitor whether producers working from Israel’s settlements in the occupied West Bank are fraudulently taking advantage of trade […]

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