Posts Tagged ‘throne’

The Power Behind the Throne and The Forever Wars.

BY PATRICIA HARRITY ON MARCH 4, 2024 • ( 19 COMMENTS ) Glen Beck told Tucker Carlson that he was left wondering why we have elections following a conversation with George W.Bush in the Oval Office where he was told, “…whoever sits behind this desk, in that chair, is going to have the same advice given by the same advisors and they’ll realise, the […]

Denmark’s Queen Margrethe II To Step Down From Throne After 52 Years

Margrethe announced that she plans to abdicate and hand over the throne to her son, Crown Prince Frederik. Source

The Power Behind the Throne

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Momentary Monarchs: 10 Rulers Who Turned Their Back On The Throne

Throughout history, there have been numerous monarchs – some good, some bad, and many largely forgotten. Read more Section:  News History Important Events Famous People Read Later  Source

The WEF King ascends to the British throne

Charles is a king for our times, in the worst way imaginable.

A Throne of Chinese Skulls! Oh Yeah?

December 20, 2021 By Chris Faure for the Saker Blog The hot question among a number of hot questions is: What will China do? Is there clarity? I would argue yes there is .. some. The paradox is that West pushes for terms of a new partitioning of the world (democracy summit, unending belligerence, cynical, […]

King and Saint: King Oswald of Northumbria and His Lost Throne Quest

Much of English history was defined by critical wars, conflicts, and invasions. However, not everything was drenched in chaos and bloodshed. Throughout the ages, powerful rulers were there to keep their citizens protected, working in the best interest of the state, the church, and the people. Without kings and saints, a nation can quickly lose […]

Dutch royals can enter same-sex marriage and not give up throne, Prime Minister says

The Dutch monarch can marry someone of the same sex without giving up the throne, the Prime Minister has said. In a written answer to questions from parliamentarians, Prime Minister Mark Rutte wrote on Tuesday that “the Cabinet does not see that an heir or the King would have to abdicate the throne if he/she […]

YCP- The Seat of Satan’s Throne

EURO FOLK RADIO YCP- The Seat of Satan’s Throne Play Episode Pause Episode Mute/Unmute Episode Rewind 10 Seconds 1x Fast Forward 30 seconds Subscribe Share Eli discusses the movement of Satan’s banker-priesthood (Babylonian Jews) from Babylon to Rome. Share this: Source

Lowly Peasant Approaches Biden’s Throne Begging For Permission To Celebrate Independence Day This Year

Lowly Peasant Approaches Biden’s Throne Begging For Permission To Celebrate Independence Day This Year WASHINGTON, D.C.—A lowly peasant approached the great throne of King Joe Biden this morning, asking for permission to celebrate Independence Day this year. One in a long line of peasants with requests ranging from permission to hug their grandma to more […]

A Bitter Brotherly Feud: Henry I And His Turbulent Rise To The Throne

After his dazzlingly fast conquest of England, William the Conqueror became one of the most powerful rulers in Europe. Just, decisive, and unyielding, he certainly left a big task for all his followers. And, as we all know too well, when a powerful king such as him is gone, the succession to the throne can […]

Meet the “Violet” Successors to the White Helmets’ Syria Propaganda Throne

“To be purple means to be gifted, hopeful, and sacrificed”—motto of the Violet organization The Violet organization in Idlib. Photo: Violet gallery While the world is distracted by the Covid-19 crisis, scant attention has been paid to events in Syria. The US-led coalition is maintaining a savage multispectrum war on the country, but few are […]

Mohammed bin Salman Faces His Biggest Threat to the Throne. US Law Suit against Saudi Crown Prince

Law Suit in US Federal Court By Steven Sahiounie Global Research, August 12, 2020 Mohammed bin Salman, the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia, has been able to dodge legal responsibility in the death of Jamal Khashoggi, while US President Trump has defended and supported him.  It appears Mohammed bin Salman is facing a serious legal threat, and it […]

MBS is not hypocrite, but heading to the throne through Jewish gate

The Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed ben Salman (MBS) has caused wide controversy about the nature of his future monarchy –Saudi Kingdom– when he one day succeeds his father. He attracted attention through a series of actions and remarks that were seen by many as a coup on the Saudi, Arab and Islamic traditions. Monitors and […]

Saudi Prince Who Wants WW3 With Iran Becomes Heir To Throne

A Saudi Prince who has vowed to start World War 3 with Iran has become next in line to the kingdom’s throne in a controversial shakeup of the line of succession. Saudi Arabia’s King Salman announced that 31-year-old son Mohammed bin Salman is next heir to the throne – despite the fact that this will likely […]

Saudi King Changes Line of Succession to Give Throne to Most Evil Son

Andrew AnglinDaily Stormer June 21, 2017 So the King of Saudi Arabia just switched out the succession line to favor a more evil son. Interdasting. RT: Saudi King Salman has named 31-year-old son Mohammed bin Salman crown prince in place of Mohammed bin Nayef, who had previously been first in line to […]

US intimidated by ‘aggressive’ Chinese sophisticated intelligence

     The most urgent intelligence threat to the United States comes from China, according to David Major, former FBI agent and current director of a security think tank. At a congressional US-China Economic and Security Review Commission hearing last week, experts claimed that Chinese spying currently poses the most significant threat to US security. According […]

Russia Offended by Being Featured in Pro-Trump Hillary Dog Ad

Andrew AnglinDaily Stormer March 17, 2016 Russia is bothered by being featured in the recent anti-Hillary ad released by some of Trump’s people. Raw Story: The Kremlin on Thursday hit out at a pre-election video promoting U.S. presidential candidate Donald Trump, complaining it demonized Russia’s image. “I saw this clip. I do not know for […]

The Demise of Cruzman Sachs

Andrew AnglinDaily Stormer February 29, 2016 Tuesday will be the end of the lying Cuban mutant Rafael Cruzman. Appearing on Fox News last night, Cruzman looked ill. Cruz was pressed by Chris Wallace on the issues – including all of his dirty trickery – and looked as though he was about to have a psychotic […]

Criminal Proceedings Against Lord Janner End

An Old Bailey Judge has said that criminal proceedings against the late Lord Janner, over charges of sex abuse, have now ended because of his death. The case against the former Labour MP, charged with 22 sexual offences dating back to the 1960s against nine boys and men, was set to be heard in a […]

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