Posts Tagged ‘flee’

Obama Signs Executive Order Allowing Military To Fight US Citizens

President Obama has signed an executive order that allows for the US military to use force against American citizens for the first time in history. The order was signed on July 1st, 2016 and is titled “Executive Order — United States Policy on Pre- and Post-Strike Measures to Address Civilian Casualties in U.S. Operations Involving […]

Shining silver-blue clouds captured in night sky photo

     Bright blue-white noctilucent clouds danced over the town of Nykøbing Mors in Denmark just before dawn, just when this spectacular photo was taken. Night sky photographer Ruslan Merzlyakov captured a series of nightscape images in the early morning of July 1, 2016. With electric-blue clouds swirling overhead, the small town is illuminated and the […]

Breaking News! – Donald Trump Is 70 Years Old

The presumptive republican presidential nominee Donald Trump celebrates his 70th birthday today. Establishment and non-establishment media are reporting that Donald Trump is 70 years old today, a fact that has not yet been denied by the Donald. If true, he could become the oldest person to take the office of president in U.S. history and a […]

Lavrov: U.S. sitting on its hands in Syria, stalling while their terrorists prepare a new offensive

     The US-led coalition in Syria is idle while militants continue arriving through the Turkish border, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said in an interview with Komsomolskaya Pravda daily’s website on Tuesday. According to Lavrov, the US-led coalition “is just going through the motions.” “When I talked recently with [US Secretary of State John] Kerry, […]

Ben Shaprio is Simply Shocked No One Cares About Anti-Semitic Trump Supporters

Andrew Anglin Daily Stomrer May 19, 2016 Jews dindu nuffin, goyim. The Jew Ben Shapiro – a main figure in the almost entirely Jewish #NeverTrump movement – has published yet another essay demanding that people care about the anti-Semitic hatreds of Donald Trump supporters who say mean things to him on the internet. He’s written […]

Congressman Confirms that Voting Doesn’t Matter and the US Govt Thinks We are All ‘Sheep’

The Internet exploded this week over Congressman X, a new book due out in about two weeks detailing the rantings of a supposed current or former congressmen identified only as a Democrat. by Claire Bernish But though this anonymous congressmen (or congresswoman, considering we have no knowledge of the politician’s identity, whatsoever) waxes damningly about […]

NATO’s new European commander proves to be ‘even worse warmonger’ than Breedlove

     NATO’s new chief military commander in Europe, Curtis Scaparrotti, vowed to continue his predecessor’s policy of opposing Russia. In Moscow he is seen as an even bigger warmonger by some officials. US Army General Scaparrotti assumed command of the NATO Allied Command Operations from Air Force General Philip M. Breedlove, who is retiring after […]

‘Islam does not belong in Germany’: 60% agree with AfD

Conducted by the newspaper Bild together with research institute INSA, the poll showed a dramatic change in the attitude of the German population to Islam over the past year. In January 2015, 37 percent of people said that Islam had a place in Germany, but the figure in the latest poll dropped by 15 percentage […]

An indication of worldwide ponerogenesis: Confessions of a Panama Papers hit man

     As an Economic Hit Man (EHM) in the 1970s I spent a great deal of time in Panama. I hate to admit it, but I helped forge the system that has now been exposed in the Panama Papers. It is a system of legalized crimes. How else can we describe it? This EHM system […]

61% of Dutch voters reject association with Ukraine – final referendum results

The official results released by the Dutch Electoral Council showed that 61 percent (2.509 million people) voted against Ukraine’s association with the EU. Some 38.21 percent (1.572 million) voted in favor while 0.79 percent (32,344) accounted for a blank vote. The referendum has been deemed valid with a 32.28 percent turnaround, just above the 30 […]

Report: Vaccines Are Biological Weapons Of Mass Disease

A US-based pharmaceutical company has distributed vaccines laced with the deadly live Avian Flu Virus to 18 countries, putting millions of lives at risk.  Baxter International Inc. have been accused by a Czech Republic laboratory of including the deadly virus in a recent shipment of vaccinations. reports: When challenged, at first Baxter attempted to invoke […]

Energy Tycoon Spends $1 Billion On Son’s Wedding; Locals Dub It “Feast In A Time Of Plague”

Source: ZERO HEDGE While the WSJ continues its crusade against the Goldman-assisted embezzlement scandal involving Malaysia’s 1MDB bank, pointing out that the “bank documents show accounts of prime minister paid out $15 million for clothes, jewelry and a car”, we can’t help but laugh. The reason: stories such as this one according to which Kazakh-born […]

Governments Admit that Much of Modern History Has Been Manipulated By False Flag Attacks

Presidents, Prime Ministers, Congressmen, Generals, Spooks, Soldiers and Police ADMIT to False Flag Terror In the following instances, officials in the government which carried out the attack (or seriously proposed an attack) admitto it, either orally, in writing, or through photographs or videos: (1) As admitted by secret Russian police files that are part of the Hoover […]

Synthetic Organism Created In Lab To Understand Nature of Life

File this one under scary. A group of Frankenstein-like scientists have announced the creation of a synthetic organism that has been stripped to its most basic state of being. The organism has the fewest genes required to multiply and live, something scientists say may help  reveal “big insights” on the nature of life itself Post […]

Fukushima Five Years Later: ‘The Fuel Rods Melted Through Containment And Nobody Knows Where They Are Now’

On March 11, 2011, a massive earthquake and tsunami hit the northeast coast of Japan, killing 20,000 people. by Tyler Durden Another 160,000 then fled the radiation in Fukushima. It was the world’s worst nuclear disaster since Chernobyl, and according to some it would be far worse, if the Japanese government did not cover up […]

Tokyo furious after US sailor arrested on suspicion of raping Japanese tourist in Okinawa

Justin Castellanos, who was based at the US Navy’s Camp Schwab, is alleged to have raped a woman in her 40s at a hotel in Naha in the south of Okinawa. “It was extremely regrettable that this case happened,” Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshihide Suga told a news conference, as cited by Kyodo news agency. The […]

EXCLUSIVE: First Western journalist to visit ISIS says US wants to ‘divide’ Syria

“There is a move now from the rebels to separate their brigades from those of the terrorists, and this gives an opportunity to attack Al Nusra and other Al Qaeda groups, without attacking the rebels,” the 75-year-old told RT in a Skype interview, saying he had spoken to several sources inside the country, since the […]

The Demise of Cruzman Sachs

Andrew AnglinDaily Stormer February 29, 2016 Tuesday will be the end of the lying Cuban mutant Rafael Cruzman. Appearing on Fox News last night, Cruzman looked ill. Cruz was pressed by Chris Wallace on the issues – including all of his dirty trickery – and looked as though he was about to have a psychotic […]

Israelis murder 3 Palestinians, wound 39 others

Days of Palestine, West Bank -Israeli occupation forces murdered on Friday three Palestinians in different areas across the occupied Palestinian West Bank. Spokeswoman of the Palestinian Red Crescent (PRC) Arrab Faqhaa said that the three Palestinians, who were murdered, are Khalid Taqatqeh, 21, from Bethlehem, Abed Hamed, 20, from Ramallah and Mohamed Khalaf, 20, from […]

Vladimir Putin: The mobster who would be the globalist Messiah (+ Putin’s oligarch-orchestrated meteoric rise to power)

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