Posts Tagged ‘practically’

The barely changed IHRs were just adopted. Don’t worry — the changes are practically meaningless

MERYL NASS JUN 01, 2024 The diplomats in Geneva have been called back for another Plenary meeting to approve a new version of the IHR amendments dated TODAY june 1, 2024: Click to access A77_ACONF14-en.pdf I am pleased to report that while I had only a short time to read this, the document looks basically […]

HYSTERICAL! MEATHEAD Rob Reiner Now Practically Begging Taylor Swift to Endorse Joe Biden for 2024

MEATHEAD: Rob Reiner Now Practically Begging Taylor Swift to Endorse Joe Biden for 2024 Source

Agenda 2030 – the practically undisguised roadmap to global socialism and corporatism/fascism

Rangitikei Environmental Health Watch Folk need to see right through the Agenda 2030 spin they’ve been spinning since they first introduced this idea in the early ’90s. Since that time have we ever seen any so called ‘sustainable’ practices? Pollution’s at an all time high. People are sicker than ever. Poverty abounds. All countries virtually […]

California government has practically shut down San Fran’s financial district

Haunting Photos of San Francisco’s Desolate Financial District During Morning “Rush Hour”: Visual Effects of Work-from-Home I’m standing in the middle of the street to take this photo. Why? Because I can. By Wolf Richter for WOLF STREET. On Tuesday, August 18, during morning rush hour, I walked through and around the Financial District of San Francisco and […]

Mainstream Swedish News Paper: Practically Every Gang Rape Is Done by Men with Migrant Background

Editor’s Note: It’s frankly disgusting that these mainstream media outlets – like Expressen in Sweden – haven’t talked about this reality until now. After years of people fighting uphill, being called racists for pointing out the truth about the matter, thye are finally coming around, but only after much hurt and damage have been made. It’s despicable that mainstream news […]

Iran urges Europe to back JCPOA ‘practically’

IRNA – A senior Iranian lawmaker has called on the European countries to ‘practically’ support implementation of the July 2015 nuclear deal. ‘Iran welcomes European Union (EU) stance on the international deal officially known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA),’ Alaeddin Boroujerdi, chairman of Majlis (Parliament) National Security and Foreign Policy Commission, said […]

Practically Mandatory – Nurse Forced to Wear Mask for Three Years for Declining Flu Shot

Alex Pietrowski, Staff WriterWaking Times  For years, many have warned that vaccinations would eventually become mandatory as part of the government assault on health freedom. Indeed, there is now more pressure than ever coming from state governments, schools and peers to take vaccines, and as some healthcare workers have stated, mandatory vaccines are already […]

Monsanto shill proclaims "there is no ‘right to know’ if a food is GMO considering that GMOs are practically impossible to define"

(Natural News) Life is full of frustrations, from rush hour traffic to overly complex tax codes. However, if you’re Forbes contributor Kavin Senapathy, even the mere act of going to the grocery store is torture. It’s not the bad music they play or a shortage of cashiers that makes this mundane task so annoying for […]

The New World Order Attempts to Hijack Anonymous

Dylan Charles, EditorWaking Times “Sovereignty is responsible for every war, bloodshed and terror that has ever inflicted humankind… Human beings must unite under one world government and constitution. Giving their voice and power to one government and one authority.” – the Organization now calling itself ‘Anonymous’ By virtue of the appeal of […]

Donald Trump’s Daughter Talks About the Joys of Being Jewish

From: Ivanka Trump, daughter of Donald and Ivana Trump, has opened up before about her conversion to Judaism and how it has improved her family life but in an interview with Vogue magazine published last week, the model turned businesswoman went into detail about their lives saying that she and her […]

‘Where White People Meet’ billboard taken down

From: A billboard advertising the online dating site “Where White People Meet” has been taken down. Dave Goldberg with Compass Billboards said the contract with Where White People Meet expired and that’s why it was removed. He added it was not taken down because of complaints. Sam Russell, […]

Obama’s Final State of the Union: Lies, Evasions and Threats

The final State of the Union speech delivered Tuesday night by President Barack Obama was a demonstration of the incapacity of the American political system to deal honestly or seriously with a single social question. Obama evaded the real issues that affect tens of millions of working people in America every day of their lives. […]

Refugee Crisis: Police Officer Admits ‘We Can’t Arrest Them’

A German police officer has revealed that law enforcement are unable to arrest refugees amid a violent refugee crisis in Germany.  The officer, referred to as  Bernd K., said many incidents involving excessive violence, sexual assaults and racism by refugees are being kept a secret by the government. “At first, mostly families with children – who […]

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