Posts Tagged ‘device’

Suicide Bomber Detonates Device Near Turkish Interior Affairs Ministry

The attack in Ankara also included a second suspected suicide bomber, who the interior minister said was shot by police before he could “blow himself up.” Source

Whistleblower claims medical device company engaged in years-long bribery scheme with Veterans Administration hospital

Whistleblower claims medical device company engaged in years-long bribery scheme with Veterans Administration hospital A whistleblower lawsuit that was recently unsealed claims that sales reps from the world’s largest medical device manufacturer, Medtronic, engaged in a years-long bribery scheme with a Veterans Administration (VA) hospital. As reported by CNBC, according to the unsealed lawsuit, sales representatives from […]

Iran Unveils ‘Quantum’ Device That Anyone Can Buy for $589 on Amazon

Last week, Iran’s military unveiled what it called “the first product of the quantum processing algorithm” of the Imam Khomeini Naval University of Nowshahr. During a ceremony at the university, the Islamic Republic’s military revealed a bit of electronics sealed under glass. It appeared to be a common development board, available widely online for around […]

Elon Musk’s medical device company Neuralink facing federal investigation over animal testing

(Natural News) Neuralink, a medical device company owned by Elon Musk, is currently under federal investigation for animal welfare violations, and internal staff have raised concerns about the way that rushed animal testing at the company is leading to needless suffering and deaths. Neuralink is currently working on a brain implant that could one day […]

After Months Of Homeschooler Begging For Mobile Device, Parents Finally Cave

WICHITA, KS — After months of arguing that he was ready for the responsibility of a mobile device, local homeschooler Kevin Hillstead at last wore his parents down. Source

“Supernatural” Bronze Age Gold Device Unearthed in Czech Republic

Last month a beet farmer in the Czech Republic uprooted an ornate Bronze Age gold artifact. Read more Section:  News History & Archaeology Read Later  Source

This Electrocution Device Zaps Away Period Cramps (But Also Made Me Horny?)

A trash can of tears. A diaper filled with wildebeests. There are a lot of metaphors I could use to describe how awful I feel when I have period cramps, but suffice to say: it’s bad. It’s been bad since I got my very first period in junior high and, while crying, threw up on […]

This Electrocution Device Zaps Away Period Cramps (But Also Made Me Horny?)

A trash can of tears. A diaper filled with wildebeests. There are a lot of metaphors I could use to describe how awful I feel when I have period cramps, but suffice to say: it’s bad. It’s been bad since I got my very first period in junior high and, while crying, threw up on […]

This Electrocution Device Zaps Away Period Cramps (But Also Made Me Horny?)

A trash can of tears. A diaper filled with wildebeests. There are a lot of metaphors I could use to describe how awful I feel when I have period cramps, but suffice to say: it’s bad. It’s been bad since I got my very first period in junior high and, while crying, threw up on […]

This Electrocution Device Zaps Away Period Cramps (But Also Made Me Horny?)

A trash can of tears. A diaper filled with wildebeests. There are a lot of metaphors I could use to describe how awful I feel when I have period cramps, but suffice to say: it’s bad. It’s been bad since I got my very first period in junior high and, while crying, threw up on […]

This Electrocution Device Zaps Away Period Cramps (But Also Made Me Horny?)

A trash can of tears. A diaper filled with wildebeests. There are a lot of metaphors I could use to describe how awful I feel when I have period cramps, but suffice to say: it’s bad. It’s been bad since I got my very first period in junior high and, while crying, threw up on […]

Small Device Currently on Mars Is Generating as Much Oxygen as a Tree, Scientists Reveal

If you thought packing the car for a cross-country move was hard, packing a space shuttle for a move to Mars will be a new kind of headache. In addition to bringing items like food and water, spaceships heading to the red planet will also need to bring scientific experiments, emergency supplies, and living habitats.  […]

Small Device Currently on Mars Is Generating as Much Oxygen as a Tree, Scientists Reveal

If you thought packing the car for a cross-country move was hard, packing a space shuttle for a move to Mars will be a new kind of headache. In addition to bringing items like food and water, spaceships heading to the red planet will also need to bring scientific experiments, emergency supplies, and living habitats.  […]

Small Device Currently on Mars Is Generating as Much Oxygen as a Tree, Scientists Reveal

If you thought packing the car for a cross-country move was hard, packing a space shuttle for a move to Mars will be a new kind of headache. In addition to bringing items like food and water, spaceships heading to the red planet will also need to bring scientific experiments, emergency supplies, and living habitats.  […]

Small Device Currently on Mars Is Generating as Much Oxygen as a Tree, Scientists Reveal

If you thought packing the car for a cross-country move was hard, packing a space shuttle for a move to Mars will be a new kind of headache. In addition to bringing items like food and water, spaceships heading to the red planet will also need to bring scientific experiments, emergency supplies, and living habitats.  […]

Small Device Currently on Mars Is Generating as Much Oxygen as a Tree, Scientists Reveal

If you thought packing the car for a cross-country move was hard, packing a space shuttle for a move to Mars will be a new kind of headache. In addition to bringing items like food and water, spaceships heading to the red planet will also need to bring scientific experiments, emergency supplies, and living habitats.  […]

How to add Startpage to your mobile device

Since DuckDuckGo can no longer be used as a ‘trusted’ search tool, currently Startpage is recommended. The recommendation is also to use mobile devices as least as possible, but that falls on deaf ears. In any event to add Startpage as a search tool to your mobile device’s browser see the following instructions: Depending on […]

7 Tips For Keeping Your Kids Safe When They Have A Handheld Device Giving Them Unfettered Access To Porn

7 Tips For Keeping Your Kids Safe When They Have A Handheld Device Giving Them Unfettered Access To Porn Brought to you by: So, you got your kid a smartphone. Oops! Big mistake there! Well, now that your child owns a portal providing unfettered access to a smorgasbord of the most horrifically obscene smut the depraved human […]

Florida Air Reserve Base Evacuated Due to Explosive Device Incident

Florida’s Homestead Air Reserve Base was evacuated on Wednesday due to an issue with an explosive device, according to local reports. The base issued a statement on Twitter that personnel were evacuated from the facility “out of an abundance of caution due to an incident involving a damaged ordinance.” “Base emergency personnel coordinated with local […]

Internet Of Things Is Driving Connected Medical Device Market

Lest we forget other Technocrat initiatives, the Internet Of Things is rapidly filling up space in the medical field with the same philosophy, “If it can be connected, it will be connected”. Connectivity to the Internet plays prominently and the entire segment is growing at 25% per year. — Technocracy News & Trends Editor Patrick […]

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