Posts Tagged ‘bullshit’

Brains not baffled by bullshit. John Redwood.

Brains not baffled by bullshit. John Redwood.  Thu 11:34 am +01:00, 4 Apr 2024  1 posted by Tapestry The Telegraph amended this and added a headline without my consent. The vast ambition of the net zero policies envisages most people switching their heating to electricity, their travel to bicycles and electric cars, and their diets […]

[THE SCAMDEMIC WAS REAL BULLSHIT ARTICLE] Just when we thought we could forget about COVID-19, the virus [WHICH HAS NEVER BEEN SCIENTIFICALLY PROVED TO EXIST] appears to be surging again.

217 health/science institutions worldwide all failed to cite even 1 record of “SARS-COV-2” purification, by anyone, anywhere, ever Ten Reasons Why SARS-CoV-2 Is an “Imaginary” and “Theoretical Virus”. “They Never Isolated the Virus” No Worries No Virus The referenced article is just one of legion I see every day desperately trying to convince the […]


Colon Powell holds up a glass vile of yellow talcum powder and lies his ass off. So based on a lie the DC war criminals and political whores made up themselves USA Illegally in a war crime bombed Iraq back to the Stone Age, Illegally invaded, Gang raped little children and Holocausted Iraqi civilians and […]

Manhattan DA Launders Deep State Bullshit in Complete Panic Over Donald Trump

Manhattan DA Launders Deep State Bullshit in Complete Panic Over Donald Trump By Barbara Boyd March 20, 2023 Twitter Login to follow 42 SHARES FacebookTwitterPrintMore On Friday, March 17, 2023, President Trump posted on Truth Social that based on unauthorized leaks from the Manhattan District Attorney’s office, he will be arrested on Tuesday as the result […]

ChatGPT Is a Bullshit Generator Waging Class War

SamImage: JASON REDMOND/AFP via Getty Images After a Ph.D in Experimental Particle Physics, Dan McQuillan worked with people learning disabilities & mental health issues, created websites with asylum seekers and worked in both Amnesty International and the NHS. He is now a university lecturer and recently published ‘Resisting AI – An Anti-fascist Approach to Artificial Intelligence‘ […]

Blood-boiling Bullshit – Living Among the Catatonics

Blood-boiling Bullshit – Living Among the Catatonics January 13, 2023 Decker Hey Mom!  Come quick, look!  The unwashed are allowing themselves to rot away in a world of sludge, shit, piss, snot and indifference, with hardly a whimper! (warning: the following articles are NOT satire) Great idea, sir: Woke school bans teachers from using sarcasm […]

Bosses Give Workers Bullshit ‘Manager’ Titles To Avoid Paying Overtime: Study

Getting a fancy new position at work is typically thought of as a good thing—a sign that someone is progressing in their career—but a new study shows that firms of all types and sizes are giving workers phony managerial titles in order to avoid paying them overtime in what researchers see as an exploitation of […]

Those peddling Bullshit Which Is A Danger To Humanity And Mother Nature Should Be Hanged

Headline: ‘An Unjustified Fear Of Nuclear Energy Is Holding The Industry Back’ “While nuclear power does have problems associated with its cost and its environmental impact, the safety issues that are frequently pointed to by detractors are greatly exaggerated.” SOURCE OF EVIL CRIMINAL BULLSHIT: Meanwhile the Chernobyl disaster which happened in 1986 is still […]

U.S. ‘Intelligence’ Says Its ‘Intelligence’ Is Bullshit

U.S. ‘intelligence’ folks tell their stenographers at NBC News that their obvious lies are obvious lies. bigger That announced ‘break with the past’ of faking ‘intelligence’ happened when? How ‘rock solid’ was the ‘intelligence’ about Saddam Hussein’s weapons of mass destruction or chemical weapons attacks in Douma, Syria? U.S. ‘intelligence’, then and now, is pure imagination for the purpose […]

Greta Crashes COP26 To Call Bull$hit On Carbon ‘Offsets’, Still Hasn’t Heard Of China

While the teen environmentalist sat in the back of the room, she tweeted earlier in the day that the fossil fuel industry & banks, which she called the “biggest climate villains,” were “here in Glasgow trying to scale up offsetting & give polluters a free pass to keep polluting.” “Polluting profiteers see offsetting as their […]

Don’t believe corporate America’s ‘labor shortage’ bullshit. This is an unofficial general strike.

[embedded content] For the first time in years, American workers have enough bargaining leverage to demand better working conditions and higher wages—and are refusing to work until they get them. Here’s where that leverage comes from. After a year and a half of the pandemic, consumers have pent-up demand for all sorts of goods and […]

Videos: CNN Claims Fox News, Republicans “Killing People” With Anti-Vax “Bullshit”

Fake news channel CNN has claimed that its competition is literally killing people by broadcasting dangerous ‘anti-vax bullshit’ and that both Fox News and Republicans are purposefully trying to increase COVID death statistics in order to make the Biden administration look bad. CNN’s New Day co-hosts John Berman and Brianna Keilar, along with CNN “media […]

New York Times Bullshit Crosses Into Comedy Gold: A.I. and Big Data Could Power a New War on Poverty

New York Times Bullshit Crosses Into Comedy Gold: A.I. and Big Data Could Power a New War on Poverty January 2nd, 2018 Here’s one for your Not-The-Onion file folder. At the link, there’s a picture of a robot shaking hands with a human. Here’s […]

“Muslim Rape Army of Murmansk”: Fake News, or Just Bullshit?

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Media runs for cover as latest Russia-gate allegations evaporate into bullshit mist

     It was inevitable John Brennan really screwed the fake news pooch. The former CIA Director told Congress on Tuesday that he has no knowledge of the Trump administration trying to strong-arm intelligence officials into dropping or “pushing back” against the Flynn investigation. This was a major blow to the Washington Post and its juicy […]

Civilian Death Toll From Coalition Airstrikes in Syria Could Be Single Largest in U.S.-Led War on ISIS

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said at least 56 civilians were killed when their convoy of vehicles attempted to slip out of an area north of the city of Manbij in the predawn darkness, as U.S.-backed forces pushed forward in an increasingly bloody offensive in the area. In a brief phone interview, a […]

New York City cracks down on ‘upskirting" crimes against women, potentially being registered as a sex offender

     New York City police are on the lookout for illegal “upskirters” who take voyeuristic photographs of unsuspecting women in crowded train stations and subways, officials have said. Five arrests of so-called “upskirters” who targeted women in public places were made during a spate of warm weather in March, according to the office of Manhattan […]

EU Postpones Vote On Monsanto’s ‘Probably Carcinogenic’ Weedkiller

The EU postponed a decision on whether to extend approval of the controversial weedkiller ingredient for another 15 years amid uproar that it may cause cancer. On Tuesday four EU states forced the delay of a vote to renew the licence for glyphosate -the main ingredient in Monsanto’s weedkiller ‘Roundup’- which has been found to […]

BBC Caught Colluding With CIA In Fake Syrian 2013 Chemical Attack

Conclusive proof exists that the BBC in complicity with the CIA helped stage chemical attacks in Syria in 2013 in order to push for a war with Syria and Russia.  The US were caught with Ukraine and Turkey, smuggling sarin gas into Syria in order to use it on Syrian civilians. One reporter working for […]

US, French Aircraft Carriers Rush Toward Syrian Coast To Find Numerous Russian Warships Already There

Two weeks ago, on November 5, and one week before the Paris terrorist attack, we reported that somewhat unexpectedly, France had dispatched its only aircraft carrier, the Charles de Gaulle, to “the eastern Mediterranean for operations against Isis in both Syria and Iraq.” It was unclear just what these pre-emptive operations […]

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