Posts Tagged ‘fingernails’

Women in Dubai Are Getting Microchips Installed on Their Fingernails

Women in Dubai are flocking to salons to receive “microchip manicures” where tiny microchips that act as digital ID’s are planted on a customer’s fingernail, with the chip eventually intended to be used for contactless payments and digital menus. “We install the information that you want, like your name, your mobile number, your social media […]

Dubai Nail Salon Installing Microchips on Customers’ Fingernails

A team of researchers in Japan has succeeded in using a compound found in soybeans similar in effect to female hormones to turn male catfish into females. “The team, from Kindai University’s Aquaculture Research Institute and based at the institute’s Shingu Station in Shingu, Wakayama Prefecture, used isoflavone — a compound found in soybeans similar […]

Exclusive – Matt Rosendale: Nancy Pelosi Nervous, ‘Chewing Her Fingernails’ Ahead of Speaker Election

Rep. Matt Rosendale (R-MT) told Breitbart News in an exclusive interview Monday that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) was “nervous” and “chewing her fingernails” ahead of a very tight vote to reelect her leader of the House of Representatives. Rosendale, who was recently elected to serve Montana’s at-large congressional district, spoke to Breitbart News as […]

Why kids who play outside are smarter, more creative and better adapted to the challenges of real life

(NaturalNews) Somewhere deep inside every one of us, beating as natural as a heart’s pulse, is innocence and goodness. Somewhere deep inside, our inner child desires a sense of freedom, to take up the calling of who we are, to build something of our own, to explore the unknown, to be unique. Somehow […]

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