Posts Tagged ‘prospect’

‘Operation Al-Aqsa Flood’ Day 152: Prospect of breakthrough in ceasefire talks remains thin

Canada will resume funding to UNRWA and pay a pledge of $25m due in April. In Gaza, another Palestinian child dies of thirst and hunger in the north, bringing the number of children to die from malnutrition to 18. Source

‘Operation Al-Aqsa Flood’ Day 152: Prospect of breakthrough in ceasefire talks remains thin

Canada will resume funding to UNRWA and pay a pledge of $25m due in April. In Gaza, another Palestinian child dies of thirst and hunger in the north, bringing the number of children to die from malnutrition to 18. Source

‘Operation Al-Aqsa Flood’ Day 152: Prospect of breakthrough in ceasefire talks remains thin

Canada will resume funding to UNRWA and pay a pledge of $25m due in April. In Gaza, another Palestinian child dies of thirst and hunger in the north, bringing the number of children to die from malnutrition to 18. Source

Bloomberg Terrified At The Prospect Of America Exporting Its Gun Culture

Bloomberg Terrified At The Prospect Of America Exporting Its Gun Culture Submitted by Gun Owners Of America., Bloomberg, the news media company named after and owned by prominent anti-gun billionaire Michael Bloomberg, is terrified of a worldwide gun culture. In a recent series of articles, Bloomberg journalists detail how firearms companies are “fueling violence across the world” through […]

New Rocket Attacks In Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Yemen Suggest Prospect For Regional Conflagration Growing

New Rocket Attacks In Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Yemen Suggest Prospect For Regional Conflagration Growing Update(1735ET): Israeli media is reporting that the United States is currently in talks to establish ‘safe zones’ in Gaza after it was widely reported that the IDF has been given the green light by the Netanyahu government to go into the Gaza […]

The Prospect of Earning Freedom — a review of The Well-Earned, edited by Kiriti Sengupta 

The French theologian Simone Weil wrote, “Attention is the rarest and purest form of generosity.” On the 75th anniversary of India’s independence, Hawakal Publishers released The Well-Earned, a poetry anthology edited by Kiriti Sengupta. This collection sought the nearly impossible: poems defining liberty. Freedom of expression is the artist’s bedrock. However, there seems to be […]

Report: Pennsylvania Democrats ‘Salivating at the Prospect of Facing’ Kathy Barnette in November 

As Pennsylvania Republican U.S. Senate candidate Kathy Barnette’s polarity is increasing ahead of next week’s primary, Democrats are reportedly “salivating at the prospect of facing Barnette in the general election.”

Time to revive the Iran nuclear deal: American Prospect

Time to revive the Iran nuclear deal: American Prospect – Tehran%20Times TEHRAN – Writing an article in the American Post on March 7, senior American journalist Ryan Cooper said it is time to lift sanctions on Iran by restoring the 2015 nuclear deal, especially as the world if facing a sharp rise in oil prices. […]

Biden: Trump Rematch ‘Would Increase the Prospect of Running’ in 2024

President Joe Biden said on Wednesday on ABC’s “World News Tonight” that it would “increase the prospect” that he run for reelection in 2024 if former President Donald Trump were the Republican Party’s nominee. During a White House interview, Muir asked, “I want to ask you about something I asked weeks before the election when we […]

Democrats stunned by prospect of losing 2 biggest governors within weeks

Newsom’s dismissal would be painfully demoralizing to Democrats who wield total control over California’s government. It could also energize Republicans by showing they can win even in the bluest parts of the country. The GOP would inevitably frame Newsom’s defeat as a repudiation of Democratic governance. “Don’t think for a second this isn’t also about […]

The United States Faces a Cataclysmic Prospect in the South China Sea

A dangerous confrontation between the United States and China is building in the South China Sea. The cause of this confrontation is the island of Taiwan. The Americans have recently sold several hundred million dollars’ worth of military equipment to Taiwan. The sale, while significant, is unlikely to be sufficient to deter the Chinese should […]

Positive prospect seen for capital market: SEO head

TEHRAN- The head of Iran’s Securities and Exchange Organization (SEO)said that the prospect for the capital market has always been positive in the long run, and added that according to statistics, the country’s economy has emerged from recession and the companies’ profit making has increased. Saying that macroeconomic variables in the past [Iranian calendar] year […]

Biden’s Handlers Panic at the Prospect of Him Being Asked a Question

Joe Biden refused to denounce China’s Uyghur genocide during his CNN appearance last night, asserting that the Communist country’s systematic oppression of minorities was just a different cultural norm. Yes, really. Despite the Trump administration and his own characterizing Beijing’s treatment of Uyghur Muslims as a genocide, Biden furiously backpedaled after he was asked about […]

Gretchen Whitmer ‘Emits Real Guffaw’ over Prospect of Arresting Donald Trump for Coronavirus ‘Violations’

Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer (D) revealed in a recent interview she struggles with how to make residents do as she tells them. In an interview with Steve Friess of Hour Detroit, Whitmer, who was recently elected vice chair of the Democratic National Committee, expressed her displeasure with President Trump when he would hold rallies in […]

American Prospect

Via The Saker January 27, 2021 by Sushi for the Saker Blog If you wish to understand the concerns of those who attended the 1/6 Save America rally, you can learn much by watching the first three minutes of this video . If you wish to understand the issues that lie at the heart of the Nancy Pelosi – […]

Elie Kligman, MLB prospect, won’t play baseball on Shabbat

Elie Kligman, a Jewish Major League Baseball (MLB) prospect from Nevada, is seeking to become the next star as he completes his final year of high school, with the added difficulty of being Shabbat-observant and exclusively eating Kosher food, as reported on the Chabad website Thursday. In a statement to Chabad, Kligman said, “My dream […]

ACH (1404) Dr. Peter Hammond – The Very Real Prospect Of Victory Over Communism

EURO FOLK RADIO ACH (1404) Dr. Peter Hammond – The Very Real Prospect Of Victory Over Communism Play Episode Pause Episode Mute/Unmute Episode Rewind 10 Seconds 1x Fast Forward 30 seconds Subscribe Share

Iran dismisses prospect of war

TEHRAN – Commander of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) Major General Hossein Salami said on Wednesday that the enemy no longer thinks of military confrontation with Iran, underlining that the enemy has focused on undermining the Islamic establishment’s morale instead. “Military war has been excluded from the enemy’s options,” Salami told reporters on Wednesday, […]

Gunmaker Stocks Soar at Prospect of Biden Victory

The Chinese yuan has rallied to a 28-month high on the prospect of a Joe Biden win, exacerbating the concerns of Trump supporters that a Biden administration will be compromised by the Communist state. The yuan saw wild swings on election night, with the dollar initially falling on expectations of a Biden win but then […]

Chinese Yuan Rallies to 28 Month High on Prospect of Biden Win

The Chinese yuan has rallied to a 28-month high on the prospect of a Joe Biden win, exacerbating the concerns of Trump supporters that a Biden administration will be compromised by the Communist state. The yuan saw wild swings on election night, with the dollar initially falling on expectations of a Biden win but then […]

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