Posts Tagged ‘sized’

JPM Predicts Global AI Data Centers Will Consume 681 Olympic-Sized Pools Of Fresh Water Daily

JPM Predicts Global AI Data Centers Will Consume 681 Olympic-Sized Pools Of Fresh Water Daily Wall Street banks are in a frenzy over “The Next AI Trade,” piling into the ‘Powering up America’ investment themes, whether that’s power grid companies, commodities, such as copper, gold, silver, and uranium, and artificial intelligence chipmakers, to accommodate the explosion of generative artificial intelligence […]

Rare, Giant-Sized Haniwa Funerary Statue Found in Japan

Archaeologists excavating a burial mound at the Mozu-Furuichi Kofun Group, a UNESCO World Heritage Site in Osaka Prefecture in southern Japan, have found the remains of a rare wooden haniwa statue. Haniwa statues are usually made of unglazed clay. Wooden examples are extremely uncommon. The recent find, at a height of 3.5 meters (11.5 feet), […]

NASA: Bus-Sized Asteroid Hurtling Towards Earth in New Year

Humanity will be greeted by an enormous asteroid hurtling towards earth at the start of 2022, NASA scientists have warned. According to NASA, Asteroid 2014 YE15, first discovered in 2014, is headed towards Earth at a distance of approximately 7,400,000km on January 6. As NASA considers objects larger than 150 meters and which approach Earth […]

Chile: Another Good-Sized Nail In Neoliberalism’s Coffin

Men [and women]make their own history, but they do not make it as they please; they do not make it under self-selected circumstances, but under circumstances existing already, given and transmitted from the past. The tradition of all dead generations weighs like a nightmare on the brains of the living. – Marx, The Eighteenth Brumaire […]

Skyscraper-sized asteroid coming towards Earth on Christmas Eve

People checking the skies for Santa Claus this Christmas Eve might also be on the lookout for something else: An asteroid the size of a skyscraper. Named 2016 TR54, this asteroid has an estimated diameter between 100 meters and 230 meters, according to NASA’s asteroid tracker. At the largest estimate, that’s comparable in size to some skyscrapers, […]

Huge Jupiter-Sized Planet Orbiting Two Stars Discovered by TESS

» Huge Jupiter-Sized Planet Orbiting Two Stars Discovered by TESSToday at 11:27 am by PurpleSkyz » UFO NEWS ~ Strange moving lights in the sky plus MOREToday at 11:24 am by PurpleSkyz » Head of the Chemnitz Clinic Commits Suicide: ‘COVID-19 Vaccine is Genocide’ Today at 11:01 am by PurpleSkyz » Joey Mishkin: 35-year-old Florida single father receives Pfizer mRNA injection to […]

NASA’s TESS discovers new ‘Earth-sized’ exoplanets floating in a ‘river of stars’

NASA’s Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) has confirmed the presence of three so-called ‘hot worlds’ that may prove to be useful specimens to teach humanity how atmospheres form and develop over time. The three hot worlds, each slightly larger than our own, were detected orbiting a much younger version of our sun called TOI 451, […]

California-sized area of forest lost in just 14 years

An area of forest roughly the size of California was cleared across the tropics and subtropics between 2004 and 2017 largely for commercial agriculture, finds a new assessment published by the World Wildlife Fund (WWF). The report looks at the state of forests and causes of deforestation in 24 “active deforestation fronts”, which account for […]

Iran considers working with Europe’s medium-sized oil firms: Official

Tasnim – An Iranian Oil Ministry official raised the possibility of working with medium-sized European companies as the fear of facing US penalties has discouraged big enterprises from doing business with Iran. In a radio interview on Tuesday, Amir Hossein Zamaninia, deputy oil minister for international affairs and trading, said European medium-sized companies that are […]

Baseball-sized hail: How severe hailstorms have caused devastation and killed people

     To people in Vivian, South Dakota, it must have seemed like a divine rebuke when, in July 2010, a storm pummelled their community with massive hailstones, with the largest specimen reaching 20 cm across, or about 8 inches — the largest on record. That’s about as long as eight loonies side-by-side. Take a moment […]

Tennis ball-sized hail smashes windows and damages roofs as huge storm downs trees in northern Texas

     A severe storm in Texas dropped tennis ball-sized hail in the Dallas Forth Worth area. The massive storm saw thunder, heavy rain, and hail fall from the sky Friday night. The deluge released a heavy downpour of hail around 7pm Friday for about 10 minutes, sending the balls of ice flying through the air, […]

Scientists Have Created a Shape-Shifting, Cell-Sized Robot That Could Change the World

Renegade Editor’s Question: What could possibly go wrong? By Jake Anderson Scientists have taken another step in manipulating the microscopic world by creating a cell-sized robot that is capable of delivering electronic, photonic, and chemical payloads. The nanoparticle, which has been described as a kind of muscle or ‘exoskeleton,’ is capable of conducting electricity, sensing thermal changes in […]

Jupiter-Sized UFO Appears Next To The Sun

Just when we thought we had seen it all next to the Sun, a massive UFO has been captured skidding off the surface of the sun by the Solar Observatory spacecraft leaving many researchers ‘speechless’ as to what it is! The giant object looks like three semi-transparent rings and appears to be roughly the same […]

Toaster-sized satellite is first-ever ‘space nation’

The ‘Space Kingdom of Asgardia’ is hardly the grandiose mixture of advanced technology and baroque architecture found in countless sci-fi and fantasy films. Rather it is a toaster-sized satellite filled with data uploaded by some of its 113,000 registered “citizens.” “We are delighted to announce that the Asgardia space kingdom has now established its sovereign […]

Obese patients are injuring emergency workers: Super-sized mannequins purchased for practice

(Natural News) In order to train emergency crews for rescues with obese patients, emergency services are now spending thousands of British pounds on special 350-pound (or 25-stone) bariatric training mannequins known as “Bariquins”. According to the, this decision was prompted by the rising number of plus-sized patients being dealt with by ambulance and fire […]

Thunderstorms and golf ball-sized hail strike Split, Croatia

     Did you SEE that? Chances are if you were in Split this morning just before 11:00, you witnessed one hell of a thunderstorm. Rain fell from the sky at rapid rates, and increasingly high winds blew the colossal droplets from left to right, and every which way possible. Lightning sparked the sky, thunder rumbled […]

Hundreds of thousands of British pounds spent by the NHS on super-sized ambulances for the obese

(Natural News) Super-sized ambulances are now being used to accommodate the growing number of obese patients in England. From 52,000 obesity-related admissions in 2006, the figures have ballooned to 520,000 admissions in 2016, reported In a report by the, ambulance trusts were said to have spent at least 1.3 million British Pounds on […]

We took opportunities against Argentina, Iran captain Saeid Marouf says

Iran earned a hard-fought 3-2 (25-22, 25-20, 21-25, 13-25 and 15-11) victory over Argentina in the FIVB World League on Sunday. “We played well against Argentina. The third and the fourth sets were tougher and the Argentina showed a strong block and defense. We took all the opportunities we had in the tiebreak to win […]

Pro-Hadi forces arresting, expelling people from Aden

Forces loyal to Yemen’s former President Abd Rabbuh Mansur Hadi have been arresting and evicting hundreds of civilians from the southern port city of Aden to the north, local officials say. They said secessionists were raiding shops, restaurants and homes, detaining more than 2,000 people whom they said posed a security threat. Aden fell to pro-Hadi forces who […]

Numerous Underground Bases On Mars Being Discovered

Numerous observers of Google Mars, rover photos and Mars Observer images have found plenty of strange objects on the surface of the red planet, including mysterious underground bases in the form of door-like openings and domes.   Recent observations by Mars enthusiasts have unearthed a rectangular door-like opening that appears to lead to an underground base. […]

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