Posts Tagged ‘scottish’

Report: Scottish Police Trained To Target Actors And Comedians Under Hate Crime Laws

Training materials claim “threatening and abusive” material can be communicated “through public performance” Source

EV is a TOTAL SCAM: Scottish Couple Denied Warranty, Asked to Pay $21.000 to repair Tesla for Driving in the Rain

It’s not abnormal for it to rain in Scotland. It is abnormal, however, for it to rain so heavily your electric car battery gives up the ghost. A couple from Edinburgh was shocked after receiving a £17,374 (A$33,370) bill to replace the battery on their Tesla Model Y, after the vehicle wouldn’t turn on after […]

Medieval Palace Unearthed: Archaeologists Swarm Scottish Borders

Thirty years ago, a dowser identified lines of stones beneath a harvested field outside the village of Ancrum, in the Scottish Borders. Read more Section:  News History & Archaeology Ancient Places Europe Read Later  Source

Scottish Govt Axes 16 Million Trees To Clear Way For ‘Greener’ Solutions

A Scottish government official has admitted that almost 16 million trees have been cut down in Scotland to make way for ‘green energy’ farms. Source

Scottish Bagpipes – Celtic Music with Beautiful Views of Scotland, Ireland and Wales

There is something about Scotland Bagpipe music that can stir a deep emotion in people. Play this beautiful Source

Scottish nationalists ‘tearing apart’ amid another arrest

Police in Scotland arrested the SNP treasurer on Tuesday in connection with a long-running probe into party finances. Source

25 injured as docked ship topples over in Scottish port

The Scottish Ambulance Service said 15 people were taken to hospital, while 10 others were treated and discharged at the scene. Source

Scottish Police Refuse to Call Transgender Butcher Who Kidnapped 11-Year-Old Girl a Man

American surfing icon Bethany Hamilton has vowed to boycott the professional tour over a rule change that allows biological males who identify as women to compete against female surfers. Hamilton took the stance after the World Surf League (WSL) announced it would comply with the policies of the International Surfing Association (ISA) when it comes […]

Scottish Government Orders Investigation Into Mysterious Spike Of New Born Baby Deaths

For the second time in six months death records for new born babies have hit a worrying level in Scotland. The Scottish Government have ordered an investigation into why newborn deaths were higher than expected in both September 2021 and March 2022. Healthcare Improvement Scotland has been commissioned by the Scottish Government to investigate the […]

Fishermen and ecologists call for action to protect Scottish salmon

Scottish fishermen and ecologists are calling for actions to save the country’s dwindling salmon population. Source

Why One Neolithic Scottish Settlement Didn’t Need Any Fertilizer

People living in Western Europe and on the British Isles during the Neolithic Period (10000 to 2200 BC) had already discovered the powers of manure-based fertilizer to increase crop yields. In fact, the earliest Neolithic farmers in the lands of modern-day England and Wales were spreading dung fertilizer on thick, recycling nutrients enthusiastically in order […]

Why One Neolithic Scottish Settlement Didn’t Need Any Fertilizer

People living in Western Europe and on the British Isles during the Neolithic Period (10000 to 2200 BC) had already discovered the powers of manure-based fertilizer to increase crop yields. In fact, the earliest Neolithic farmers in the lands of modern-day England and Wales were spreading dung fertilizer on thick, recycling nutrients enthusiastically in order […]

Scottish Lawyers Question Wisdom of Scrapping Historic ‘Not Proven’ Verdict

Scottish First Minister Nicola Sturgeon has pledged to scrap the verdict of “not proven,” which is unique to Scotland and dates back to the 17th century. But the Law Society of Scotland said it was “deeply concerned” about the announcement and Thomas Ross, QC, a defence advocate in Glasgow, told The Epoch Times the evidence […]

A Spider Had a Leading Role in the Story of Scottish Independence

Inspiration can come in all shapes and sizes. Read more Section:  News Weird Facts Read Later  Source

UK Supreme Court to hear Scottish independence case in October

Scotland’s First Minister Nicola Sturgeon wants to hold a new referendum on independence in October 2023. Source

Ancient Greek ‘Graduate Yearbook’ Discovered in Scottish Vault

An unknown ancient Greek marble inscription stored in a museum vault since the 1880s has been rediscovered in Scotland. New research now shows that the tablet includes a list of young men who took  Read more Section:  Artifacts Ancient Writings News History & Archaeology Read Later 

New Film Shatters ‘Fake News’ of Occultist Aleister Crowley’s Scottish Boleskine House

A filmmaker from the north of Scotland has vowed to dissolve decades of “fake news” surrounding a famous Boleskine House Jacobite era hunting lodge, and center of Aleister Crowley’s “magical operation” Read more Section:  News History & Archaeology Ancient Places Europe Read Later  Source

The Scottish Stonehenge Architect and His Aberdeenshire Stone Circles

Sooner rather than later I hope that my fellow archaeologists will accept the fact that Stonehenge was designed by a very small number of exceptional Neolithic architects and one of those Stonehenge architects was a man who once lived in Aberdeen. Now, I need to use this article to clarify why I believe that such […]

Scottish Newspaper Asks Readers if COVID Concentration Camps Should be Introduced

Home » Europe, Injustice, Suppression » Scottish Newspaper Asks Readers if COVID Concentration Camps Should be Introduced     One of Scotland’s largest newspapers is asking its readers if the country should follow Australia’s example by introducing “COVID internment camps.” Yes, really. The question was posed via the Daily Record’s official Facebook page. “Australians are […]

Scottish Newspaper Asks Readers if ‘COVID Internment Camps’ Should be Introduced

One of Scotland’s largest newspapers is asking its readers if the country should follow Australia’s example by introducing “COVID internment camps.” The question was posed via the Daily Record’s official Facebook page. “Australians are being detained in Covid internment camps for 14 days if they test positive or are suspected positive. Should we follow their […]

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