Posts Tagged ‘jail’

Miami Police Shoot Unarmed Caregiver as He Lies on Ground Beside Autistic Patient

Charles Kinsey, a behavior therapist at a mental health center, was helping his 23-year-old autistic patient who had run away from a local group home when he was approached by police, the Miami Herald reports. Source Article from

Military Coup Underway In Turkey

There are reports that a military coup is currently underway in Turkey. The Turkish Prime Minister Binali Yildirim said that Turkish soldiers have blocked both bridges on the Bosphorus in Istanbul while gunfire has been heard and jets and helicopters are reportedly flying low in the country’s capital Ankara. Right now in the skies of […]

NATO missile defense goes live in Europe, isolating Russia not the goal – Stoltenberg: Zio-Watch, July 7-9

Sir John Chilcot, whose inquiry report about the British government’s role in the 2003 invasion of Iraq will be published on Wednesday, says he is not afraid to criticize those in charge during the war in the report. “I made very clear right at the start of the inquiry that if we came across decisions […]

The Sniper Shooting in Dallas Was Both Murder and Blowback

The post below was written by Dan Sanchez who’s the Digital Content Manager at FEE, developing educational and inspiring content for, including articles, ebooks, and courses. His writings are collected at as well.  By Dan Sanchez Five police officers were killed and six were injured in Dallas yesterday when snipers opened fire during a protest of the […]

A Dollar a Day

Editor’s note: Digger was not asked to make this suggestion. His support is appreciated. Polite Proposal: How about on the 14th of each month, each and every one of us sends off equivalent of $30 to the Renegade production team. My approach to donating is exactly like doing activism. We are far better off as […]

10 ISIS-funding timber dealers detained in central Russia, suicide belt & weapons seized – report

The regional branch of the Federal Security Service (FSB) in Vologda told TASS news agency that the suspects have been “pretending to be involved in the timber selling business,” while transferring the money they earned to terrorist groups in Syria, a source in law enforcement told TASS. A special operation at the suspects’ residence resulted […]

You’re Black? Not In My Neighborhood!

If it wasn’t on camera you wouldn’t believe it. The narrative is synonymous with something taken from a pre civil rights area; white’s only drinking fountains and the like. If you thought racism is dead in America, you’d be wrong. The two gentlemen that recorded the incident released the video after being stopped at a […]

Thomas Mair charged with Jo Cox’s murder as police look into suspect’s far-right interests

“We have now charged a man with murder, grievous bodily harm, possession of a firearm with intent to commit an indictable offence and possession of an offensive weapon,” West Yorkshire Police Detective Superintendent Nick Wallen said in a statement, as quoted by Reuters. Jo Cox, a 41-year-old mother of two, died on Thursday […]

Christchurch man films mysterious flashing lights

     “I thought, am I losing my mind?” That was the reaction of Oisin Lavelle as he spent two hours watching a mysterious, brightly coloured sphere moving in the sky south-west of Christchurch on Monday night. Lavelle took footage of the object before it moved away at high speed. On Tuesday night it reappeared and […]

Homeowners Not Allowed to Activate Solar Panels that are “Too Powerful”

Retired Southern Californian couple, Ron and Sarah Hall, found out the hard way that the state frowns upon homeowners installing powerful solar panels. SoCal Edison did not allow the Halls to activate their solar system because “it exceeded state standards for energy production,” according to an NBC Los Angeles report. Hoping to reduce […]

Why the Illuminati Downplay Child Molestation

However, it should be noted that homosexuals account for only 2% of the population which statistically means that a child molester is ten to twenty times more likely to be homosexual than heterosexual. In other words, heterosexual molestations proportionally are a fraction compared to homosexual molestations. More recent studies confirm this statistic. In 2000, the […]

Understanding the importance of microbes: How gut bacteria plays a crucial role in weight management

     Obesity is one of our most pressing health problems today, affecting millions worldwide. In America alone, 35 percent of adults battle with it daily. The main causes are an unhealthy diet, a sedentary lifestyle, and genetics, but considering how many people are affected by this issue and how much strain it is placing on […]

Hitler was right, we were wrong !

Hitler was right, we were wrong by alice friedmann Do you still believe that during WWII, jews were put in concentration camps, tortured and needed to be saved by the Allies from the evil dictator terrorist called Hitler? Did you know that this was the main propaganda the Zionist lobbies who controlled the Allies countries […]

Taliban Chief Targeted by Drones Threatened US Troops, Peace: Kerry

Local Editor Taliban leader Mullah Akhtar Mansour was targeted by US drone strikes because he posed an “threat” to US troops, Afghan civilians and peace talks, Secretary of State John Kerry said Sunday on a visit to Myanmar. The US said Saturday’s strikes hit a vehicle carrying Mansour and a second passenger in Pakistan’s remote […]

Parents of departing FDA head were eugenicists… Big Pharma’s chemical depopulation agenda rolls on under the false label of ‘medicine’

(NaturalNews) According to the website of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the agency is “responsible for protecting the public health,” but it’s becoming increasingly obvious that its real agenda – at least in recent years – has been precisely the opposite. Margaret Hamburg, the departing FDA commissioner, has just been implicated in […]

George W. Bush Skull And Bones Secrets Made Public

Archivists at President George W. Bush’s presidential library in Dallas are planning on releasing thousands of documents about one of the most prestigious secret societies at Yale University – the Skull and Bones society.  1,000 pages of letters, memos, a draft speech and other documents about Skull and Bones are to be released this July, unless […]

Captain Cook’s Legendary Ship HMS Endeavour Found Off Rhode Island

Researchers believe they have found the wreckage of the legendary ship HMS Endeavour used by the famous British explorer Captain James Cook. In a historic 1768-71 voyage Captain Cook sailed the British Royal Navy research vessel into uncharted waters, made contact with the indigenous people of Australasia and the Pacific, mapped the globe in the process and claimed Australia […]

Cop Shoots Family Cat, Gets Off With A Slap On The Wrist

In yet another egregious example of police killing our pets, a police department out of Pennsylvania is in a total Public Relations mode over the killing of a small cat. Yes I’m not kidding a cop in north Catasauqua police department responded to a call of a possibly injured cat in a residents yard.  This incident […]

Why Independence Is A Necessary Precondition of Abolition, Asa!

There are few people I know of as dedicated, prolific and consistent as contributor Asa J. I respect and admire him and his work greatly. So when earlier this week he took some time to address his concerns involving some of my recent statements, I was thrilled. It is that kind of friendly challenge […]

Ever Had a False 911 Call on You? This Couple Was Awarded $1.3 M Because of How Cops Responded

TUCSON (CN) — A federal jury awarded a Tucson couple $1.25 million after police searched their home and held them at gunpoint while responding to a 911 call from a neighbor who was known for making false reports. Jill and Rob Larson were pulled out of sleep around 9:30 […]

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