Posts Tagged ‘prior’

Prince Andrew’s Ex says Jeffrey Epstein had ‘Prior Knowledge’ of 9/11

Jeffrey Epstein and his VIP associates had “prior knowledge” of the 9/11 attacks on the World Trade Center in the months before they happened, according to Prince Andrew’s ex-girlfriend Lady Victoria Hervey. Hervey took to social media to break her silence regarding what she knows about Andrew’s relationship with the notorious child sex offender, claiming […]

Prince Andrew’s Ex Blows Whistle, Says Jeffrey Epstein Had ‘Prior Knowledge’ of 9/11

Jeffrey Epstein and his VIP associates had “prior knowledge” of the 9/11 attacks on the World Trade Center in the months before they happened, according to Prince Andrew’s ex-girlfriend Lady Victoria Hervey. Hervey took to […] The post Prince Andrew’s Ex Blows Whistle, Says Jeffrey Epstein Had ‘Prior Knowledge’ of 9/11 appeared first on The […]

Cash availability falls 4.2% in a year. Money supply rose by 3.8% annually prior to pandemic.

A warning light on the economy’s dashboard is flashing red. It is not sluggish GDP growth that is glaring most vividly, nor the modest rise in unemployment. Instead, a small band of economists fear that a slump in the money supply is the clearest sign yet of the economy facing a serious recession. To them, it signals […]

Even Jews Who Fled Safely Behind Soviet Lines Prior To WWII To Receive Millions In Holocaust™ Reparations From Germany

(Jewish Telegraphic Agency) Prior to the German invasion of Poland in 1939 at least 1.5 million Jews from Poland and eastern Europe fled east into the Soviet Union and survived the war safely behind the Soviet front lines — yet now Germany is being forced to cough up millions more in reparation payments to these […]

Minister Katy Gallagher Admits to Prior Knowledge of Higgins Rape Allegations, Denies Misleading Australian Parliament

Finance Minister Katy Gallagher has backflipped on her statement made two years ago that she had no prior knowledge of details surrounding Brittany Higgins’s rape allegation and denied misleading the parliament. Gallagher confirmed that she was made aware of some of the allegations shortly before they were made public but “categorically rejected” accusations that Labor […]

Underwater explosions reported prior to Nord Steam gas leaks

Sep 27 2022 17:34 Source: Agencies By Al Mayadeen English  The Swedish National Seismic Network (SNSN) confirms powerful underwater explosions in the area of gas leaks from the Nord Stream pipeline. The Swedish National Seismic Network (SNSN) reported powerful underwater explosions in the area of gas leaks from the Nord Stream pipeline on Tuesday. SNSN Director […]

NYC Subway Shooter Who Killed Goldman Banker Had “About 20 Prior Arrests”, Including Murder Charge From 2017

Just two days ago we reported about the unfortunate death of a Goldman Sachs analyst, who was shot dead on the northbound Q train as it passed the Manhattan Bridge.

Dem Rep. Bowman Refuses to Walk Back Prior Calls for Police Reductions, Says ‘There Are Other Ways to Respond’ to Issues

On Wednesday’s “CNN Newsroom,” Rep. Jamaal Bowman (D-NY) refused to walk back his previous calls for cutting down on police and said that “there are other approaches to respond to mental health crises so someone doesn’t end up dead when

 Auction of 88 coal blocks requires prior discussion and consent by the Adivasi Gram Sabhas under PESA And FRA

To Shri Anil Kumar Jain Union Coal Secretary Dear Shri Jain, I find from your Ministry’s portal that the enclosed list of coal blocks are being put to auction shortly. Most of these coal blocks are located in States such as Jharkhand, MP, Maharashtra, Chhattisgarh, Odisha, AP and Telangana and many among the blocks are […]

‘This Is Politics, Not Science’: White House, CDC Prepare to Vaccinate 5- to 11-Year-Olds Prior to FDA Authorization, by Megan Redshaw

STRAIGHT LINE LOGIC Let’s give kids vaccines they don’t need and subject them to far greater risks than those posed by disease they’re being vaccinated against. From Megan Redshaw at The White House today unveiled plans to vaccinate 28 million 5- to 11-year olds for COVID, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention […]

Dutch soccer fans shout ‘Hamas, Hamas, Jews to the gas’ prior to match

Browse > Home / News / Dutch soccer fans shout ‘Hamas, Hamas, Jews to the gas’ prior to match April 20, 2021 by JNS Read on for article Police in the Netherlands are investigating footage from a fan rally prior to a soccer game last week between two Dutch teams where fans chanted “Hamas, Hamas, […]

Throwback to the Swine Flu Hoax: SAME Script, SAME Tactics, SAME Players — 10 Years Prior to COVID-19 They Tried the Same But Failed

The Swine Flu scam had many of the same players participating in the fear of a false pandemic 10 years ago, but they failed thanks to scientists such as Wolfgang Wodarg intervening in time. When not punished, criminals learn from mistakes and the same criminals turned Covid-19 into what they had hoped for H1N1 Swine […]

Democrats Attempt to Purge Civil Servant from Job over Prior Work for Nunes, Trump Administration

Democrats are attempting a politically-motivated purge of a highly-qualified intelligence professional from a non-partisan career civil service position at the Pentagon’s National Security Agency over his prior work for Republicans, according to two former Trump administration officials. Michael Ellis, who last served as the former senior director for intelligence on the National Security Council during […]

Researchers Advise Men To Freeze Sperm Prior To Receiving COVID Vaccine Over Concerns It May Cause Sterility

Researchers at the University of Miami who are investigating the possible side effects of the coronavirus vaccine on male fertility are advising men of reproduction age to take precautions before getting the vaccine: Lead researchers Dr. Ranjith Ramasamy, a reproductive urologist with U Health, initiated an earlier study which found the virus was present in […]

Bill Cosby: Prior bad acts witnesses met with skepticism by judges in appeal hearing

Judges on the Pennsylvania Supreme Court expressed skepticism today (1 December) at the prior bad acts witnesses in Bill Cosby‘s criminal trial. During the comedian’s criminal trial, the prosecution called five other women to testify, including supermodel Janice Dickinson, as what’s called a “prior bad act” witness. The idea is to establish a pattern of […]

John Kerry: Israel, Saudi, Egypt pushed US to bomb Iran prior to nuclear deal, honest!

     Former Secretary of State John Kerry says both Israel and Egypt pushed the United States to “bomb Iran” before the 2015 nuclear deal was struck. Kerry is defending the deal during a forum in Washington. He says kings and foreign presidents told the U.S. that bombing was the only language Iran would understand. But […]

Documents Reveal KSA Behind Damascus Shelling, U.S. Prior Knowledge In 2013; Nothing Has Changed In 2017

By Brandon Turbeville As Damascus residents are once again suffering under indiscriminate shelling and mortars launched by terrorists, it is important to once again draw attention to a recent secret document released by Edward Snowden showing that previous indiscriminate missile launches against civilians were entirely controlled and ordered by foreign powers like Saudi […]

Texas Church Shooter: What No One is Saying About the Insanity of His Prior Conviction

By Jon Rappoport Devin Kelley, the Texas church shooter, was convicted of crimes by a military court in 2012. Mainstream press outlets are reporting this fact to show he never should have been allowed to purchase a gun after his release from prison—except the Army failed to enter his criminal record in a […]

NEW YORK KNOWN WOLF: Halloween Truck Attacker Known to DHS Prior to ‘Act of Terror’

Shawn Helton 21st Century Wire Years before allegedly carrying out a truck rampage on Halloween, the man named in New York’s most recent ‘act of terror’ was already well-known to the United States Department of Homeland Security.  This latest supposedly homegrown “ISIS-inspired” attack produces yet another ‘known wolf‘  with ties to suspected terrorists as well as authorities.  […]

MORE QUESTIONS THAN ANSWERS: Was Sandy Hook Shooter Known to FBI Prior to School Massacre?

21st Century wire says… The FBI recently released new documents regarding the bizarre and still forensically critiqued Sandy Hook elementary school shooting tragedy. ‘SANDY HOOK’ – Many questions still remain in this perplexing case.  (Photo Illustration 21WIRE’s Shawn Helton) KEY POINT: It’s important to remember that even though the events at Sandy Hook were said to have been […]

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