Posts Tagged ‘higgins’

Democrat wins special election for Rep. Brian Higgins’s seat in New York

New York state Sen. Timothy Kennedy, a Democrat, has won the Empire State’s special election to fill retired Democratic Rep. Brian Higgins’s seat in Congress, according to a projection from Decision Desk HQ. Kennedy defeated Republican Gary Dickson in New York’s 26th Congressional district for the seat, which was expected to stay in Democratic hands… […]

Rep. Higgins says he has evidence showing presence of 200 FBI assets within the crowd on Jan. 6

(NaturalNews) Republican Rep. Clay Higgins of Louisiana has evidence indicating that there were at least 200 Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) assets embedded… Source

Minister Katy Gallagher Admits to Prior Knowledge of Higgins Rape Allegations, Denies Misleading Australian Parliament

Finance Minister Katy Gallagher has backflipped on her statement made two years ago that she had no prior knowledge of details surrounding Brittany Higgins’s rape allegation and denied misleading the parliament. Gallagher confirmed that she was made aware of some of the allegations shortly before they were made public but “categorically rejected” accusations that Labor […]

Congressman Clay Higgins Condemned for Filming Video Inside Auschwitz “Gas Chamber”

Lee RogersDaily Stormer July 5, 2017 Even if you film a video promoting the official Jewish lie of the Holohoax, you still risk the chance of being condemned by Jews. That’s because nothing is ever good enough for them. Congressman Clay Higgins filmed a video inside one of the fake Auschwitz gas […]

US airstrikes vaporize more than $500 million in ISIS cash reserves

     The U.S. believes that airstrikes in Iraq and Syria have destroyed more than $500 million in cash that ISIS used to pay its fighters and fund its terror and military operations. That is probably a low estimate, as one U.S. official told ABC News that the figure is in “the high hundreds of millions […]

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