Posts Tagged ‘bees’

Breathing outdoor air polluted with industrial particles increases risk of early death, heart disease and lung cancer

(NaturalNews) As a kid, how many times did your parents tell you to go play outside and get some fresh air? Or maybe that’s exactly what you said to your kids yesterday. While keeping them indoors in front of TV screens will definitely not improve their health and well-being, depending on where you […]

Philadelphia Lawyers Form Coalition To Defend Protesters At DNC

Print Friendly Above Photo: Philadelphia lawyers met Wednesday afternoon at the Law Offices of Krasner & Long, LLC, to discuss defending activists who get arrested while protesting at the Democratic National Convention. Photo Credit: C. Norris – ©2016 Any protester arrested in Philadelphia for engaging in free speech during the DNC will have quality legal representation. […]

Investigators Say Orlando Shooter Had Nothing To Do With ISIS

Investigators looking into the background of Orlando shooter Omar Mateen, say that he showed virtually no signs of radicalization and had nothing to do with ISIS.  According to conflicting reports, Mateen had allegedly pledged allegiance to ISIS in a 911 call during the attack. But this allegiance to the terror group, probably never happened. […]

Microsoft Backs Off Trying To Be Clever

Technology giant Microsoft has done a U-turn on its underhanded policy that was forcing Windows users to unknowingly upgrade to version 10. A dodgy pop-up would periodically appear encouraging users to upgrade to the latest Windows 10.   Users were angry that closing the annoying pop-up automatically scheduled an upgrade of their operating system without […]

CDC discloses that flu vaccinations fail 50 percent of the time

(NaturalNews) We’ve all heard the horror stories of people suffering injury and even death from the flu shot. Now, to add insult to injury, the CDC has admitted that the flu shot does not prevent the flu in most cases. A statement taken directly from the CDC’s website reads: “While vaccine effectiveness can […]

Kunduz Hospital Attack ‘Unacceptable’ War Crime, MSF Seeks New Inquiry

The attack by the US military on a Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) hospital in Kunduz, Afghanistan is deemed a war crime by the surviving victims. MSF (Doctors Without Borders ) are asking for an impartial and independent inquiry after the U.S. military failed to secure any criminal charges against its personnel. Kunduz survivors are outraged […]

Natural medicine breakthrough in Switzerland: Five holistic therapies to be recognized alongside conventional medicine and covered by insurance

(NaturalNews) The benefits of holistic therapies to help maintain good health, reverse certain ailments and even completely heal various conditions are something that Natural News readers are well aware of. Still, such practices remain the center of controversy throughout most of America, with a great divide often existing between conventional practitioners and holistic […]

New Moon In Aries: Taking Bold And Innovative Action

We are entering a New Moon phase in Aries on Thursday, April 7th at 11:24am Universal Time, which is the beginning of this 29.5 day Moon cycle. Aries is the first sign of the Zodiac, and it is also the beginning of spring in the Northern Hemisphere. Therefore this New Moon has extra significance for […]

Loved Ones’ Ashes Swirled into Comforting Glass Art Creations

Seattle-based company Artful Ashes helps its customers through the grieving process by creating unique memorials for those who have passed away. “Our artists capture the essence of your loved ones spirit in a swirl of color and ashes, sealed forever within beautiful glass art,” the business writes. “These amazing pieces comfort your grieving, allowing you […]

Historic Study on Benefits of Cannabis Proves Those Who Keep it Illegal to Be Criminals

Last December we reported on a landmark study that made history at the annual meeting of the American Epilepsy Society. The study found that a cannabis extract called cannabidiol (CBD) has dramatically positive effects for children with seizures. by Justin Gardner Clinical trials are continuing to confirm that CBD is likely a far better treatment […]

The Pentagon Just Admitted It’s Been Deploying Military Drones Over the US to Spy on Americans

Matt Agorist | The Free Thought Project Washington D.C. — Under a Freedom of Information Act request, a Pentagon inspector general made public a report last week, admitting to the use of drones to spy on U.S. citizens.+ The missions were non-military in nature, meaning they were used for […]

New Yorker Trump will expose the Jew media’s cover-up of “Bush & Co’s” involvement in New York’s 9/11 atrocity

New Yorker Trump will expose the Jew media’s cover-up of “Bush & Co’s” involvement in New York’s 9/11 atrocity Want to know the real reason why the suck-up, asshole Texans endorsed the SPIC LIAR Cruz in the super Tuesday primaries? Well it was really because they didn’t want to admit that they’d made a mistake by […]

Pastafarians officially allowed to perform marriage ceremonies in New Zealand

The Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster can perform weddings in New Zealand. Couples will now be able to say their wedding vows in front of a representative from the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster. Yep, if you live in New Zealand you can be wed by a ‘Ministeroni’ from the ‘Pastafarian’ […]

Photos: Iran’s Parliament speaker meets Swiss President in Tehran

TEHRAN, Feb. 28 – Iran’s Parliament Speaker Ali Larijani and Swiss President Johann Schneider-Amman met here on Sunday.     By IRNA Source Article from

Is USDA Changing Food Stamp Rules Ahead of Republican Cuts?

Susanne Posel ,Chief Editor Occupy Corporatism | Co-Founder, Legacy Bio-Naturals According to media reports , the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) is expected to announce changes to their Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) that effect 46 million Americans using the supplemental assistance. Retail grocers accepting food stamps would now have […]

CDC Chipotle investigation leaves questions of possible food terrorism by biotech industry

(NaturalNews) In news that just about left us falling off our chairs, the mainstream media seems to be leaning toward the conclusion that dirty games and evil tactics may be behind the massive string of Chipotle’s E. coli outbreaks. Specifically, The New York Times recently published an article carrying the headline, “C.D.C. Ends […]

CDC Chipotle investigation leaves questions of possible food terrorism by biotech industry

(NaturalNews) In news that just about left us falling off our chairs, the mainstream media seems to be leaning toward the conclusion that dirty games and evil tactics may be behind the massive string of Chipotle’s E. coli outbreaks. Specifically, The New York Times recently published an article carrying the headline, “C.D.C. Ends […]

CDC Chipotle investigation leaves questions of possible food terrorism by biotech industry

(NaturalNews) In news that just about left us falling off our chairs, the mainstream media seems to be leaning toward the conclusion that dirty games and evil tactics may be behind the massive string of Chipotle’s E. coli outbreaks. Specifically, The New York Times recently published an article carrying the headline, “C.D.C. Ends […]

CDC Chipotle investigation leaves questions of possible food terrorism by biotech industry

(NaturalNews) In news that just about left us falling off our chairs, the mainstream media seems to be leaning toward the conclusion that dirty games and evil tactics may be behind the massive string of Chipotle’s E. coli outbreaks. Specifically, The New York Times recently published an article carrying the headline, “C.D.C. Ends […]

CDC Chipotle investigation leaves questions of possible food terrorism by biotech industry

(NaturalNews) In news that just about left us falling off our chairs, the mainstream media seems to be leaning toward the conclusion that dirty games and evil tactics may be behind the massive string of Chipotle’s E. coli outbreaks. Specifically, The New York Times recently published an article carrying the headline, “C.D.C. Ends […]

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