(NaturalNews) We’ve all heard the horror stories of people suffering injury and even death from the flu shot. Now, to add insult to injury, the CDC has admitted that the flu shot does not prevent the flu in most cases. A statement taken directly from the CDC’s website reads:
“While vaccine effectiveness can vary, recent studies show vaccine reduces the risk of flu illness by about 50% to 60% among the overall population during seasons when most circulating flu viruses are like the vaccine viruses.”
There is a lot of disturbing information packed into that sentence. First of all, vaccines only reduce the risk of flu illness by 50 to 60 percent in the overall population? What about those who need it most: the immune-compromised and the elderly?
Also note how they say this statistic is relevant “during seasons when most circulating flu viruses are like the vaccine viruses.” How can you be sure when they are injecting you that the strains chosen are the ones that will actually be circulating in your area that year? How are those who make the vaccines even sure? It’s a gamble at best; do you want to gamble with your health?
The CDC website goes on to outline the factors that influence how well the vaccine works. In an interesting typo, the subheading says: “What are factors that influenza how well the vaccine works?” – not exactly the best way to inspire confidence in the validity of anything they say.
They state: “During years when the flu vaccine is not well matched to circulating viruses, it’s possible that no benefit from flu vaccination may be observed.” Is this really worth the substantial risks the vaccine brings?
They also warn that the flu vaccine works best on “healthy adults and older children,” who also happen to be the groups of people best equipped to fight the illness on their own and therefore least in need of such a vaccine in the first place. Meanwhile, vaccines are reportedly less effective in the elderly. Just one sentence is devoted to this vital fact, and it is followed by a six-point bulleted list arguing why the elderly should get the shot anyway.
With so many factors at play, even those who are not opposed to shooting their bodies up with chemicals in theory have got to be asking themselves just why a vaccine with such a poor track record is repeatedly pushed on the American public.
At the end of the page, long after most people have stopped reading, the CDC outlines how people can protect themselves against the flu besides by getting vaccinated. Not surprisingly, their first suggestion is antiviral prescription drugs as a second line of defense. It’s almost as if Big Pharma wrote this page themselves. They go on to suggest covering your mouth when you cough and washing your hands frequently.
Why don’t they mention that green tea supplements reduced people’s risk of getting the flu by 75 percent in clinical trial involving nearly 200 healthcare workers, which is a far better result than the flu vaccine gets? In addition, green tea brings a host of other health benefits with it, rather than miserable side effects like the vaccine.
Of course, this statistic is no surprise to those who understand and practice natural health. Vitamin C found naturally in limes and kiwis, vitamin D from the sun, and probiotics won’t make doctors and pharmaceutical companies rich, but they do have the power to reduce your flu risk, and their efficacy is not dependent on the ability of a group of people you don’t know to predict which strains of flu are going to be prevalent next year.
Even more alarmingly, a CDC analysis of the effectiveness of the flu vaccine over the past decade showed that the seasonal flu shot is less than 50 percent effective more than half the time!
In spite of this, government health officials recommend that all children and adults get the flu shot yearly starting at six months of age, and some healthcare workers who opt not to get the shot actually risk losing their jobs. Among the many questions this raises is why are healthcare workers, who are presumably well-informed about such matters, willing to lose their jobs to avoid this ineffective shot?
Check out the Natural Medicine, Healing & Wellness Summit to learn more about protecting your health without risky, ineffective vaccines!
Sources include:
Source Article from http://www.naturalnews.com/053909_CDC_flu_shots_vaccine_ineffectiveness.html
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