Posts Tagged ‘withdraw’

Christian Rape Victim in Pakistan Pressured to Withdraw Charges

Islamabad, capital of Pakistan, including Faisal Mosque. (Fassifarooq, Creative Commons) LAHORE, Pakistan (Christian Daily International–Morning Star News) – Police in Pakistan are pressuring a young Christian woman to withdraw charges against two Muslims who raped, blackmailed and tried to forcibly convert her to Islam, sources said. The 26-year-old woman, a resident of Islamabad whose name is […]

Withdraw England From British GOO

Even if England withdrew from the British Government Of Occupation, would we still harbour the problem that is the Square Mile of London? I saw a Tweet on X: ‘The same time Britain is arming Israel, and sending a spy plane over Gaza to assist the Israeli military, the government is now cutting funding to […]

Sanders’ stance on Israel: Urging US to withdraw military aid

Sanders’ response is grounded in the belief that unconditional U.S. support for Israel is untenable in the face of Netanyahu’s rejection of Palestinian statehood. Source

Support Exit UN & WHO: Two Bills Before The US Congress, HR 6645/S 3428, Which Would Withdraw US From UN, WHO, IHR, And All UN Programs!

Please God, oh please make this happen. Let the people support this and push it through our leaders lockstep blockades to the winning finish line. INTEREST OF JUSTICE JAN 13, 2024 GET USA OUT OF WHO/UN NOW! THEY ARE HEARING YOU! There is hope! Two companion bills have just been introduced into the U.S. House […]

Ramaswamy doubles down on vow to withdraw from Maine, Colorado ballots

GOP presidential hopeful Vivek Ramaswamy repeated his pledge to withdraw from the ballot in states that remove former President Trump, and his call for other Republican candidates to do the same. In an interview on “NewsNation Prime” Monday, Ramaswamy told host Natasha Zouves his goal was to “nullify” Maine and Colorado — the two states… […]

Israel To Withdraw Some Troops From Gaza, But Signals Plan To Fight Through All 2024

Israel’s military announced Monday it is about to initiate its first major drawdown of troops from Gaza since the ground offensive began. This is to involved pulling back multiple thousands of reserve soldiers to begin with, at least temporarily. “This move is expected to significantly alleviate economic burdens and enable them to gather strength for […]

Officials Vow to Withdraw Permit for Christian School in Indonesia

Parepare District representative council receives Muslim demonstrators on Oct. 6, 2023 in South Sulawesi Province, Indonesia. (Morning Star News screenshot from Facebook video) SURABAYA, Indonesia (Morning Star News) – Bowing to pressure from Islamic protestors, local officials in South Sulawesi Province, Indonesia have vowed to withdraw permission that had… Source

Texas Becomes Latest State to Withdraw From Soros-Zuckerberg Funded Corrupt ERIC Voter Database

Texas Becomes Latest State to Withdraw From Soros-Zuckerberg Funded Corrupt ERIC Voter Database Posted on August 3, 2023 Clever Journeys On July 20, Texas wisely became the eighth state to resign from the Electronic Registration Information Center (ERIC) in 2023, and the ninth state overall. ERIC has been a powerful tool misused by Deep State operatives […]

Victory! Bill Gates Funded Company Forced to Withdraw Application for GMO Mosquitoes in Major U.S. State

Victory! Bill Gates Funded Company Forced to Withdraw Application for GMO Mosquitoes in Major U.S. State by Nick Meyer The GMO mosquito experiment has been going on for years now, and culminated in the release of the lab-created insects in Florida recently. The insects were funded by a $4.1 million grant from the Bill & […]

Students At Santa Clara University Told They Must Take ‘Covid’ Jabs… Or Withdraw

It is now 2023 and while most US colleges have now rescinded their covid jab mandates, some colleges are still refusing to end the tyranny. Santa Clara University in California is one of the most oppressive. BYPASS THE CENSORS Sign up to get unfiltered news delivered straight to your inbox. You can unsubscribe any time. […]

Santa Clara University Students Must Take Covid Vaccines or Withdraw

SHARE | PRINT | EMAIL College COVID vaccine mandates remain some of the most coercive mandates ever declared. While most colleges have now rescinded their mandates, some colleges refuse to let go, and Santa Clara University in California is one of the most oppressive. In late April 2021, after most incoming freshmen had committed, SCU […]

Apple’s new savings bank refusing to let customers withdraw cash: “You’re keeping our life savings hostage!”

(Natural News) It has been one month since Apple launched its new savings account service with Goldman Sachs, and customers everywhere are reporting that they are having trouble accessing their cash. After attracting more than $1 billion worth of deposits in the first four days of launch, Apple has apparently restricted withdrawals and transfers. One […]

The Banking crisis: Swiss Bank first ‘too-big-to-fail’ bank to be bailed out as Saudis withdraw support

Always been inevitable hasn’t it? For those who have been watching decades. EWR From Health Impact News Switzerland’s second largest bank, Credit Suisse, which has been experiencing bank runs and plummeting stock valuations since the end of 2022, became the first SIFI (systemically important financial institution), or “too big to fail” bank, to crash today […]

It’s time to withdraw the mRNA vaccines?

Jan 8 2023 Fraiman, J., Erviti, J., Jones, M., Greenland, S., Whelan, P., Kaplan, R. M., & Doshi, P. (2022). Serious adverse events of special interest following mRNA COVID-19 vaccination in randomized trials in adults. Vaccine, 40(40), 5798-5805. Demasi, M. (2022). FDA oversight of clinical trials is “grossly inadequate,” say experts. bmj, 379. Wong HL, […]

Turkiye did not agree to withdraw military from Syria and no deals were made, sources say

Turkish sources have refuted reports that Turkiye has agreed to withdraw its military from northern Syria, calling them misleading and as propaganda. Following a meeting between the defence ministers of Turkiye, Russia and Syria last month – the first such talks since 2011 – it was reported by the Syrian newspaper, Al-Watan, that Ankara agreed […]

Syrian Media: Turkey Agrees to Fully Withdraw Troops from Syria

January 1, 2023 By Staff, Agencies Turkey has agreed to a complete pull-out of its troops from Syria after a recent meeting between defense ministers of Russia, Turkey and Syria in Moscow, according to a report published in Syrian media. The Arabic-language al-Watan newspaper said in a Friday report that Russia had brokered the meeting […]

EXPOSED! Vic fines unlawful, in breach of ‘Prescribed Details’, gov MUST withdraw!

There are MANY problems in Victoria in reation to the police handing out ‘Infringement Notices’ for the alleged breach of so called health orders. First and foremost, there was no lawful declaration of a ‘State of Emergency’ by the authorities, therfore there cannot be any ‘health orders’. This fact is supported by the court case […]


November 28th, 2022 Part 1 – WithdrawIf you have savings in the bank, consider withdrawing a decent amount of cash and putting it somewhere safe or investing it in something tangible. If you don’t have savings, consider taking out your wages every time you get paid. Part 2 – Reach OutReach out to at least […]

Germany to withdraw peacekeeping troops from Mali by 2024

Berlin has declared that the 1,100 German soldiers presently serving in Mali will leave by May 2024. As part of the UN peacekeeping mission MINUSMA, German troops have been stationed in the African nation for over ten years, to the growing chagrin of the Bamako administration. According to government spokesperson Steffen Hebestreit, the deployment will […]

Children’s Rights Group Urges Government to Withdraw the New Compulsory Covid Vaccine Pass for Children

Dr. Chuang Shuk-kwan, head of the Communicable Disease Branch of the Centre for Health Protection in Hong Kong, confirmed on Sept.1. that the Hong Kong government will announce as early as this week, that it will lower the vaccine pass age limit to include children as young as five years old.  That means children five […]

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