Posts Tagged ‘permit’

Officials Vow to Withdraw Permit for Christian School in Indonesia

Parepare District representative council receives Muslim demonstrators on Oct. 6, 2023 in South Sulawesi Province, Indonesia. (Morning Star News screenshot from Facebook video) SURABAYA, Indonesia (Morning Star News) – Bowing to pressure from Islamic protestors, local officials in South Sulawesi Province, Indonesia have vowed to withdraw permission that had… Source

Maine Schools Now Permit and Encourage Outright Child Abuse, Then Criminally Conspire to Prevent Parents from Finding Out

Maine School Secretly Gender-Transitioned 13-Year-Old Girl by Jackson Elliott The Epoch Times When a 13-year-old girl said she actually was a boy, teachers at her Maine school allegedly started using male pronouns for her and a counselor gave her a breast binder to wear to create the appearance of a flatter chest. Children’s books containing transgender and homosexual […]

 Will the Military Industrial Complex Permit Good Relations Between the U.S. and China?

November 16, 2021 British and Australian armies’ veteran, former deputy head of the UN military mission in Kashmir and Australian defense attaché in Pakistan Brian Cloughley The world would benefit enormously if Joe Biden terminated its ascent by coming to terms with China and Russia, Brian Cloughley writes. At the recent semi-successful United Nations COP26 […]

Not in the national interest to permit private companies to extract and trade atomic minerals in the beach sands of AP, Tamil Nadu and Kerala

 To Shri Rajiv Gauba Cabinet Secretary Govt of IndiA Dear Shri Gauba, I have come across disturbing reports ( that the government is making moves once again to permit private companies to mine and trade atomic minerals located in the beach sands of AP, T. Nadu and Kerala. It appears that this step is a part […]

Australia – Permit required to leave home to work, curfew, and face masks no longer allowed to be removed outside to drink alcohol despite just 5 people being in hospital

BY DAILY EXPOSE ON AUGUST 16, 2021 • Listen Now  Melbourne, Australia is currently in its sixth lockdown despite a grand total of 5 people being in hospital due to the alleged Covid-19 disease in the whole state it resides in, Victoria. Now the Premier of Victoria Daniel Andrews has announced new stricter lockdown measures in response to the […]

Minnesota Court of Appeals upholds Line 3 permit allowing construction to continue

Image Credit: Stop Line 3 The Minnesota Court of Appeals upheld the Public Utilities Commission’s 2020 approval of the Line 3 pipeline. The Sierra Club, along with several other environmental groups filed an appeal that challenged the pipeline’s permit issued by the PUC. The ruling comes after a series of protests led by thousands of […]

Biden Rejects Permit for Annual POW-MIA Motorcycle Ride

Under President Joe Biden’s leadership, the Pentagon has rejected a permit for the annual Rolling to Remember motorcycle ride that is held in Washington, DC, each Memorial Day to honor POW/MIA veterans. The event is organized by AMVETS, a veterans group, which submitted permit requests and petitions for the event to multiple federal agencies. According […]

Israel seizes Palestinian foreign minister’s travel permit after visit to International Criminal Court over war crimes probe

Palestinian Foreign Minister, Riyad al-Maliki, who was returning to the West Bank from a meeting at the International Criminal Court (ICC), was held up at a border crossing and got his VIP travel permit revoked by Israel. Senior Palestinian official, Ahmed al-Deek, said that agents of Israel’s Shin Bet intelligence service have questioned al-Maliki for […]

Israel revokes Palestinian foreign minister’s travel permit after meeting with ICC prosecutor

News and Partnerships Life and Culture Columnists and Opinion Haaretz Heb and TheMarker, the online English edition of Haaretz Newspaper in Israel, gives you breaking news, analyses and opinions about Israel, the Middle East and the Jewish World. © Haaretz Daily Newspaper Ltd. All Rights Reserved Source

Oregon Democrats Seek to Limit Where Permit Holders Can Carry Guns

Oregon Democrats are pushing legislation to make it illegal for concealed carry permit holders to carry firearms for self-defense in certain public buildings. The legislation, Senate Bill 554, is sponsored by State Sens. Ginny Burdick (D) and James I. Manning Jr. (D), and State Reps. Rachel Prusak (D) and Lisa Reynolds (D). The summary of […]

Montana Becomes 18th State to Abolish Concealed Carry Permit Requirement

Montana became the 18th state to end its concealed carry permit requirement when Gov. Greg Gianforte (R) signed House Bill 102 on Thursday. The NRA-ILA reported that Gianforte signed HB102, which means Montanans can “carry a firearm for self-defense throughout the state without a government-mandated permit.” Breitbart News reported that HB102 also removes a number of state […]

Utah Becomes 17th State to Abolish Concealed Carry Permit Requirement

Utah Gov. Spencer Cox (R) signed legislation Friday to abolish the requirement that law-abiding citizens acquire a concealed carry permit in order to carry a concealed handgun for self-defense. The NRA-ILA reports that Cox signed House Bill 60 into law. They noted that HB60 allows “a law-abiding adult to carry a concealed firearm in the State […]

Iran issues permit to use Russian COVID-19 vaccine

TEHRAN – Iran’s Food and Drug Administration has issued a permit to both import and co-produce Russian COVID-19 vaccine, Sputnik V, to urgently fight the pandemic, FDA spokesman Kianoush Jahanpour announced on Thursday. The FDA has approved the Sputnik V vaccine made by the Gamaleya Center of Russia to counter the disease, he said, adding […]

President Biden rescinds Keystone XL ‘presidential permit’

On his first day of presidency, President Biden take action against the Keystone XL tar sand pipeline. He rescinded the “presidential permit” for the proposed pipeline, which was first introduced in 2008, that would have carried 830,000 gallons of crude oil from Alberta, Canada through Montana, South Dakota and Nebraska. Critics of the pipeline, including […]

Liberals Blow A Gasket After Minnesota Town Votes to Permit White-People-Only Folk ‘Church’

Think about this; a crime is only a crime when there’s an injured party. And the injured party is so because he/she’s been wronged either through having had something stolen from them, trespassing on their lands, breached their peace, assaulted them (this includes rape) and murdered them (in which case they won’t be in court). […]

Israel expects citizens will be able to visit UAE without special permit within days

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All you have to do for a permit to move freely during Israel’s lockdown as a prayer leaders is ask

Download App© Haaretz Daily Newspaper Ltd. All Rights Reserved News and Partnerships Life and Culture Columnists and Opinion Haaretz Heb and TheMarker, the online edition of Haaretz Newspaper in Israel, and analysis from Israel and the Middle East © Haaretz Daily Newspaper Ltd. All Rights Reserved

All you have to do for a permit to move freely during Israel’s lockdown as a prayer leader is ask

Download App© Haaretz Daily Newspaper Ltd. All Rights Reserved News and Partnerships Life and Culture Columnists and Opinion Haaretz Heb and TheMarker, the online edition of Haaretz Newspaper in Israel, and analysis from Israel and the Middle East © Haaretz Daily Newspaper Ltd. All Rights Reserved

Cops Raid Little Boys’ Lemonade Stand, Shut it Down for Not Having a Permit

By Matt Agorist Common sense, among those who work inside the State, is a rare commodity. Agents of the State, like those who work in law enforcement, often become so blinded to reality by ‘just doing my job’ they throw logic and reason to the wayside, choosing authority and force instead. Nothing highlights […]

Federal Appeals Court Nullifies Key Permit For Atlantic Coast Pipeline

Federal Appeals Court Nullifies Key Permit For Atlantic Coast Pipeline Above Photo: By Robert Zullo A federal appeals court on Tuesday invalidated a key U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service review of the Dominion Energy-led Atlantic Coast Pipeline, a decision environmental lawyers who argued the case say should halt construction of the contentious natural gas project. Dominion […]

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