Posts Tagged ‘outright’

Yellen Outright Lies About The Insane & Relentless Food Inflation

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First the Jews outright stole their lands, then the Zionists set up the most oppressive apartheid state in the world, then the Khazarians transformed Gaza into the largest open-air prison on Earth. END OF STORY!

WARNING! If you do not want to read the raw and unvarnished truth about the Modern State of Israel, stop reading right now. But first, at least watch the following video. ISRAEL: The Most Brutal Apartheid Nation Ever Established On Earth Submitted by The Israel Watchman State if the Nation Were the American people to live […]

CDC Used Outright Lies To Promote Useless As Teats on a Boar Hog Dust Masks To Stop Transmission Of a Non Existant Virus

The Criminal Devision of Child Murders (CDC) agency promoted the “effectiveness” of useless as teats on a boar hog dust masks to “stop transmission” of a non existent virus the CDC has never had an Identified Isolated Purified Reproducible sample of the mythical “SARS-COV-02” “virus’. Written Proof: CDC Has NO ISOLATED, PURIFIED, Sample of Sars-CoV-2 […]

Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Mark Milley outright lies to the whole world about US deep involvement in Ukraine War.

Top US general attends Ukraine war-planning drills The Pentagon claims it is not a party to the conflict despite providing weapons, training, intelligence, and strategic combat decision expertise READ HERE: America’s top general has visited a base in Germany where the US military is overseeing war games to train Ukrainian officers. Chairman of the Joint […]

15 Outright Lies Joe Biden Told During The State Of The Union Address

15 Outright Lies Joe Biden Told During The State Of The Union AddressDate: February 8, 2023  The speech was remarkably similar to last year’s address, riddled with falsehood after falsehood and lie after lie. President Joe Biden mumbled through his second State of the Union address to a divided Congress on Tuesday night.His aim wasn’t […]

Maine Schools Now Permit and Encourage Outright Child Abuse, Then Criminally Conspire to Prevent Parents from Finding Out

Maine School Secretly Gender-Transitioned 13-Year-Old Girl by Jackson Elliott The Epoch Times When a 13-year-old girl said she actually was a boy, teachers at her Maine school allegedly started using male pronouns for her and a counselor gave her a breast binder to wear to create the appearance of a flatter chest. Children’s books containing transgender and homosexual […]

Putin: Transgender Agenda Being ‘Drilled Into’ Children is ‘Outright Satanism’

The transgender agenda that is being “drilled into” children in the Western world is a “denial of humanity,” according to Russian President Vladimir Putin who declared that the movement bears all the hallmarks of “outright […] The post Putin: Transgender Agenda Being ‘Drilled Into’ Children is ‘Outright Satanism’ appeared first on News Punch. Source

If you still don’t believe the 2020 POTUS election was outright stolen, watch this documentary (read: scathing indictment).


If you still don’t believe the 2020 POTUS election was outright stolen, watch this documentary (read: scathing indictment).


If you still don’t believe the 2020 POTUS election was outright stolen, watch this documentary (read: scathing indictment).


If you still don’t believe the 2020 POTUS election was outright stolen, watch this documentary (read: scathing indictment).


Sanctions: A Sanctimonious Word for Economic Warfare and Outright Theft

Above Photo: Protest against US assets theft in Kabul, Afghanistan December 21, 2021. Agence France Presse. The U.S. claims the right to sanction, to steal from other nations, with one-third of humanity suffering from these crimes. Sanctions are war by other means and cause great suffering around the world. The word “sanctions” emerged in the […]

The 2020 POTUS election is not the first to be outright stolen; consider these others where nationalists lost even though the polls indicated victory

Questions & Vagabond Notions Flood-In after Revelations of Cyber-Election Fraud by Jack Suss Exposing the details of how the 2020 American election has been stolen offers up provocative questions with worldwide implications. How long have purposely-designed voting and tabulating hard- and software been used to manufacture election results?      Which elections, where, have been controlled, […]

Not only did the Democrats outright steal the election, they stole Trump’s overwhelming mandate!

And that’s what the Democrats were really after for the sake of political survival and preservation of their party. State of the Nation All of us in the Patriot Movement can come up with a list of 100 reasons why the Democrats brazenly stole this election. However, one of those reasons stands way out because […]

Not only did they outright steal the election, the Democrats also stole this from President Trump!

And that’s what the Democrats were really after for the sake of political survival and preservation of their party. State of the Nation All of us in the Patriot Movement can come up with a list of 100 reasons why the Democrats brazenly stole this election. However, one of those reasons stands way out because […]

Presidents have a long history of condescension, indifference and outright racism towards Black Americans

Image Credit: AFP The fury over racial injustice that erupted in the wake of George Floyd’s killing has forced Americans to confront their history. That’s unfamiliar territory for most Americans, whose historical knowledge amounts to a vague blend of fact and myth that was only half-learned in high school and is only half-remembered now. If […]

Falsifier Fauci Outright Lies About the Efficacy of Herd Immunity

By Yaron SteinbuchNew York Post Dr. Anthony Fauci warned about a staggering death toll from the coronavirus, particularly among vulnerable people, if the US allows the infections to sweep across the country in a bid to achieve possible herd immunity. “If everyone contracted it, even with the relatively high percentage of people without symptoms … […]

BLM Outright Abuses Elderly Woman in Portland, Harasses Another with Walker

© Twitter More Black Lives Matter protests turned to rioting in Portland as two elderly women were targeted by demonstrators as the pair tried to stop them from attacking a police precinct and setting a fire. Portland police tweeted a photo of one elderly woman targeted by the protesters who was doused in what appears […]

Google insiders warn "outright censorship" of the internet is Google’s top priority… and everyone has been intimidated into silence

(Natural News) If the right to bear arms is the most important right outlined in the United States Constitution, then the freedom of speech is a close second. The Founding Fathers understood better than anyone that those who are in positions of power ought to be distrusted to a certain degree, and that tyranny […]

The real goal of the intolerant Left is the outright extermination of conservative White culture (and elimination of the First Amendment)

(Natural News) It’s now perfectly clear that the real goal of the intolerant Left is the complete extermination of conservative White culture in America and the elimination of First Amendment rights for anyone who isn’t a Leftist. This is now abundantly clear after the events in Charlottesville, Virginia, where radical left-wing protesters (Antifa) clashed […]

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