Posts Tagged ‘oppressive’

The BEST way to rebel against an oppressive government? China’s youth “Let it Rot” (Bai lan)

Mutiny In China – Youth is giving up on life “Let it Rot”, CCP worried Governments truly do not care about the general population/serfs, especially the ones that officially flourish on slave labour, dictatorships like China or Nth Korea as an example, where it is seen that life is cheap, quite literally. All governments are […]

Miss Israel Exposes the Oppressive Organization the People of Gaza Live Under in Viral Video: ‘Hamas Is ISIS’

Noa Cochva, the 2021 Miss Israel, slammed Hamas in a viral video, in which she argued it’s not “free Palestine,” it’s “free Palestine from Hamas.” Source

First the Jews outright stole their lands, then the Zionists set up the most oppressive apartheid state in the world, then the Khazarians transformed Gaza into the largest open-air prison on Earth. END OF STORY!

WARNING! If you do not want to read the raw and unvarnished truth about the Modern State of Israel, stop reading right now. But first, at least watch the following video. ISRAEL: The Most Brutal Apartheid Nation Ever Established On Earth Submitted by The Israel Watchman State if the Nation Were the American people to live […]

COVID Jabs: Ineffective, Oppressive and Dangerous

Dec 23, 2021 Iain Davis There is no moral, legal or logical argument for mandatory vaccination. The only logical argument, from a public health perspective, would be either to reduce the spread of infection or reduce the impact on health services via some other mechanism. We will explore the evidence which shows that the COVID-19 […]

Sheikh Jarrah residents reject ‘oppressive’ agreement with settlers

The residents of Sheikh Jarrah announced on Tuesday that they were rejecting a proposal by the Israeli Supreme Court that would have made them “protected tenants” in their own homes, paving the way for the future displacement of their families by Israeli settlers.  After failing to rule against the families’ appeal against their evictions earlier […]

Congress Sends Warning to Burma’s Oppressive Military Junta

Human Rights Watchdog Groups Praise New Legislation 10/06/2021 Washington, D.C. (International Christian Concern) – International Christian Concern (ICC) has learned that a bipartisan group of congresspersons and senators introduced legislation late on Tuesday to sanction the Burmese military for violating human rights, authorize humanitarian funding, and promote democracy in Myanmar. The bill, introduced by Representative […]

Oppressive Turkish gov’t pushes bizarre ‘human rights’ plan – analysis

 Turkey, the world’s largest jailor of journalists, has launched a new “human rights” plan. The plan, the far-right authoritarian leader Recep Tayyip Erdogan claimed, would support due process, freedom of expression and an end to gender-based violence.The same government recently sentenced in absentia journalist Can Dundar to 27 years in prison and has sentenced Canan […]

70 whistleblowers from NSW Police fed up with enforcing oppressive CV rules warn ‘a global dictatorship is occurring’

The video below shows Australian lawyer Peter Little presenting this information at the Police Headquarters in Melbourne. He questions also the Govt failure to monitor influenza and the disappearance of records about the Rain-Making Control Act 1967. An excerpt below from their letter to the NSW Police Commissioner (copied plus link to full letter below): […]

Why black Americans are demanding their gun rights, even while oppressive liberal mobs are trying to disarm them

(Natural News) Americans of all ethnic backgrounds, socioeconomic status and levels of education are fed up with Nanny State liberalism, Left-wing Marxism, and the Democratic Party in general when it comes to their Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms, as was demonstrated recently at a city council meeting in North […]

Why The Hatin’ on “Hippies”? Let’s Take A Closer Look At The Socially Oppressive Implications of This Word

Next Story The time has come when your 60-year-old “Uncle Fred” is no longer the only one at the family reunion wearing that same tie-dye t-shirt with mustard stains on it; millennials are now also bringing these multi-coloured swirl patterns to the party. Have you noticed the waves of tie-dye taking over the fast-fashion clothing […]

Uncritical Jewish identification with oppressive Israeli policies fuels anti-Semitism — Klug

Yesterday Haaretz ran a piece by Tony Klug warning that “anti-Semitism will rise to sinister heights” if Israel does not end the occupation. The article reiterated ideas that Klug, a special adviser on the Middle East to the Oxford Research Group, had expressed at J Street last March, when he said that the occupation was […]

Starved of power, Gazans suffer oppressive heatwave

During the current heatwave, Gaza residents, who do not have electricity to cool themselves off due to Israeli siege, are struggling to survive. Sami, a medical intern in the Gaza Strip, is struggling to sleep due to the heatwave which is roasting the region, where temperatures have been soaring to 37°C (98°F). The heat in his […]

Arms giant BAE sold powerful mass surveillance equipment to oppressive regimes – report

The BBC report appears to show that the powerful and invasive hacking technology, which was made by a Danish firm that was bought by BAE in 2011, was sold to Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Qatar, and Oman, as well as North African states Morocco and Algeria. The technology, known as Evident, can be […]

Merry Christmas and get out of Israel, you blood-drinking Christian vampires

The infamous rightwing Israeli Benzi Gopstein, leader of the Jewish extremist terror group Lehava, is back in the headlines. He wants all the Christians out of Israel, and they can take their holiday with them. On December 17, the Haredi website Kooker published (Hebrew) an article by Gopstein: “Christmas has no place in the Holy Land […]

The New World Order Agenda is the Alien Agenda

Makia Freeman, ContributorWaking Times The New World Order agenda is the alien agenda, as the late whistleblower Phil Schneider once said. Many are too afraid to touch the topic of aliens for fear of losing popularity, credibility or alienating (pun intended) their friends and readers. There are even many alternative researchers who struggle […]

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