Posts Tagged ‘enforcing’

2A VICTORY: Texas federal judge halts ATF from enforcing pistol brace ban

A federal judge in Texas issued a nationwide injunction, preventing the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) from enforcing the ban. U.S. District Judge Matthew Kacsmaryk ruled that the ATF’s attempt to legislate through regulation, rather than enforcing existing gun laws, was unlawful, particularly in the case of pistol braces. (Related: Top gun rights […]

Sustainable Development Goal 16: Part 2 — Enforcing Digital Identity

The United Nations claims that the purpose of Sustainable Development Goal 16 (SDG16) is to promote peaceful and inclusive societies and to provide access to justice for all. Hiding behind the rhetoric is the real objective: to strengthen and consolidate the power and authority of the “global governance regime” and to exploit threats—both real and […]

CNN’s Avlon: Biden Could Help Fix Migrant Crisis by ‘Enforcing Asylum Laws’ — Can’t Blindly Trust Asylum Seekers

On Thursday’s broadcast of “CNN This Morning,” CNN host and Senior Political Analyst John Avlon stated that the Biden administration could help fix the migrant crisis in places like New York City if they would “start enforcing asylum laws on Source

Microsoft enforcing its internet browser needs a reminder like in the good ol’ days.

Microsoft is again engaging in anti-competitive behaviour without any court action. It’s ‘forcing’ its users to use the inbuilt browser, instead of allowing the user to freely choose competitive products. Last time this occurred, Microsoft was in the courts and as a result it was fined. No such action even after months of this fraudulent […]

Texas DPS No Longer Enforcing Ban on 18- to 20-Year-Olds From Carrying Handguns

The Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) has stopped enforcing a state law that made it illegal for 18- to 20-year-olds to carry handguns in public. A recent memo to DPS officers alerted them to the enforcement change. The enforcement change comes after U.S. District Judge Mark Pittman in Fort Worth struck down the law […]

EU could start enforcing Digital Markets Act rules on Apple, Google, Meta in Spring 2023

You may have heard so far that the European Union has been preparing to have a say in how big tech companies like Apple, Google, and Meta operate. We are talking about a legislation dubbed the DMA (Digital Markets Act) which the European Commission has been rigorously preparing for a while. Now, The Verge reports […]

Investigation: Majority Of NYC Restaurants Not Enforcing Vax Mandate — Backlash Against Tyrannical Mandate Grows

Investigation: Majority Of NYC Restaurants Not Enforcing Vax Mandate — Backlash Against Tyrannical Mandate GrowsDate: September 19, 2021Author: Nwo Report    Source:  ProTrumpNews StaffAn investigation of 15 restaurants in Manhattan found 11 are not enforcing New York City’s vaccine mandate.Only 4 of the 15 asked for proof of vaccination to those eating at the restaurant. Most […]

Video: Inside Edition Finds That Majority Of NYC Restaurants Are Not Enforcing Vaccine Passport Mandate

A Quinnipiac poll has found that almost half of Americans (48%) believe that Joe Biden’s vaccine mandates “go too far,” and that a slight majority are in opposition to it. Quinnipiac noted that a “slight majority of Americans (51 – 48 percent) disapprove of President Biden’s plan to mandate COVID-19 vaccines for millions of Americans […]

Restaurant Owners and Employees Reject Enforcing Covid Vaccine Mandates

Covid-19 vaccine mandates have come into effect for people who want to dine in restaurants all over the United States. As a result, this has unfortunately forced restaurant staff to turn into vaccination enforcers who have now raised their objections to cities using them as vaccine police. Many US cities have recently begun introducing vaccine […]

Switzerland Police Threaten to Stop Enforcing COVID-19 Restrictions

A group of police officers across multiple departments in Switzerland have threatened authorities that they will no longer enforce COVID-19 rules on citizens if they oppose the “general opinion of the population.” In a four-page letter obtained by local Swiss outlet 20 Minutes, an association representing police officers in the Alpine country warned the Swiss Federation […]

Swiss Police Threaten to Stop Enforcing COVID-19 Rules

Police in Switzerland have threatened to stop enforcing COVID-19 rules over fears that the measures are disproportionately undermining the fundamental rights of citizens. A group representing police officers in the Alpine country wrote a letter to the Swiss Federation of Police Officers (FSFP) warning of potential insubordination within the force over the enforcement of draconian […]

Enforcing Orthodoxy

Enforcing Orthodoxy Above photo: At the abandoned Atlanta Prison Farm in Georgia, U.S. RJ, Flickr, CC BY-SA 2.0. To censor is an act of deprivation, a taking away. To enforce an intolerant orthodoxy is an act of imposition. The two cannot be understood separately from one another. YouTube’s decision to remove a Consortium News CN Live! segment on Feb. 24 […]

Glaude: Republican Party Is the ‘New Redeemers’ Enforcing White Supremacy

Princeton professor Eddie Glaude, Jr. said Thursday on MSNBC’s “Deadline” that the Republican Party were the “new Redeemers,” a political coalition following the Civil War. Glaude said, “I want us to understand is that Trumpism, Trump isn’t the problem. He’s just simply accelerated it, intensified it. Right? What we’re facing in this moment, I believe, are […]

Orange County Sheriff: We’re Not Enforcing ‘Unfair’ and Unconstitutional COVID Rules

On Monday’s broadcast of the Fox News Channel’s “Fox & Friends,” Orange County, CA Sheriff Don Barnes said that his office will not enforce California’s newest coronavirus restrictions because the restrictions aren’t fair to law enforcement or county residents and don’t pass constitutional muster. Barnes also argued that it’s contradictory to restrict the ability of […]

70 whistleblowers from NSW Police fed up with enforcing oppressive CV rules warn ‘a global dictatorship is occurring’

The video below shows Australian lawyer Peter Little presenting this information at the Police Headquarters in Melbourne. He questions also the Govt failure to monitor influenza and the disappearance of records about the Rain-Making Control Act 1967. An excerpt below from their letter to the NSW Police Commissioner (copied plus link to full letter below): […]

Police in Wales Shut Down Church Gathering of 36 People in Enforcing COVID Rules: ‘Worship in Other Ways’

CARDIFF, Wales — Police in Wales shut down a church service of 36 people on Sunday evening, noting that current regulations prohibit more than six people from gathering during a government “firebreak” COVID lockdown. “You need to stay at home. [The government has] prohibited gatherings of more than six people,” one officer states, as recorded […]

WHO Europe Director Says Governments Should Stop Enforcing Lockdowns

The World Health Organization’s Regional Director for Europe Hans Kluge says governments should stop enforcing lockdowns, unless as a “last resort,” because the impact on other areas of health and mental well-being is more damaging. In an interview with Euro News, Kluge cautioned against the imposition of more lockdowns unless they are “absolutely necessary.” NEW: […]

UK COVID Police Start Enforcing Lockdown By Visiting People’s Homes

Researcher and attorney Michael P. Senger suggests that the Chinese government launched an aggressive propaganda campaign to exaggerate the severity of coronavirus in order to force the rest of the world into a draconian lockdown that would serve to benefit Beijing. In an article for Tablet Magazine, Senger details how in late January, “international COVID-19 […]

Scotland Is Enforcing A Ban On Fracking. Does This Mark The Start Of The End Of Oil?

Next Story It’s official: The Scottish government has announced that they will be enforcing a ban on fracking. Energy Minister Paul Wheelhouse explained that this ban is set to come into effect immediately, as he told MSPs: “Let me be clear that the action is sufficient to effectively ban the development of unconventional oil and gas extraction […]

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