Posts Tagged ‘mom’

‘Deranged’ armed man holed up at hotel in south of France – police

Police, along with emergency services, are currently at the scene near the Formule 1 hotel in the commune of Bollene, Provence. “A deranged man is holed up in the Formule 1 hotel,” a police spokeswoman told Reuters. The man seems to be armed with a knife and may have an explosive device, a local gendarme […]

Sweet poison: How fructose is fueling the soaring rates of metabolic dysfunction and obesity

     Dr. Robert Lustig’s 2009 video “Sugar: The Bitter Truth,” has now garnered nearly 6.5 million views on YouTube. The featured video is a follow-up on that original lecture. In it, he discusses the metabolic influence of sugar and processed foods on obesity and related diseases. He also reviews the importance of diet versus exercise […]

Islamic Knowledge – Gratitude is the Path to Success, Now and Forever

Islamic Knowledge: Gratitude is the Path to Success, Now and Forever Perhaps the most difficult emotion for humans to master is gratitude. It takes a conscious effort to do so. Yet, it is the most powerful of all tools for personal success, both in this material world and also in the futuristic realm: the eternal one […]

US State Department Issues Travel Warning For Europe

The U.S. State Department are warning U.S. citizens against travelling to all parts of Europe, saying that there is a strong chance of an impending terrorist attack.  According to the travel warning, the State Department claim that there is a strong chance that ISIS will strike major events, tourist sites, restaurants, commercial centers and public […]

Russian air strikes destroy ISIS oil facilities close to Turkish border

     Russia’s defense ministry released a video of Su-34 bombers destroying an Islamic State oil-refining plant near the Syrian city of Ras al-Ayn on the border with Turkey, as Russia intensifies airstrikes on the terrorists’ oil smuggling routes. The video released on Thursday shows Russian jets hitting oil reservoirs located on territory under Islamic State […]

Photos: Leader receives Korean President Park

What Iran’s first non-oil trade surplus means for its economy TEHRAN, Iran — Iran’s non-oil balance of trade turned positive in the past Iranian year, which ended March 19. The $916 million… Source Article from

Eighth Grader’s Attempt to Buy School Lunch With $2 Bill Sparks Counterfeit Investigation

Earlier this week, it was reported that school officials confiscated the $2 bill an eighth grade student in Houston had tried to pay for lunch at school with thinking it was counterfeit. What followed was a full city-wide investigation by the Fort Bend Independent School District Police Department. During that quest for justice the child […]

South Front: Obama boosts U.S. boots on the ground in Syria, fighting in Aleppo continues (plus: Russia’s Black Sea frigates)

     International Military Review – Syria, April 25 Russia Defense Report: Black Sea Frigates International Military Review – Syria, April 22 International Military Review – Donbass, April 22 International Military Review – Syria, April 21 Turkey Takes Steps to Destabilize Caucasus and Crimea Source Article from

How to Confront People With an Anti-White Mindset

Youtube link A video from This Is Europa about how to confront anti-Whites about the ongoing genocide against White people, without being overly aggressive, yet still remaining on the offensive. Source Article from

78-Yr-Old Man Says Police Yanked Him from Car, Beat Him, and Falsely Imprisoned Him

Elizabeth Warmerdam | Courthouse News Service SACRAMENTO, Calif. (CN) – A 78-year-old man who was yanked out of his car by an off-duty policeman from the small town of Anderson, California and then slammed against the policeman’s pickup needs more evidence to show that the town and its police […]

Fresno Police Department Denied Funding For Social Media Monitoring Tool

Originally posted at by Derrick Broze The Fresno Police Department has lost a controversial tool that has been used to mine social media for information and assign a “threat score” to individuals based on an unknown set of criteria. On March 31, the Fresno City Council voted 5 to 0 against entering a five-year, […]

Fresno Police Department Denied Funding For Social Media Monitoring Tool

Originally posted at by Derrick Broze The Fresno Police Department has lost a controversial tool that has been used to mine social media for information and assign a “threat score” to individuals based on an unknown set of criteria. On March 31, the Fresno City Council voted 5 to 0 against entering a five-year, […]

Fresno Police Department Denied Funding For Social Media Monitoring Tool

Originally posted at by Derrick Broze The Fresno Police Department has lost a controversial tool that has been used to mine social media for information and assign a “threat score” to individuals based on an unknown set of criteria. On March 31, the Fresno City Council voted 5 to 0 against entering a five-year, […]

Health Ranger: ‘We will never fix health care until we take the profit out of disease’

About the author:Mike Adams (aka the “Health Ranger“) is the founding editor of, the internet’s No. 1 natural health news website, now reaching 7 million unique readers a month. In late 2013, Adams launched the Natural News Forensic Food Lab, where he conducts atomic spectroscopy research into food contaminants using high-end ICP-MS […]

New York Times Documentary on the National Front

Daily Stormer March 31, 2016 From Ben Solomon of the New York Times! Perfectly non-biased, goyim! Source Article from

Muslim SCREAMS At Donald Trump During Rally, NEVER Expected THIS To Happen…

By Dean James AMERICA’S FREEDOM FIGHTERS– What you are about to see is guaranteed to make liberal’s heads EXPLODE! We have a Muslim that LOVES DONALD J. TRUMP! This is fantastic footage. The left hammers Trump for wanting to put a temporary ban on Muslims from entering the country, claiming that he is ‘Islamophobic.” But we all […]

Muslim SCREAMS At Donald Trump During Rally, NEVER Expected THIS To Happen…

By Dean James AMERICA’S FREEDOM FIGHTERS– What you are about to see is guaranteed to make liberal’s heads EXPLODE! We have a Muslim that LOVES DONALD J. TRUMP! This is fantastic footage. The left hammers Trump for wanting to put a temporary ban on Muslims from entering the country, claiming that he is ‘Islamophobic.” But we all […]

Muslim SCREAMS At Donald Trump During Rally, NEVER Expected THIS To Happen…

By Dean James AMERICA’S FREEDOM FIGHTERS– What you are about to see is guaranteed to make liberal’s heads EXPLODE! We have a Muslim that LOVES DONALD J. TRUMP! This is fantastic footage. The left hammers Trump for wanting to put a temporary ban on Muslims from entering the country, claiming that he is ‘Islamophobic.” But we all […]

Muslim SCREAMS At Donald Trump During Rally, NEVER Expected THIS To Happen…

By Dean James AMERICA’S FREEDOM FIGHTERS– What you are about to see is guaranteed to make liberal’s heads EXPLODE! We have a Muslim that LOVES DONALD J. TRUMP! This is fantastic footage. The left hammers Trump for wanting to put a temporary ban on Muslims from entering the country, claiming that he is ‘Islamophobic.” But we all […]

Muslim SCREAMS At Donald Trump During Rally, NEVER Expected THIS To Happen…

By Dean James AMERICA’S FREEDOM FIGHTERS– What you are about to see is guaranteed to make liberal’s heads EXPLODE! We have a Muslim that LOVES DONALD J. TRUMP! This is fantastic footage. The left hammers Trump for wanting to put a temporary ban on Muslims from entering the country, claiming that he is ‘Islamophobic.” But we all […]

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