Posts Tagged ‘baby’

This Time We Fight Together

We have been continuously pitted against one another by a rootless international clique, resulting in devastating brothers wars, but we are getting wiser now. Youtube link: Source Article from

Big Pharma finds new use for statins in cancer patients, after large study reveals the drug’s benefits were 100 percent fabricated

(NaturalNews) As the consensus about statins as cholesterol-lowering “miracle drugs” starts to crack, Big Pharma is doubtless looking for ways to preserve the profitability of the top-earning drug class of all time. Now, a new study in the journal Breast Cancer Research may indicate how statins will soon be marketed: as anti-cancer drugs. […]

‘Underground Chernobyl’: French parliament OKs nuclear waste facility despite protests

On Monday, the National Assembly adopted the project of a nuclear waste landfill site, named Cigeo (Industrial Centre for Geological Disposal) in the town of Bure, eastern France.  The site will be a part of Meuse/Haute Marne Underground Research Laboratory run by the National Agency for Radioactive Waste Management (Andra). The laboratory conducts studies of […]


“Okay, Jim, for this scene, picture a bunch of dirty kikes trying to get you crucified.” You know, I though this month couldn’t get much better. We had the Jews identifying themselves with the (((echo))) meme. We had the mainstream media reporting non-stop about our stuff. It was all very exciting. But, my friends, it […]

Istanbul: 11 killed, 36 injured in police bus explosion

     At least 11 people have been killed and 36 others injured after a bomb attack on a police vehicle, Istanbul’s governor has said. The deadly explosion ripped through central Istanbul near a university and tourist sites during the morning rush hour. “Seven law enforcers and four civilians have died in the attack,” Istanbul Governor […]

Istanbul: 11 killed, 36 injured in police bus explosion

     At least 11 people have been killed and 36 others injured after a bomb attack on a police vehicle, Istanbul’s governor has said. The deadly explosion ripped through central Istanbul near a university and tourist sites during the morning rush hour. “Seven law enforcers and four civilians have died in the attack,” Istanbul Governor […]

Istanbul: 11 killed, 36 injured in police bus explosion

     At least 11 people have been killed and 36 others injured after a bomb attack on a police vehicle, Istanbul’s governor has said. The deadly explosion ripped through central Istanbul near a university and tourist sites during the morning rush hour. “Seven law enforcers and four civilians have died in the attack,” Istanbul Governor […]

Istanbul: 11 killed, 36 injured in police bus explosion

     At least 11 people have been killed and 36 others injured after a bomb attack on a police vehicle, Istanbul’s governor has said. The deadly explosion ripped through central Istanbul near a university and tourist sites during the morning rush hour. “Seven law enforcers and four civilians have died in the attack,” Istanbul Governor […]

Michio Kaku: ‘This Has To Be An Alien Super Structure!’

Well respected Top Theoretical Physicist Michio Ksku believes that the recent announcement about a potential Alien Super structure being found next to a star “1,500 light years away” could actually be “the biggest story in the past five-hundred years!” He also believes that has to be proof of an advanced Alien civilisation. We recently posted […]

Jean-Claude Juncker Shows Up Drunk to EU Summit and Starts Slapping People Around

Andrew Anglin Daily Stormer June 5, 2016 Just when you thought Jean-Claude Juncker was the most humorless sonovabitch on the face of the earth, he turns around and does something like this: shows up drunk to an EU summit and starts slapping people around. RT: Jean-Claude Juncker, the European Commission President, has shown up in […]

Alt-Right FAQ

Andrew AnglinDaily Stormer May 30, 2016 This is the official seal of the Alt-Right. There have been a lot of questions about what exactly the Alt-Right stands for, both within the mainstream and within the Alt-Right itself. I’ve created a simple and authoritative FAQ to clear-up any of this confusion. Isn’t the Alt-Right just a […]

Former Banker And Zurich Insurance CEO Martin Senn Found Dead

A former banker and Swiss insurance company CEO has been found dead in an apparent suicide at a holiday resort. It comes three years after a former chief financial officer of Switzerland’s Zurich Insurance Group was also found dead after committing suicide. The Independent reports: Zurich Insurance Group said Martin Senn, who ran the company […]

Drunk uncle Trump: Chastises Obama for not bringing up Pearl Harbor in Japan

     The possible Republican nominee has slammed Barack Obama for not addressing the sudden 1941 attack on Pearl Harbor while visiting the memorial of the American atomic bombings in Hiroshima, Japan. The remark comes as the US prepares to mark Memorial Day. “Does President Obama ever discuss the sneak attack on Pearl Harbor while he’s […]

Monsanto Loses Major PCBs Poisoning Lawsuit, Forced to Pay $46 Million to Victims

St. Louis, Missouri — Three plaintiffs have been awarded $17.5 million in damages caused by Monsanto and three other companies for negligence in the production of PCBs. A jury voting 10-2 in St. Louis found Monsanto, Pfizer, Solutia, and Pharmacia must pay the plaintiffs and assessed an additional $29 million in punitive damages […]

Asghar Farhadi, Shahab Hosseini awarded at Cannes Film Festival

Iranian director Asghar Farhadi and actor Shahab Hosseini have won the rewards for the best screenplay and the best actor at Cannes respectively. Starring Hosseini, “The Salesman” got the Best Screenplay during the 69th edition of the festival Sunday and brought the Iranian superstar the Best Actor. By Press TV Source Article from

‘Let’s not jump to conspiracies’: Egypt’s minister warns against speculating about MS804 crash

The minister stressed that “smoke” that was reportedly detected on board the EgyptAir plane before the catastrophe only indicates that “something” happened with the aircraft and that investigation should no focus on finding out what may have caused this smoke and not on developing “conspiracy… or unrealistic theories.” “If you want me today to make […]

Organic marijuana labeling fails to pass in Colorado… Should clean weed qualify as ‘organic?’

(NaturalNews) As people everywhere become more concerned about what they are putting into their bodies, the demand for organic products is rising dramatically. Just as people are increasingly opting for organic food, those who purchase marijuana want it to meet the same criteria. However, labeling marijuana to indicate whether it is truly organic […]

Panama Papers law firm threatens ‘aggressive’ litigation after massive client data leak

“The Consortium has forced us to start aggressive legal action to protect ourselves from acts such as these, which, since they are crimes, must be taken to the proper bodies for due process,” the company said in a statement released on Tuesday, as quoted by AFP. US government, Soros funded Panama Papers to attack Putin […]

Snowden Calls For Reassessment Of Our Relationship With The Media

Whistle-blower and former NSA contractor Edward Snowden calls for a free press that serves the people, which is not corrupted by money and power. “If we can’t have faith in press, we’ve lost,” says Snowden. Journalism is stronger today than it has ever been but is less willing to serve the people. RT reports: He outlines his views […]

US Republican Senator urges Obama to counter Iran’s influence in region

US Republican Senator John McCain says President Barack Obama must end diplomatic overtures to Iran and develop a new strategy to combat Tehran’s influence in the region. Hawkish Republican Sen. McCain made the remarks in a statement on Monday. His statement came amid media reports that Iran has conducted a medium-range ballistic missile test, Something Iran denied. McCain said: […]

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