
“Okay, Jim, for this scene, picture a bunch of dirty kikes trying to get you crucified.”

You know, I though this month couldn’t get much better.

We had the Jews identifying themselves with the (((echo))) meme.

We had the mainstream media reporting non-stop about our stuff.

It was all very exciting. But, my friends, it gets better.

(((The Times of Israel))) says:

Mel Gibson is reportedly planning a sequel to his controversial 2004 movie “The Passion of the Christ,” the retelling of Jesus’s final hours that drew accusations of playing into notions of Jewish culpability for his death.

Oy Vey! The Jews still can’t swallow that Gibson basically made a two hour movie about Kikes tormenting Jesus. And that the movie was wildly popular.


The bad guys were a bunch of gross rabbis. They killed Jesus, you know.

The evangelical community considers The Passion the biggest movie ever out of Hollywood, and they kept telling us that they think a sequel will be even bigger,” Wallace said.

“The Passion of the Christ,” directed by Gibson, was a box office smash — making a total of $612 million on a budget of $30 million. It is the highest-grossing religious film in movie history and was nominated for three Academy Awards.

Antisemitism sells like hot cakes. And nobody hates Jew more than Mel Gibson.

This man is directing a new movie. It’s going to be YUGE

Many Jewish viewers were disgusted not only by the violence depicted in the movie, but by the active role that Jews are depicted as having in Jesus’ crucifixion. Jewish high priests are shown as forcing an ambivalent Roman governor, Pontius Pilate, into nailing Jesus on the cross.

[…]In 2012, screenwriter Joe Eszterhas said in a letter to Gibson that the actor and filmmaker “hates Jews.” Writing after Warner Bros. rejected his screenplay for Gibson’s movie about Judah Maccabee, Eszterhas said that Gibson wanted to make the movie only so he could “convert the Jews to Christianity.”


We have here a man who hates Kikes with every fiber of his body. He’s been more or less blacklisted from Hollywood, in spite of being wildly popular and loved by the public.

And this man will bring to us a new masterpiece of cinema. If the Christ-killing rats won’t fund his new movie, someone else will. No moneyed gentile will resist the lure of 2000% return on investment like the first “The Passion of Christ” earned. This is gonna happen, boys.

And it’s going to be glorious.

the christian solution also notes –

So why do Jews hate Mel Gibson’s Christianity and not others?

Because Mel Gibson rejects Second Vatican where the Jews swindled the Catholic Church into modifying their own, well-reasoned religious beliefs of over 1,900 years.

A Second Vatican which all but baptized Jesus-rejecting Jews as Jesus-worshiping Catholics.

Mel Gibson’s view of his Catholic religion is the Catholic religion of the one thousand, nine hundred and sixty three years before Second Vatican, and that is what the Jews so desperately want to insure never happens.

vaticanIImeme2With a rejection of Second Vatican, Jews cannot dominate a Christian Catholic society nearly as easy.  But with Second Vatican, Catholic’s own clergy cannot guide their true Christian beliefs without having first obtaining the censor’s stamp of approval from Jewish rabbis.

Suppressing Catholics with Second Vatican is a feather in their cap Jews will not part with easily.

And this is the real reason why the anti-Semitic diversions of hate speech lobbed against Mel Gibson. His Holy Family Church is an affront to their dominance over this Christian society.

In a just society, Mel Gibson would file a multi-TRILLION dollar lawsuit against all Hollywood companies for discrimination based upon Mel Gibson’s religious beliefs where all he did was fund a Catholic Church called Holy Family, thus also suppressing his freedom of speech to make movies.

Roger Friedman’s confession being prima facia proof of their crimes against Mel Gibson.

continue reading here
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