Posts Tagged ‘Israeli–Palestinian conflict’

Facts about Israel’s Economy – without the crime

Discussing the legal side of israel’s economy, without their child trafficking, drug trafficking, prostitution, slavery, human experiments, organ trafficking, ivory trade, blood diamonds, child sex, global genocides, global holocausts, invading countries and stealing wealth, resources, starting wars and false flag attacks for profit. The actions by activists serve two purposes 1) Create public opinion by […]

Israel Jewish Soldiers wearing diapers so they stop shitting themselves

Israel the army of diapers   IDF Chains Its Soldiers to their Tanks… so they dont run away. Alqassam spokesman told Alquds TV that a member of the brigades kidnapped a zionist soldier in Gaza. When the Israelis realised that, they went insane and fired randomly tens of shells and missiles. Then a war plane […]

USA celebrities call for boycott of Israel

American Jewish Governments give $8 million a day to israel. God knows how much the rest of the world sends them.   Several high profile American actors have called for the academic and cultural boycott of Israel, the Jewish news website JNS reported. Actors Danny Glover and Grace Lee Boggs, and 10 others, issued a statement condemning the […]

Israel Jews spraying sewage on Palestinian streets

Here’s a piece of disgusting news, so disgusting in fact that it beggars belief. Israel and its army of occupation are not just brutal, inhuman and utterly devoid of morality. They also have no self-respect, as the snippet below, posted on the Facebook page of Cadfa, the Camden Abu Dis Friendship Association, on 26 September shows. […]

Israeli Jews Burn Greek Orthodox Church Land In Jerusalem

April 29, 2013 by occupiedpalestine 0 Comments Monday April 29, 2013 00:35 by Saed Bannoura – IMEMC News Follow @imemcnews Sunday evening April 28, 2013, a group of extremist Israeli settlers burnt a land that belongs to the Greek Orthodox Church in Wadi Hilweh, in Silwan town, in occupied East Jerusalem. File – Wadhi Hilweh […]

Israel Jews inject Palestinian prisoners with dangerous viruses – human experiments

“A Palestinian released from Israeli jails, Rania Saqa, has brought to light that the Israeli regime injected detainees that are out of prisons with dangerous viruses,” Russian daily Komsomolskaya Pravda wrote on Friday.Saqa also said many of the prisoners are suffering from mysteriously incurable diseases such as bladder cancer and liver disorders.She said it is […]

Earth’s Alpha Predator: The Jewish Plague

— By Rand Clifford — Actions trump lies. Evidence does not lie…so how has the American public been so brainwashed by lies, in light of so much evidence? Are Zionists that intelligent, or is the American public that unintelligent—and how did even that obvious question become a “third-rail issue”? Totally uncool, our tradition of being […]

“May all Arabs die!” Israel Jews on Facebook express joy at Jordan bus crash that killed Palestinian pilgrims

electronicintifada.netIsraelis, including at least one person identifying himself as a soldier, reacted with genocidal joy on Facebook to the horrifying news this morning that 17 Palestinians returning from a pilgrimage had been killed in a bus accident in Jordan and dozens more injured. Early reports had put the number of dead at 14. According to The Jordan […]

In 2006 & 2007 I Warned the Syrians that the Jews Would Destroy Them and Told Them How to Save Themselves, But No One Listened. Americans, Please Don’t Make the Same Mistake!

“Ahmadinejad is the crypto-Jewish pied piper of Iran, gleefully leading the Iranians to their doom. Saudis leaders are again using the Palestinians to justify attacks on Muslims, in this case the Iranians, soon to be the Syrians, then the Lebanese, etc. The Zionist Bush Administration, against the will of the American People, is sending our […]

israel Jews kidnap Palestinian child from his father’s car for satanic sacrifice

April 2, 2012 by occupiedpalestine 0 Comments [ PIC 02/04/2012 – 10:13 AM ] RAMALLAH, (PIC)– Israeli occupation forces (IOF) kidnapped a Palestinian child from his father’s car while en route to school in Nabi Saleh village to the north west of Ramallah on Monday morning. Sources in the village’s popular resistance committee said that […]

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