Posts Tagged ‘Foreign Minister’

Malaysia, Indonesia FMs visit Myanmar for Arakan Muslims

World Bulletin / News Desk  Malaysia’s foreign minister is to visit Myanmar on Thursday, the day after Anifah Aman and his Indonesian counterpart announced that their countries would temporarily house thousands of Arakan Muslims stranded off their shores from Myanmar. The government said in a press release that Aman is scheduled to have […]

Earth’s Alpha Predator: The Jewish Plague

— By Rand Clifford — Actions trump lies. Evidence does not lie…so how has the American public been so brainwashed by lies, in light of so much evidence? Are Zionists that intelligent, or is the American public that unintelligent—and how did even that obvious question become a “third-rail issue”? Totally uncool, our tradition of being […]

Rudd warns China on North Korea

Kevin Rudd says China must use its influence to quell North Korean aggression.. Picture: Aaron Francis Source: HWT Image Library FORMER prime minister and foreign minister Kevin Rudd has told officers of Beijing’s main defence academy that the world is looking to China to use its influence to quell the aggression of North Korea. In […]

Jewish Terrorist groups ADL JDL EDL AIPAC ISIS AL QAEDA and so on..

Introduction This booklet documents the background and criminal activities of Jewish Zionist terrorist groups, and especially the Jewish Defense League now called Anti Discrimination league (ADL). Particular emphasis is given here to terror — including murder — against “thought criminals” who question the Holocaust story that six million Jews were systematically killed during the Second […]


The NAZIS Always a Jew behind anything Evil or disgusting. Always a Jew behind every flag or symbol. Jewish British NAZI Royal Queen Elizabeth’s father.   Ghislane Maxwell’s grandfather the ashkeNAZI 1917 #Russian 1000 #ruble note has a swastika #zionism #bolshevics AshkeNAZI Jews have ruled Germany for centuries. The Party’s Leader since 1921 was Rothschild’s […]

Jewish Propaganda reminiscent of Cold War: USA says Russian-made weapons are killing Syrians on ‘an hourly basis’

Syria has been invaded and raped by CIA Mi6 SAS Al Qaeda Mossad and Syrian rebels for the Jewish World Order. The criminal Jews are again behind another invasion of a middle eastern country. Jews are killing middle eastern countries just like they have been sucking dry Europe Asia America Africa for decades. The US […]

CIA Secret Prison: Polish Leaders Break Silence About Black Site

CIA Secret Prison: Polish Leaders Break Silence About Black Site By VANESSA GERA 03/31/12 01:45 PM ET 837 154 WARSAW, Poland — For years, the notion that Poland could allow the CIA to operate a secret prison in a remote lake region was treated as a crackpot idea by the country’s politicians, journalists and the public. […]

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