Posts Tagged ‘Arab–Israeli conflict’

Sweden set to punish Israel’s Palestinian victims

Sweden set to punish Israel’s Palestinian victims   Editor By Nureddin Sabir Editor, Redress Information & Analysis Few reasonably informed and fair-minded people would argue with the fact that the reason for the failure – no, the stillbirth – of the so-called “Middle East peace process” is Israel’s ongoing programme of land theft and colonization of […]

Earth’s Alpha Predator: The Jewish Plague

— By Rand Clifford — Actions trump lies. Evidence does not lie…so how has the American public been so brainwashed by lies, in light of so much evidence? Are Zionists that intelligent, or is the American public that unintelligent—and how did even that obvious question become a “third-rail issue”? Totally uncool, our tradition of being […]

“May all Arabs die!” Israel Jews on Facebook express joy at Jordan bus crash that killed Palestinian pilgrims

electronicintifada.netIsraelis, including at least one person identifying himself as a soldier, reacted with genocidal joy on Facebook to the horrifying news this morning that 17 Palestinians returning from a pilgrimage had been killed in a bus accident in Jordan and dozens more injured. Early reports had put the number of dead at 14. According to The Jordan […]

CODEPINK Calls for Destruction of Israel at AIPAC Policy Conference Protests

Code Pink protests Ahava in 2009 in Los Angeles. Photo: Wikipedia A negligible number of protestors descended upon the Washington D.C.  Convention Center Sunday as the American Israel Public Affairs Committee opened its three day policy conference. A main protest at the front entrance to the facility, hosted by CODEPINK, claimed to be in response […]


The NAZIS Always a Jew behind anything Evil or disgusting. Always a Jew behind every flag or symbol. Jewish British NAZI Royal Queen Elizabeth’s father.   Ghislane Maxwell’s grandfather the ashkeNAZI 1917 #Russian 1000 #ruble note has a swastika #zionism #bolshevics AshkeNAZI Jews have ruled Germany for centuries. The Party’s Leader since 1921 was Rothschild’s […]

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