Posts Tagged ‘World Zionist Organization’

The Six Million Jewish Holocaust Myth busted wide open

  The “Six Million” Myth By wmw_admin on April 16, 2011 Zion’s Big Lie “The First Holocaust” by Don Heddesheimer is a critical work documenting the continuous Jewish attempts at floating out Holocaust propaganda before, during and after World War One, often invoking the magical “6,000,000″ figure and using the term “Holocaust”. Of course, these […]


The NAZIS Always a Jew behind anything Evil or disgusting. Always a Jew behind every flag or symbol. Jewish British NAZI Royal Queen Elizabeth’s father.   Ghislane Maxwell’s grandfather the ashkeNAZI 1917 #Russian 1000 #ruble note has a swastika #zionism #bolshevics AshkeNAZI Jews have ruled Germany for centuries. The Party’s Leader since 1921 was Rothschild’s […]

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