Posts Tagged ‘New York’

Adolf Hitler and the Jewish Holocaust Hoax Exposed

NAtional socialists and ZIonists. The result is a NAZI Party. Many Neo-Nazis cannot accept that Hitler was false opposition, set up by the Jewish bankers The Jewish Ethnic Cleansing Of Europeans World War 1 – 50 million non Jews killed… zero jews killed World War 2 – 72 Million non Jews killed… zero jews killed. […]

Revilo P. Oliver: What We Owe Our Parasites

Dr. Oliver delivered this address to a German-American group assembled at the Lorelei Club in Hamburg, New York, near Buffalo, on 9th June, 1968. by Dr. Revilo P. Oliver Ladies and Gentlemen, let me thank you first of all for the honor of your invitation and the pleasure of being with you today. […]

BEST OF THE WEB: All eyes on New York for Putin the Great

     It’s the ultimate geopolitical cliffhanger of the season: will US President Barack Obama finally decide to meet Russian President Vladimir Putin, either this Friday or during the UN General Assembly next week in New York? Russia’s game changer in Syria – not only weapons delivery but also the prospect of actual intervention by the […]

New York cabs get smart in battle with Uber

As New York taxi drivers face surging competition from smartphone cab services, the traditional taxi force in the city that never sleeps is preparing to push back against the likes of Uber. Spearheading that effort are a spacious mini-van—being phased in as the city’s taxi firms renew their fleets—and a long-awaited phone app. A […]

TSA Agent Forces College Student Into Bathroom For ‘Security Search’… What Happens Next Is SICK (Video)

New York, NY — Walking through a TSA checkpoint is a violating experience for everyone, but on some occasions it can get even worse. In one extreme case, a TSA agent was recently arrested for luring a traveler into a bathroom under the pretense of a security search, and molesting her. 40-year-old Maxie Oquendo of the Transportation […]

Morsi death sentence protested by Egyptians in New York

World Bulletin / News Desk  Egyptians in New York held a rally Friday to protest recent death sentences handed down to the country’s only democratically elected president and more than 100 others. Roughly 100 protesters gathered in front of Egypt’s Consulate General in New York, seeking justice against what they call a “politically-motivated” […]

Mystery of 9 brains found in US county village remains unsolved

     Gouverneur, New York — Nine brains inexplicably appeared earlier this week along a street in a St. Lawrence County village. How the brains got there and where they came from remains a mystery. Residents discovered the brains on Beck with Street near railroad tracks and called the police. Gouverneur police collected one of the […]

Lawsuit: Guards At Rikers Allowed to Rape Inmates with Consent from City Officials

New York, New York – According to a lawsuit filed this week, the city of New York has helped enable the ongoing abuse and rape of several female inmates at the all-female Rose M. Singer Center at Rikers prison. Two women behind the lawsuit, who wish to remain anonymous, say they were both raped on […]

What passes for Justice in New York today: The case of Sean Dix

What passes for Justice in New York today: The case of Sean Dix   by Jim Fetzer, Ph.D. (with endorsements from Stephen E. Godfrey, M.D., Steve Koehler, MPH, Ph.D., Sheriff Richard Mack, Michael J. Norvell, Ph.D., DABT, ERT, and Alen J. Salerian, M.D.) “The issue of whether the complainant did or did not attempt to murder […]

New York Jew artist creates ‘art’ that is invisible and collectors are paying millions

This reminds me of the Jewish Holocaust hoax. Art enthusiasts admire Newstrom’s paintings and sculptures at the Schulberg Gallery in New York. (Nick Fabin) Listen 27-year-old artist Lana Newstrom says she is the first artist in the world to create invisible “art.”  In this documentary we traveled to her empty studio to learn more about […]

Jew in New York

To: Webmaster From: jew-elle [email protected] Message: I’m so happy you are cooking in your hatred as you do, this can only means your end is extremely near!!!!I realize one,cannot expect someone who finished 3rd grade last in the class, and then was thrown out from one job after another, and had an abusive relationship with […]

Family’s holocaust mystery

  Amos Cohen stands in front of the grave of his long lost relative Rose Kobylinski in Swierlany, Poland. Her fate at the end of World War II as a victim of the Germans was just recently discovered. NEW YORK — While Israel recently marked its annual Holocaust Remembrance Day dedicated to the 70th anniversary […]



What World-famous Men have said About the Satanic Jews

Introduction The Jews are the only people in the world who have found hostility in every country in which they settled in any numbers. The big question is — WHY? Today it is taught in the schools that “Anti-Semitism” began in Germany in the 1930s after which they were deported. What is not studied is […]


The NAZIS Always a Jew behind anything Evil or disgusting. Always a Jew behind every flag or symbol. Jewish British NAZI Royal Queen Elizabeth’s father.   Ghislane Maxwell’s grandfather the ashkeNAZI 1917 #Russian 1000 #ruble note has a swastika #zionism #bolshevics AshkeNAZI Jews have ruled Germany for centuries. The Party’s Leader since 1921 was Rothschild’s […]

Bill Gates Favors The Death Panel and Vaccines To Decrease The World’s Population

When Bill Gates, founder of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, which provides vaccines to third world countries, promoted decreasing the population of the world and favoring the ‘death panel’, it shocked many people. ~ Video Bill Gates believes that “instead of spending millions of dollars on old people who just have months to live, […]

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