Posts Tagged ‘Napoleon’

“HISTORY IS A LIE AGREED UPON” Napoleon -Russian POW recalls horrors of Nazi death camp in declassified papers

When Hitler, who I am not a fan of by the way, invaded Poland to put a stop to the Poles at the encouragement of Britain, Holocausting ethnic Germans in Poland, 58,000 slaughtered before Hitler put a stop to it, France and England started WW 2. When the red Russian Khazarian Jews of the USSR […]

Napoleon Bonaparte Was Attacked by an Army of 1000 Marauding Rabbits!

In 1815, Napoleon Bonaparte, one of history’s greatest generals and military geniuses, suffered his greatest defeat at the Battle of Waterloo. But eight years earlier, he had faced another enemy that forced him Read more Section:  News Weird Facts Read Later 

Napoleon Bonaparte’s Mystical Experience Inside the Great Pyramid of Giza

Did you know that Napoleon Bonaparte had a mystical experience inside the Great Pyramid of Giza? When a few of his most trusted men asked Napoleon what had happened inside of the Pyramid, Napoleon replied: ‘Even If I told you, you would not believe me.’ It is said that one night of August in 1799 […]

Napoleon’s Love of Cologne May Be What Killed Him, Says UK Biochemist

There has long been speculation about the true cause of Napoleon Bonaparte’s death on the island of St. Helena on May 5, 1821. As we mark the 200th anniversary of this event, a biochemist from De Montfort University in Leicester (United Kingdom) believes he has finally solved the mystery of what killed one of history’s […]

French and Russian soldiers who fought in Napoleon’s 18`12 campaign are finally buried

The remains of over a hundred French and Russian soldiers who died during Napoleon’s disastrous 1812 campaign were finally buried on Saturday. The descendants of some of the military leaders from that time watched as their coffins were interred in the frozen ground. Officials and descendants of 19th-century Russian and French military leaders gathered for […]

Napoleon was crowned on this day, revolutionizing Jews future in Europe

On this day in history, December 2, 1804, French leader Napoleon Bonaparte was crowned as France’s emperor, ruling the First French Empire established a few months earlier when he was granted the emperor title. The coronation of Napoleon I, which took place 216 years ago, at the Notre-Dame de Paris Great Cathedral in the presence of Pope […]

The Journey of Napoleon’s Penis: Here’s the Long and the Short of It

Perhaps the only thing more satisfying than a “big” story is one where celebrity and bizarre personal details combine to create an even bigger story.  This is certainly true in the fascinating and ongoing history of Napoleon’s penis. The man was a celebrity in his time and hugely successful but apparently Napoleon’s penis was not […]

Napoleon, Hitler and the economy — David Brooks hints that Trump is losing his mind

BAKER: A lot of people are curious about your conversation with President [Vladimir V.] Putin at dinner [on July 7]. Not surprising. But what did you all talk about, and—— TRUMP: So, that dinner was a very long time planned dinner. And what it was was an evening at the opera. It was a final […]

What World-famous Men have said About the Satanic Jews

Introduction The Jews are the only people in the world who have found hostility in every country in which they settled in any numbers. The big question is — WHY? Today it is taught in the schools that “Anti-Semitism” began in Germany in the 1930s after which they were deported. What is not studied is […]

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