Posts Tagged ‘New York City’

New York City Joins ‘Ground-Breaking’ Global Anti-Extremism Network

By Ross Barkan | Amid criticism from civil liberties advocates, Mayor Bill de Blasio said this afternoon that New York City will join a “ground-breaking” global network to combat extremism and terrorism. Mr. de Blasio, appearing on a panel with United States Attorney Loretta Lynch, strove to allay concerns from […]

IRS Employee Arrested After Sexually Molesting Woman Being Audited in Tennessee

A TSA screener is accused of sexually assaulting a woman at LaGuardia Airport in New York City after telling her she needed to be searched in the bathroom. Maxie Oquendo allegedly sexually assaulted a 21-year-old student from South Korea after her Salt Lake City flight landed Tuesday afternoon. Court documents show the […]

Rabbi A. Romi Cohn has sucked 25,000 baby penises – “it’s a joyous occasion”

YouTube banned video Please watch here instead: selling foreskins and sodomising babies.mp4   I found this shocking: The mohel, A. Romi Cohn, said he had performed more than 25,000 circumcisions, on babies and adults, in New York City and elsewhere over the last 40 years. When he circumcises an infant, he said, he almost […]

Two more babies stricken with herpes at Jewish oral blood sucking circumcision

Two more babies stricken with herpes after ritual ultra-orthodox Jewish oral blood sucking circumcision in New York City Since 2000 13 known cases of herpes have been contracted from the religious practice Two deaths and two babies suffering brain damage have resulted Department of health warns there being no safe way to perform the ritual […]

Call for apology as Rabbi Manis Friedman likens child sex abuse to ‘diarrhoea’

A leading figure within the ultra-orthodox Jewish movement that governs yeshiva colleges in Australia has ridiculed victims of sex abuse, likening the impact of child molestation to the “embarrassment” of diarrhoea and insisting victims are “not that damaged”.     Read More Source Article from

What World-famous Men have said About the Satanic Jews

Introduction The Jews are the only people in the world who have found hostility in every country in which they settled in any numbers. The big question is — WHY? Today it is taught in the schools that “Anti-Semitism” began in Germany in the 1930s after which they were deported. What is not studied is […]


The NAZIS Always a Jew behind anything Evil or disgusting. Always a Jew behind every flag or symbol. Jewish British NAZI Royal Queen Elizabeth’s father.   Ghislane Maxwell’s grandfather the ashkeNAZI 1917 #Russian 1000 #ruble note has a swastika #zionism #bolshevics AshkeNAZI Jews have ruled Germany for centuries. The Party’s Leader since 1921 was Rothschild’s […]

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