Posts Tagged ‘Jewish education’

“Forgotten Genocides” and the Alleged “Miseducation” of Hollywood Star Natalie Portman

The immediate objectives are the total destruction and devastation of their settlements and the capture of as many prisoners of every age and sex as possible. It will be essential to ruin their crops in the ground and prevent their planting more U.S. President George Washington to General John Sullivan on May 31, 1779 Hollywood actress […]

Call for apology as Rabbi Manis Friedman likens child sex abuse to ‘diarrhoea’

A leading figure within the ultra-orthodox Jewish movement that governs yeshiva colleges in Australia has ridiculed victims of sex abuse, likening the impact of child molestation to the “embarrassment” of diarrhoea and insisting victims are “not that damaged”.     Read More Source Article from

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