Posts Tagged ‘brooks’

Brooks: Hunter Peddling Influence ‘Merits an Inquiry’ But There Shouldn’t Be Impeachment Inquiry

On Friday’s “PBS NewsHour,” New York Times columnist David Brooks stated that Hunter Biden’s alleged influence peddling “merits an inquiry.” But “I don’t think there should be an impeachment inquiry about it.” Brooks also stated that President Joe Biden “was somewhat involved Source

Brooks: Biden ‘Should Have Called out His Own Party’ for Giving Millions to ‘MAGA Wing’ ‘If It’s Such a Threat’

On Friday’s “PBS NewsHour,” New York Times columnist David Brooks said that while he didn’t have any problem with President Joe Biden giving a speech on threats to democracy “he should have called out his own party” for spending millions of dollars

NYT’s Brooks: January 6 Committee ‘Fundamentally Ill-Pointed,’ ‘A Little Too Parochial’

During Friday’s broadcast of PBS’s “NewsHour,” New York Times columnist David Brooks elaborated on his criticisms of the House of Representatives January 6 Committee, which he had suggested in a recent Times column as being too political. 

Mo Brooks: January 6 Probe a ‘Propaganda Effort’ Designed to Impact Midterms

Representative Mo Brooks (R-AL), a candidate for U.S. Senate in Alabama, said Tuesday on MSNBC’s “Andrea Mitchell Reports” that the House Select Committee investigate the January 6 riot at the U.S. Capitol was a “propaganda effort” meant to influence the midterm elections in November.

Exclusive — Ted Cruz Heads to Alabama to Campaign for Mo Brooks

Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) will be making his way to Alabama to campaign on behalf of Rep. Mo Brooks’ (R-AL) U.S. Senate bid.

Brooks: Numbers of People at Border ‘Flooding the System’ – It’s ‘Probably Beyond our Capacity to Absorb’ Everyone Who Wants to Come

On Friday’s “PBS NewsHour,” New York Times columnist David Brooks stated that the number of people trying to come to the U.S. is “probably beyond our capacity to absorb all the people who want to come.” And the current numbers on the border are “flooding the system.” Brooks stated that the reason for implementing Title […]

Brooks: I’m ‘Guardedly Skeptical’ Biden Oil Reserve Release Will Do Much, OPEC Can Just Limit Supply

On Friday’s “PBS NewsHour,” New York Times columnist David Brooks said that Strategic Petroleum Reserve releases “never” work and he is “guardedly skeptical” that President Joe Biden’s plan to release from the SPR “is going to do much” to lower gas prices. Brooks stated, “Presidents always do this. They always release from the reserve, and […]

Brooks: Russia’s Military Will Probably Have ‘Disheartening Successes’ But ‘Faith Has Been Restored’ in Biden

On Friday’s “PBS NewsHour,” New York Times columnist David Brooks stated that the Russian military is likely to achieve some very “disheartening successes over the next days and weeks.” But, despite this, “faith has been restored” “in the leadership of Zelensky, but also Biden,” and European leaders. Brooks stated, “The Russian military seems to be […]

Lawrence Brooks: Oldest US WWII veteran dies aged 112

The United States’ oldest World War Two veteran, Lawrence N. Brooks, has died at the age of 112 on Wednesday. His death was announced by the National WWII Museum and confirmed by his daughter. He was the oldest living US participant in World War II, according to President Joe Biden. The former soldier was deployed […]

Mo Brooks: Liz Cheney Staffer a ‘Dishonorable Gutter Rat’ for Claim Brooks Was ‘Cheering on’ Capitol Riot

According to Ryan O’Toole, a staffer for Rep. Liz Cheney (R-WY) and formerly a staffer for Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA), there were some members of the House of Representatives “cheering on” the interruption caused by the January 6, 2021 U.S. Capitol riot, and among them was Rep. Mo Brooks (R-AL). During an appearance on […]

Darrell Brooks’ Mother Speaks: He ‘Suffered from Mental Illness,’ ‘System Is Broken’

The mother of Waukesha attack suspect Darrell E. Brooks Jr. has penned a lengthy letter charging that the American legal system failed to provide her mentally ill son adequate resources throughout his life. According to Dawn Woods, Brooks came from a “loving Christian family and is the grandson of ministers,” alleging that he has “suffered […]

Affidavit: Black Supremacist Darrell Brooks ‘Intentionally’ Rammed Parade Participants to ‘Hit As Many White People a Possible’

Black supremacist Darrell Edward Brooke Jr. “intentionally” rammed white Christmas parade attendees, including children, in Waukesha on Sunday and did a “zig zag” to “kill as many as possible,” according to a newly released affidavit. Excerpts: InformationLiberation reports: Brooks killed 6 and injured at least 62, according to the latest tally. Thirteen children remain hospitalized […]

Democrat Domestic Terrorist Darrell E. Brooks, Jr. Was Brainwashed by Leftist Propaganda

Darrell Brooks Jr., the man responsible for murdering innocent attendees at a Christmas parade in Waukesha on Sunday night, was inspired to go on his killing spree by leftist propaganda fed to him by the mainstream media. Darrell Brooks Jr. was bailed out of prison after posting an ‘inappropriately low’ bond after stalking, punching and […]

Darrell Edward Brooks Jr Allegedly ID’ed As Suspect Accused of Plowing Through Christmas Parade in Waukesha, Wisconsin

By Chris Menahan The suspect accused of running down 45 people at a Christmas parade in Waukesha, Wisconsin has allegedly been identified as Darrell Edward Brooks Jr, a 39-year-old black male with a long criminal history who was let out on bond Friday. The NY Post’s Karol Markowicz reported Brooks is the man in custody. […]

Exclusive – Rep. Mo Brooks: Stephen Colbert Lies. I Wore Bulletproof Vest on January 6 Because of Threats Against Me from BLM, Antifa

Rep. Mo Brooks (R-AL), who is running for the U.S. Senate seat from Alabama, told Breitbart News on Friday that he wore a “bulletproof vest” on January 6 due to threats against him from Antifa and Black Lives Matter, saying CBS’s Stephen Colbert and the broader left dishonestly frame his wearing of body armor on […]

Brooks: ‘Threat of Inflation Is Real’ and Inflation Hurts Those Who Need Help the Most

On Friday’s “PBS NewsHour,” New York Times columnist David Brooks said that while he agrees with the direction of President Joe Biden’s budget plan there is a real threat of inflation and too much debt, and that inflation would impact the people who need help the most. Brooks stated, “The two cautionary warnings, I would […]

Brooks: Biden Budget ‘Redirects Money to Those Who Need It’

On Friday’s “PBS NewsHour,” New York Times columnist David Brooks stated that President Joe Biden’s budget proposal is moving in the right direction with a “just” redirection of money to people with a high school education or an associate’s degree. Brooks said, “I’ve never been a progressive or any — even close to that. But […]

ACH (1508) Mischa Popoff – How Mel Brooks Is To Comedy What Albert Einstein Was To Physics

EURO FOLK RADIO ACH (1508) Mischa Popoff – How Mel Brooks Is To Comedy What Albert Einstein Was To Physics Play Episode Pause Episode Mute/Unmute Episode Rewind 10 Seconds 1x Fast Forward 30 seconds Subscribe Share In today’s show originally broadcast on May 5 2021, Andy is joined by Mischa Popoff, for a show entitled, […]

Mo Brooks on Calls for Cuomo Resignation: ‘No Fair Trial if You Adopt Socialist Democrat Standard’

Rep. Mo Brooks (R-AL) weighed in on the Democrats’ mounting calls for Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D) to resign following a third woman stepping forward and accusing him of sexual harassment, explaining that while he personally disagrees with the “socialist Democrat standard” of the presumption of guilt, Cuomo, under the radical left’s standards, is already guilty. […]

Brooks: ‘Unconscious Undertone’ to Tanden Opposition Is That OMB Director Is Usually a White Male

On Friday’s “PBS NewsHour,” New York Times columnist David Brooks stated that part of the “unconscious undertone” to the opposition to Neera Tanden’s nomination as OMB Director is that the OMB Director is usually “a super wonky, dry personality, white male.” Brooks said, “Republicans have had a come-to-Jesus moment where incivility is completely offensive to them all […]

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