Posts Tagged ‘know the lies’

Woman Gives Birth To… A Horse?!?

A woman purportedly gave birth to a foal (horse like) creature, otherwise known as a baby horse, on Tuesday, at the World Liberation Ministry, on the old Benin-Sapele road during the church’s prophecy programme.  The strange creature, which threw the church members into panic, had died by the time journalists visited the church following the […]

Woman Gives Birth To… A Horse?!?

A woman purportedly gave birth to a foal (horse like) creature, otherwise known as a baby horse, on Tuesday, at the World Liberation Ministry, on the old Benin-Sapele road during the church’s prophecy programme.  The strange creature, which threw the church members into panic, had died by the time journalists visited the church following the […]

How to Avoid Getting Trapped in FEMA Camps

I wrote a news story recently called “How technology will send you to hell in the FEMA camps” It was wildly popular and raised the question in my mind, “How do I prevent my family from going to the camps?”~ James Smith The first thing is to know what to expect before hand. While people […]

How to Avoid Getting Trapped in FEMA Camps

I wrote a news story recently called “How technology will send you to hell in the FEMA camps” It was wildly popular and raised the question in my mind, “How do I prevent my family from going to the camps?”~ James Smith The first thing is to know what to expect before hand. While people […]

DHS Orders More Snipper Ammunition

.223 rifle ammo Surprise! The DHS Immigration and Customs Enforcement have requested more ammunition. However, it is the type of ammunition and not necessarily the quantity that is troubling. First on the agenda is the .223 rifle ammunition. Just a measly 40 million rounds in the first year, and another 160 million rounds in the […]

DHS Orders More Snipper Ammunition

.223 rifle ammo Surprise! The DHS Immigration and Customs Enforcement have requested more ammunition. However, it is the type of ammunition and not necessarily the quantity that is troubling. First on the agenda is the .223 rifle ammunition. Just a measly 40 million rounds in the first year, and another 160 million rounds in the […]

Obama and Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Corbett MUST Go

Just because someone has the ability to do something, does not mean he or she should do it. We have two examples of such a situation before us at the moment: President Barack Obama and Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Corbett. Here in Pennsylvania, Terry Williams, a man who has been living on death row for three […]

Obama and Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Corbett MUST Go

Just because someone has the ability to do something, does not mean he or she should do it. We have two examples of such a situation before us at the moment: President Barack Obama and Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Corbett. Here in Pennsylvania, Terry Williams, a man who has been living on death row for three […]

What QE3 Is Going To Do To America!

  Ready or not, QE3 is here, and the long-term effects of this reckless money printing by the Federal Reserve are going to be absolutely nightmarish!~ Michael Snyder – Related articles The Federal Reserve is hoping that buying $40 billion worth of mortgage-backed securities per month will spur more lending and more economic activity.  But […]

GUILLOTINES ARE REAL!… Soldiers Discover The Truth About Their Use! They Have Either Been Arrested Or On The Run!

As we see in Revelation 20, the prophecy declares that some of the children of God that do NOT go along with the Papacy’s mark will find themselves at the business end of a guillotine. All too often the argument arises. How can we as a modern and more civilized people, use guillotines? ~ LedaOhio9 […]

Foreclosure Victims Beware!… Federal Agents Are Coming After You!

Investigators are searching not only for lenders who have sold materially deficient loans to Fannie and Freddie, but also individuals, including those who reneged on their promises to repay their mortgages. So if you are a “strategic defaulter” who decided it was better to walk away from your obligation than to keep paying for a […]

What Are The Militarized Police Planning On Doing With These Heavily Armored Vehicles?

Evidence the police state is gearing up for a lock-down pours in from citizen journalists and alternative media on an almost weekly basis. ~ Alexander Higgins – Photos New evidence for a coming lock-down of America is presented to the public by citizen journalists and alternative media on an almost weekly basis, which suggests that […]

Gerald Celente Is On Fire!… His Most Powerful Analysis Ever!

Researcher and author Gerald Celente breaks down the latest bankster scandal perpetuated by the Federal Reserve under the cover of a new round of quantitative easing to fix a collapsing economy.   YouTubeLink   September 15, 2012 – posted at IntelHub   Source   diggmutidel.icio.usgoogleredditfacebook

FEMA… The Secret Government

Some people have referred to it as the “secret government” of the United States. It is not an elected body, it does not involve itself in public disclosures, and it even has a quasi-secret budget in the billions of dollars. This government organization has more power than the President of the United States or the […]

Obama’s October Surprise… This May Be His Ugliest Stunt Yet!

If you think the illegal aliens problem in this country is bad now… if you think the outrageous amounts of our legal citizens’ tax paid dollars is unfair to legal citizens… If you think that all the other free benefits such as welfare, housing, clothing, food, education even into the post high school years and […]

Why the US Used HAARP to Create the 9.0 Magnitude Japan Earthquake… The Hegelian Dialectic at Work!

  HAARP or High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program is a US military weapon of mass destruction that can alter the weather and create earthquakes anywhere in the World.  On March 11, 2011 HAARP triggered a 9.0 magnitude off the coast of Japan. ~ Paul Kincaid – May 13, 2011 – Related article YouTubeLink The […]

Obama To Transform U.S. Military Into Agenda 21 Social Workers!

Progressive organizations behind White House policy have crafted specific, second-term plans for President Obama to transform the U.S. Armed Forces into a social work-style organization designed to combat “global warming,” fight global poverty, remedy “injustice,” bolster the United Nations and increase “peacekeeping” (?) forces worldwide. ~ Video The groups, already instrumental in influencing Obama’s first-term […]

The Fed Caught RED Handed!… Corrupt Banking At The Highest Levels

The rats are jumping ship as corrupt banking is exposed at the highest levels and the FED is caught RED handed. ~ Alexander Higgins – Video – related articles     If that video isn’t bad enough Caught red-handed 2.0 and openly admitting: LIBOR 2.0: Is The Biggest Manipulation Yet To Come? ‘No Big Deal’ […]

Romney is Greeted in Poland with Huge Ron Paul Banner!

Check it out!… Mitt Romney is greeted with a huge Ron Paul banner in Poland! ~ Video     July 31, 2012 – posted at AlexanderHiggins   Source   diggmutidel.icio.usgoogleredditfacebook

Do You Take Statin Drugs?… They’re A Sweetheart To Die For!

Statin drugs are a sweetheart alright… a $25 billion a year industry sweetheart that is! Not only are they the best-selling drug class out there, but they provide an almost endless list of side effects that assure the hapless taker a lifetime of expensive medical treatment. Statins are a Big Pharma dream-come-true.~ Craig Stellpflug What […]

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