Archive for the ‘Jew in New York’ Category

The Dylann Roof Hoax Is A Talmudic Threat To All Our Freedoms


We Need Domestic & Internat’l Regulations To Prevent Outsourcing

Print Friendly When corporations can move about the world as they please, workers have no chance of ever winning any long-term concessions from them.   (Lewis W. Hine) In the early 20th century, working conditions in the Unites States were abysmal and often deadly. Legal protection for workers was all but nonexistent. At the same time, […]

Steal From Taxpayers, Blame The Poor

Print Friendly Credit: Ineteconomics It’s a vicious circle of hypocrisy: Americans dependent on the safety net are urged to “get a job” by the same free-market system that pays them too little to avoid being dependent on the safety net. Theft, Part 1: The Average U.S. Household Pays About $400 for Safety Net Programs for […]

Take Action To Stop The DARK Act

Print Friendly Photo: March Against Monsanto in Marseille Today, at 10 a.m., Reps. Mike Pompeo (R-Kan.), G.K. Butterfield (D-N.C.) and their band of pro-GMO, anti-consumer, stomp-all-over-states’-rights outlaws will stand before the U.S. House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Health and ask the Committee to support H.R. 1599. We’ve been calling H.R. 1599 the DARK (Deny […]

How Jeffrey Sterling Took On The CIA — And Lost Everything

Print Friendly THIS IS HOW it ended for Jeffrey Sterling. A former covert officer for the Central Intelligence Agency, Sterling sat down in a federal courtroom with a lawyer on either side, looking up at a judge who would announce in a few moments whether he would go to prison for the next 20 years. A […]

Irish Burn Water Bills, Fly Greek Flag In Solidarity At Mass Dublin Protest

Print Friendly Source: Sam Boal/Photocall Ireland A LARGE CROWD has marched to the GPO in Dublin today as water charge protests return to the capital. Having taken a backseat to campaigning for the same-sex marriage referendum, is once again at the forefront of the political agenda. Today in Dublin, thousands marched to the GPO, where […]

This Dog Bit A Cop Now People Are Trying To Save The Dog’s Life

People are rallying to prevent a dog who bit a police officer from being euthanized. Almost 10,000 people have signed a petition calling for the dog’s life to be spared. MLive reports: “As a boxer-pit bull mix resides in a limbo state between death and life with his owner, animal-lovers from around the world […]

Black Churches In Arizona Say ‘No Thanks’ To ‘Protection’ From Arpaio’s Posses: He Ignores Them

You may remember that, a couple of years ago, Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio formed posses to “protect” the Phoenix area. These volunteers had no background checks, no mental health checks… no checks of any kind, save that they had a gun and the desire to be a vigilante. Arpaio let these gangs loose on […]

How Republicans Turned Running For President Into A Giant Money Making Scam (VIDEO)

We often joke that the GOP field is like a clown car, but with 28 candidates and growing, even the best clownery won’t fit all the mostly white men into one car. Why would so many people who hate the government run for President? Don’t they know that most don’t stand even a remote chance? […]

This Map Shows Where The Earth’s Groundwater Is Drying Up (IMAGE)

A new study led by U.C. Irvine using data from NASA Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment satellites shows that humans are rapidly draining some of the largest groundwater basins in the world. The problem is compounded by the fact that people do not have reliable data on the amount of water that remains in those […]

MSM’s Infuriating Narrative Describes Dylann Roof As ‘Victim’ And ‘Sweet Kid’ (VIDEO)

Dylann Roof just killed nine people. He shot them in cold blood as they gathered in the historic AME church in Charleston, South Carolina. We’ve seen his manifesto, filled with hatred toward Black people, posted on the racist website he created two years ago. We’ve seen his photo gallery, complete with disturbing images of him […]

The Unmentionable Problem Gun Control & Medication Cannot Fix

Susanne Posel ,Chief Editor Occupy Corporatism | Co-Founder, Legacy Bio-Naturals June 20, 2015   President Obama spoke at the US Conference of Mayors (USCM) about the recent shooting during a Bible study at The Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in Charleston, South Carolina that claimed the lives of 9 black residents; including state […]

Hospitals Mark Up Prices More Than 1,000 Percent

Print Friendly Above photo: Detroit Retirees for Single Payer Health Care. Researcher: “What other industry can you think of that marks up their prices by 1,000% and remains in business?” Note: The authors correctly conclude that our health system is a market failure, something that we have argued for years. Health care does not fit […]

Amazonian Tribe Brings Struggle to International Stage

Emergency Actions To Stop Fast Track June 22 and 23, 2015 Everywhere – The House passed Fast Track (TPA) legislation on… Source Article from

George Soros Has Been Urging Aggressive Action In Ukraine, Why?

Print Friendly George Soros has been an advocate of aggressive action by the United States, the European Union and NATO against Ukraine and Russia. In his commentary he never acknowledges the role of the United States in the coup against a democratic government which could have been replaced by an election. He always paints Russia […]

World Refugee Day: Human Face Of A Global Crisis

Print Friendly Above photo: People are protesting around the world, from Australia to the UK to countries in Africa @thefreeonline World Refugee Day is marked annually on June 20 to raise awareness about the plight of refugees around the world. This year, World Refugee Day comes as the number of displaced people around the globe hits […]

Charleston & The South’s Sordid History Of Attacks On Black Churches

In the wake of the heinous murders of nine members of Charleston’s Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church this week, many have pointed to historic congregation’s central role in the city’s African-American community. As Clementa Pinckney, the church’s pastor and state legislator who was killed in the shooting, told a group of visitors in 2013, “It’s a very […]

The Unmentionable Problem Gun Control & Medication Cannot Fix

Susanne Posel ,Chief Editor Occupy Corporatism | Co-Founder, Legacy Bio-Naturals June 20, 2015   President Obama spoke at the US Conference of Mayors (USCM) about the recent shooting during a Bible study at The Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in Charleston, South Carolina that claimed the lives of 9 black residents; including state […]

Rick Perry Says Nothing About Calling Charleston An ‘Accident,’ Pretends We’re All In This Together

Yesterday, former Texas Governor Rick Perry came under severe fire for calling the Charleston tragedy an accident. While his campaign spokesman said that he clearly meant “incident,” and not “accident,” it didn’t stop people from tearing him a new one for it. Today, according to The Raw Story, Perry tried to distance himself from that […]

Cop Fires More Than A Dozen Rounds Into Car Full Of Black Teens (VIDEO)

When Cook County Judge Larry Berman saw dashcam video of a Chicago police officer firing more than a dozen bullets into a car which was occupied by a group of black teenagers, he was both shocked and disturbed. While the video is from December 22, 2013, it wasn’t until recently that it was played inside […]

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