Archive for the ‘Vet News’ Category

Jews are not Gods chosen people

Jews are not Gods chosen people Does “Moses supposes erroneously?” By Robbie the Pict ‘Jews are not the ‘Chosen People’, Palestine is not the Promised Land The Jews were rejected by the Israelites as brutal gang-masters and tax extortionists. British Hebrew exposes world’s greatest scam.’ A limited inquiry into why the Jews think they are […]

The Gathering Of The Harvest – Veterans Today

Divide and Conquer in Charleston – Veterans Today

  …by Jonas E. Alexis   Whenever you look at a major event in recent memory, keep Yuri Slezkine’s thesis in mind. “The modern age is the Jewish Age,” says Slezkine on the first page of his book The Jewish Century. He continues to say that “the twentieth century, in particular, is the Jewish Century…Modernization […]

‘We’ll Teach Americans How to Fight!’ – Azov Regiment – Veterans Today

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Russia Could Offer Iran Antey-2500 Instead of S-300 – Veterans Today

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In defense of Pope Francis’ “On Care for our Common Home” Encyclical – Veterans Today

Michelangelo, The Deluge, 1509 “The same mindset which stands in the way of making radical decisions to reverse the trend of global warming also stands in the way of achieving the goal of eliminating poverty.”—Pope Francis, 2015 According to Prof. Steffen Böhm, “The Encyclical published today (June 18, 2015) by Pope Francis represents a profound […]

Roof Collapses on Republican Party – Veterans Today

By Johnny Punish This past week Dylann Roof, the 20 year old domestic terrorist who massacred 9 African Americans in a Charleston Church, has destroyed 7 years of Republican Party platforms that were foolishly centered on the mantra “Take Our Country Back”; a veiled reference to white supremacy giving them the trophy for making the […]

Uri Avnery – Isratin or Palestrael? – Veterans Today

By  Uri Avnery with Gush Shalom ___ It’s always harder than it looks [ Editors note: Most of us are familiar with the old saying, “The devil (or god) is in the details.” All accountants, military logistics people, software coders, and executive secretaries would agree. And so does Uri, as he takes us into the maze of […]

Turkey’s Surprise Election Results – What Next? – Veterans Today

By Gwenyth Todd, Editor In the run-up to last week’s Turkish elections, most observers expected Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and his AK Party to win a healthy two-thirds majority.  Had the AKP won, it would have paved the way for President Erdogan to make sweeping changes to Turkey’s constitution, potentially granting him dictatorial powers […]

Dylann Roof – “The Manifesto Which Never Wuz” Updated – Veterans Today

I was not raised in a racist home or environment. Living in the South, almost every White person has a small amount of racial awareness, simply beause of the numbers of negroes in this part of the country. But it is a superficial awareness. Growing up, in school, the White and black kids would make […]

TRUTH JIHAD: Je suis Dieudonné! French comedian wins free speech award – Veterans Today

Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 1:00:01 — 54.9MB) | Embed Subscribe: iTunes | Android | RSS For only $3.95 a month you can listen to shows on-demand before they are broadcast – and also get free downloads and other perks from Kevin! If you are a subscriber, just log in to the members […]

Israel bombs Lebanon to destroy own downed drone – reports – Veterans Today

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The Pope, Climate Change and what they are not telling you. – Veterans Today

. <!– –> Home Health Agent Orange Coping Gulf War Illness (GWI) Medical Disability Benefits PTSD Investigations 9/11 Holocaust JFK Assassination Paris Attacks 2015 Sandy Hook Life Art & Entertainment Book Reviews Causes Economy Business Economics & Markets Investing & Finance Jobs & Careers Education Environment Food, Wine & Travel History Civil […]

Your Radiation This Week No 12 – Veterans Today

(San Francisco) Jun 19, 2015 – Good Day, this is “Your Radiation This Week.” These are the recorded Radiation Highs that affected people this week around the United States and in your neighborhood. Let’s get right to it. Storm on Kebler Mountain – Colorado RADIATION CPM* CITY STATE *Listed in Counts per Minute, a Count […]

LeakyWicks, the Nasty Truth – Veterans Today

Are they the same person? By Gordon Duff, Senior Editor There is no such thing as Wikileaks.  They are an “app” for intelligence agencies to seed pointed material into useless chickenfeed as cover for things we see or, worse still, things we are never allowed to see. This was what former national security advisor Zbigniew […]

US accuses Iran of terrorism…for fighting terrorism! – Veterans Today

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NEO – America’s Missed Opportunity In Syria – Veterans Today

By  Gordon Duff, VT Sr. Editor   … with New Eastern Outlook,  Moscow –  First published  …  June 19, 2015  – We begin with two issues that have come to light in the last week. The first involved the CIA Syria destabilization program that congress is voting to partially defund. It seems that the CIA has […]

Goodnight America: Funky Mikes Mixed Tape Volume 2 – Veterans Today

. Home Health Agent Orange Coping Gulf War Illness (GWI) Medical Disability Benefits PTSD Investigations 9/11 Holocaust JFK Assassination Paris […]

Free American: Are Zionists Taking Entire USA Down? – Veterans Today

. Home Health Agent Orange Coping Gulf War Illness (GWI) Medical Disability Benefits PTSD Investigations 9/11 Holocaust JFK Assassination Paris […]

Clinton: Stop For-Profit Colleges From Targeting Veterans – Veterans Today

. Home Health Agent Orange Coping Gulf War Illness (GWI) Medical Disability Benefits PTSD Investigations 9/11 Holocaust JFK Assassination Paris […]

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