Archive for the ‘Jews = Zionism’ Category

israeli military threatens piracy against Freedom Flotilla

Israeli army threatens to attack Gaza-bound Freedom Flotilla      NAZARETH, (PIC)– An Israeli channel claimed on Sunday that the Israeli army had received orders not to allow the third Freedom Flotilla aid campaign to reach the Gaza Strip. A military source told channel 2 that the Freedom Flotilla would not arrive in Gaza. There are orders […]

“Price Tag Campaign” Fuels Flames of israeli Terrorism

“Price Tag Campaign” Fuels Flames of Israeli Terrorism Whatsupic — It sounds like a sale at a local store, but it couldn’t be more removed.  The Price Tag Campaign, a movement that began in an Israeli settlement in West Bank called, Yitzhar,  is a collaborative effort among extremist Israeli settlers, to wage war with the Palestinian […]

The boycott of israel has started to show results #BDS

The boycott of Israel has started to show results Jihad El-Khazen There is now a cause that is bringing together the pro-Israel lobby in the United States, the terrorist Israeli government and its political opponents. This cause is the boycott of Israel, specifically the Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS) movement, and the Israeli reaction shows that […]

Plot to kill Saudi Ambassador in DC by Iran was a USA/Saudi hatched scam

Saudi Cables: The “Iran Kills Saudi Ambassador in DC” Plot Was A U.S.-Saudi Conspiracy In October 2011 the Obama administration accused one Mansour Arbabsiar and Iran of a rather weird “plot” to kill the Saudi ambassador in Washington DC. Recently released Saudi foreign ministry papers published by Wikileaks shine some new light on the case. […]

Jewish vandals (terrorists) get away with acts of desecration

The article on the history of government response to price-tag attacks is followed by one on the vandalism at the Church of Multiplication, Galilee, with some images of the beautiful mosaics. A nun inspects damage thought to have been committed by sectarian Jewish vandals last Thursday, June 18th, at the Church of the Multiplication of […]

Yemeni army and People’s Committees storming Saudi site in Jizan: Video

Yemeni Forces Strike Qaeda Terrorists in Shabwa, Saudi Sites in Zahran & Jizan Local Editor The Saudi warplanes raided on Saturday different Yemeni provinces, killing or wounding a number of civilians in Saada and causing much destruction. A car bomb had also exploded Saturday near a mosque in the Old City of the capital Sanaa, […]

Israel bombs Lebanon to destroy own downed drone – reports: Zio-Watch, 6/21/2015

Dr. Patrick Slattery’s News Roundup A service of (FILE PHOTO: An Israeli drone (Reuters / Ronen Zvulun)) A blast has been reported near the town of Saghbein in a remote area of Lebanon’s western Bekaa, sources told agencies. Hezbollah-run Al Manar TV said, an Israeli drone was downed in the area and the airstrike […]

Europe ‘gives Greece ANOTHER £2billion’ to prevent banks closing as Tsipras snubs Brussels talks to ‘make a deal with Putin’: Zio-Watch, 6/20/2015

Dr. Patrick Slattery’s News Roundup A service of It is European Central Bank’s second intervention in three days, having earlier agreed to make almost £1bn available Lifeline came as Greek banking officials insisted they had ‘no financing problems’ despite withdrawals by savers, with around £1bn being taken out yesterday alone Greek Prime Minister Alexis […]

Google’s New Project Is So Insanely Advanced It Will Blow You Away

If Google has its way, our future will be nothing less than a sci-fi movie. After creeping us out with a robotic cheetah and the Google ‘Glass’, Google is all set to bring forth something really amazing. Google’s Project Soli has invented a new interaction sensor using radar technology that can capture motions of your […]

Nasser Kandil: 60 minutes On Yemen, Syria, and Lebanon

حوار اليوم : سالم زهران | NBN 20.6.2015 River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian    The views expressed in this article are the sole responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of the Blog! About these ads Filed under: Al Qaeda, AngloZionist Empire, Arab Zionists, Assad, “Wikileaks”, Druze, Hezbollah, Iran, ISIL, Jumblat, Michel Aoun, Nasser Kandil, Nazi Israel, […]

The Holocaust of the Germans

Posted on June 19, 2015 Born in Australia and now a British national, Lady Michèle Renouf is an opponent of holocaust denial laws who has been attacked by the “usual suspects,” including the ADL and the Simon Wiesenthal Center. Hard to believe she got away with making this speech in Canada without getting arrested, but maybe […]

JVP and Alison Weir – A Dissident View — Ned Rosenberg*

JVP has disassociated from a number of activists working for the liberation of Palestinians, including Gilad Atzmon, Greta Berlin (founder of Free Gaza) and now Alison Weir, who seeks to disseminate unbiased information about IP through her website If Americans and presentations.  JVP’s recent public statement concerning Weir specifically, credited to Anonymous, is a […]

Zenobia broadcast TV station launched to join the Syrian media family

Damascus, SANA– A new Syrian TV Channel was launched from Damascus Saturday night. The newly-born TV channel, Zanoubia, is to broadcast from Damascus first as a “slide TV”, then to broadcast “live” as a satellite channel, Information Minister Omran Al-Zoubi said at launching ceremony held at Damascus Sheraton Hotel. “Syria’s media, public and private proved […]

Europe ‘gives Greece ANOTHER £2billion’ to prevent banks closing as Tsipras snubs Brussels talks to ‘make a deal with Putin’: Zio-Watch, 6/20/2015

Dr. Patrick Slattery’s News Roundup A service of It is European Central Bank’s second intervention in three days, having earlier agreed to make almost £1bn available Lifeline came as Greek banking officials insisted they had ‘no financing problems’ despite withdrawals by savers, with around £1bn being taken out yesterday alone Greek Prime Minister Alexis […]

WikiLeaks Releases Secret Saudi Documents

by Stephen Lendman  The more we learn about the secret workings of despotic regimes and faux democracies like America, Britain and Israel among others, the better we understand how they extrajudicially serve powerful monied interests at the expense of popular ones. On Friday, WikiLeaks began releasing around half a million Saudi documents – including Foreign Ministry […]

Yemeni Imam Assassinated for Opposing Saudi Aggression

Local Editor Al-Qaeda militants shot dead a Yemeni Imam known for opposing the Saudi aggression on the Arab impoverished country. Two bike-riding al-Qaeda terrorists assassinated on Friday Sheikh Abdul Bari Al-Aidrus, the Imam of al-Hazm mosque in Shibam district, which lies in the central province of Hadhramaut. Yemen’s official Saba News Agency said the religious […]

Yemen’s Ansarullah, Political Factions: Saudi Derailed Geneva Peace Talks

Local Editor Yemeni delegation comprising representatives of Ansarullah revolutionaries and other political factions accused Saudi Arabia of derailing UN-backed peace talks in Geneva, shortly after the UN envoy announced the end of negotiations without reaching an agreement. In a press conference following the end of the Geneva Talks, the delegation stressed that the political transition […]

Intereview on the anniversary of the martyrdom of George Hawi the Communist Freedom Fighter

George Hawi Tribute River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian    The views expressed in this article are the sole responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of the Blog! About these ads Filed under: Al Qaeda, AngloZionist Empire, Arab Zionists, Armed resistance, Communism, ISIL, Lebanon, Martyrs, Nazi Israel, Resistance option, Saudia, Sectarian Wars, Takfiris, War on Syria Source […]

Israeli sniper records, celebrates killing unarmed Palestinian: Zio-Watch, 6/19/2015

Dr. Patrick Slattery’s News Roundup A service of Israeli troops have shot and injured at least two young Palestinian men during a series of violent clashes in the occupied West Bank, officials say.  Palestinian security officials said the two sustained injuries when Israeli soldiers opened fire on a crowd of peaceful protesters in Nablus in […]

Walid Jumblatt Reaches Deal with Terrorist Al-Nusra To Secure Druze?!

Local Editor He’s Walid Jumblatt. The man who is able to reach a deal with the devil for his interests. The “Israeli” debkafiles website revealed that Walid Jumblatt has reached a deal with al-Nusra Front, al-Qaeda Branch in Syria and Iraq. According to the “Israeli” intelligence website, “the Druze Leader has reached a mutual non-belligerence […]

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