Posts Tagged ‘wariscrime’

Help nail Binyamin Netanyahu

The cause of much misery and desperation in the Middle East is coming to London next week and a petition demands his arrest for war crimes By Stuart Littlewood The image of a small child washed up on a Turkish beach like flotsam has finally shocked the Western world into action to help the refugees […]

UK petition calling for Netanyahu to be arrested for war crimes nears 100,000 signatures

On August 7, UK citizen Damian Moran posted a petition on the UK Government and Parliament E-petition website calling for Netanyahu to “be arrested for war crimes upon arrival in the U.K for the massacre of over 2000 civilians in 2014”. The petition spread swiftly on social media internationally as signatures piled up by the thousands. At approximately […]

Bipartisan study concludes US Government used widespread torture after 9/11

WASHINGTON — A nonpartisan, independent review of interrogation and detention programs in the years after the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks concludes that “it is indisputable that the United States engaged in the practice of torture” and that the nation’s highest officials bore ultimate responsibility for it. The sweeping, 577-page report says that while brutality […]

Why Clover Thinks He’s Free

Clovers are ok with the American Police State because to them, it’s not a police state. They see no imposition – much less tyranny. They see “democracy,” lawful order. The flag – and (to them) freedom. The mindset is nicely articulated by the well-worn Clover cliche: “If you just obey the law you won’t have […]

Why Clover Thinks He’s Free

Clovers are ok with the American Police State because to them, it’s not a police state. They see no imposition – much less tyranny. They see “democracy,” lawful order. The flag – and (to them) freedom. The mindset is nicely articulated by the well-worn Clover cliche: “If you just obey the law you won’t have […]

The 1st Great War of the 21st Century Has Begun

Try to imagine more deluded reporting than this by America’s Presstitute “free press.” For 11 years Washington in pursuit of its rightful hegemony has been sending troops, bombers, jet fighters, helicopter gunships, drones, and assassination teams into seven Muslim countries. Two of the Muslim countries, Iraq and Libya, and perhaps more depending on how you […]

The 1st Great War of the 21st Century Has Begun

Try to imagine more deluded reporting than this by America’s Presstitute “free press.” For 11 years Washington in pursuit of its rightful hegemony has been sending troops, bombers, jet fighters, helicopter gunships, drones, and assassination teams into seven Muslim countries. Two of the Muslim countries, Iraq and Libya, and perhaps more depending on how you […]

No Hope, or Military Reflections of a Fellow Automaton

There is no hope, I tell you. There are no reasons. We kid ourselves. In politics we think we do things for reasons. We don’t, except in the details. We do as we do because of what we are. We have wars because having wars is what men do. Reasons are only aftermarket appendages. Read […]

No Hope, or Military Reflections of a Fellow Automaton

There is no hope, I tell you. There are no reasons. We kid ourselves. In politics we think we do things for reasons. We don’t, except in the details. We do as we do because of what we are. We have wars because having wars is what men do. Reasons are only aftermarket appendages. Read […]

The Innocence of Muslims: Blasphemy as a Tactic

The dissemination of a video clip from the film “The Innocence of Muslims” depicting an offensive image of Islam, has sparked a wave of anger in the Arab world. For Thierry Meyssan, things are more complex than they might seem because the clip was first released ​​in Arabic on YouTube and broadcast by the Salafist […]

The Innocence of Muslims: Blasphemy as a Tactic

The dissemination of a video clip from the film “The Innocence of Muslims” depicting an offensive image of Islam, has sparked a wave of anger in the Arab world. For Thierry Meyssan, things are more complex than they might seem because the clip was first released ​​in Arabic on YouTube and broadcast by the Salafist […]

White House fights to indefinitely detain any American without charge

The White House has asked the US Second Circuit Court of Appeals to place an emergency stay on a ruling made last week by a federal judge so that the president’s power to indefinitely detain Americans without charge is reaffirmed immediately. On Wednesday, September 12, US District Court Judge Katherine Forrest made permanent a temporary […]

White House fights to indefinitely detain any American without charge

The White House has asked the US Second Circuit Court of Appeals to place an emergency stay on a ruling made last week by a federal judge so that the president’s power to indefinitely detain Americans without charge is reaffirmed immediately. On Wednesday, September 12, US District Court Judge Katherine Forrest made permanent a temporary […]

10 Great Movies Hollywood Wants to Bastardize

Here are some old-time favorites that Hollywood is trying to spoil for more cash. Beware purists: almost every movie you loved in your formative years is being bastardized by that greedy, unimaginative succubus named Hollywood. Perhaps you were one of the not-so-many who saw Total Recall version deux in the last month, or the 2011 […]

FBI’s $1 Billion Face Recognition System … and How to Fool It

Birthmarks, be damned: the FBI has officially started rolling out a state-of-the-art face recognition project that will assist in their effort to accumulate and archive information about each and every American at a cost of a billion dollars. The Federal Bureau of Investigation has reached a milestone in the development of their Next Generation Identification […]

Orwell’s ‘Telescreen’, the RFID Chip and the Future of Television

Here are a few things happening in 2012 that should make the world wince. We are handing over our rights and freedoms to the governments and the elite in the world on a daily basis in mostly total ignorance and apathy. We think we are informed, educated and concerned but it is mainly an illusion. […]

“You are Wired!”, or The Real Purpose of Chemtrails

In 1999 the world changed. The money trust, the law (commerical code/contract law, applicability of public/statutory presumptions, etc.), technology (nano-tech), and the general direction of the planet completely changed. In order to even remotely grasp what is happening you must disconnect your mind from the last century’s way of thinking. Failure to change the way […]

Afghanistan: A Message Written in Blood

Imagine for a moment that almost once a week for the last six months somebody somewhere in this country had burst, well-armed, into a movie theater showing a superhero film and fired into the audience. That would get your attention, wouldn’t it? James Holmes times 21? It would dominate the news. We would certainly be […]

When They Come For Your Guns …

“When they come for my gun, they will have to pry it out of my cold, dead hands,” is a common refrain I often hear from the Neo-Cons when there is a threat, credible or otherwise, that the US government is going to take their firearms. And, when I hear this crazy talk, I agree […]

When They Come For Your Guns …

“When they come for my gun, they will have to pry it out of my cold, dead hands,” is a common refrain I often hear from the Neo-Cons when there is a threat, credible or otherwise, that the US government is going to take their firearms. And, when I hear this crazy talk, I agree […]

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