Posts Tagged ‘European Union’

‘Age of Erdogan’ – The supremacist and violent rise of Turkish fascism

     Seventy years after the defeat of Nazi Germany, fascism has reemerged with a vengeance. This resurgence can be seen all over Europe and the former Soviet bloc, perhaps most notably in Ukraine where Nazism masquerading as nationalist patriotism has effectively embedded itself in the political and military institutions of the country, all with the […]

European Union Adopts Plan to Keep Out Refugees

A summit of European Union heads of government concluded in the early morning hours of Thursday, with no details of the hours-long discussions or decisions reached given out to the press or public. The Associated Press cited a draft text as saying EU leaders had discussed long-term means to end “the dramatic situation at our […]

Imperium Europa – The Idea

From Metapedia: Norman Lowell is a European nationalist and racial survivalist from Malta. He is regarded as a representative of the New Right and leads the political party Imperium Europa. The party itself is Pan-European in disposition, but in a very different sense to the current communist-freemasonic forces which dominate the European Union. Lowell […]

UN General Assembly Votes For Raising Palestinian Flag

IMEMC : The United Nations General Assembly voted, Thursday, in an overwhelming majority for raising the Palestinian flag at the United Nations, despite aggressive opposition led by the United States and Israel. The UN proposal achieved 119 votes out of the 193 UN member states, while only eight countries, headed by the United States and Israel, […]

Help nail Binyamin Netanyahu

The cause of much misery and desperation in the Middle East is coming to London next week and a petition demands his arrest for war crimes By Stuart Littlewood The image of a small child washed up on a Turkish beach like flotsam has finally shocked the Western world into action to help the refugees […]

Eastern European states’ leaders to hold emergency summit on spiking refugee influx

Follow RT’s LIVE UPDATES on EU refugee crisis Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban told public radio on Friday that if the European Union does not protect its borders, tens of millions refugees may end up arriving in Europe.   “The reality is that Europe is threatened by a mass inflow of people, many tens of […]

Former Greek Foreign Minister claims EU will review sanctions policy, shift focus to cooperation

     The European Union will soon make a U-turn in its approach to Russia, according to the president of the Greek-Eurasian Business Council. The European Union will soon review its sanctions policy toward Russia and shift its focus to cooperation, president of the Greek-Eurasian Business Council and Greece’s former Deputy Foreign Minister Spyros Kouvelis told […]

EU to approve new measures against Israeli settlements: Zio-Watch, August 27, 2015

Dr. Patrick Slattery’s News Roundup A service of The European Union’s outgoing envoy to Palestine says the 28-nation bloc is continuing its efforts to pass more measures against illegal Israeli settlements in the occupied West Bank. John Gatt-Rutter, the envoy to the besieged Gaza Strip and the occupied Palestinian territories, said on Thursday that […]

Czech President Miloš Zeman Suggests European Army to Halt African Invasion

Guillaume DurocherOccidental Observer August 29, 2015 Miloš Zeman: These Eastern Euros just won’t stay in line, will they? The president of the Czech Republic, Miloš Zeman, has suggested that troops should be used to secure the European Union’s borders against immigration and that a common European army could be formed to achieve this objective. He […]

Chance to bridge European divide missed at Eastern Partnership summit – Moscow

Heads of states and European Union officials pose for a picture before the Eastern Partnership Summit session in Riga, Latvia, May 22, 2015. (Reuters/Ints Kalnins) Some European countries have once again failed to mend the deepening split on the continent, Russia’s Foreign Ministry said, commenting on the Riga summit results. Instead, a furthering of east-west […]

Austria’s FM: we reject ‘inhuman’ capital punishment

TCP : “Death penalty is an inhuman deterrent strongly rejected by not only the Austrian government but also by the European Union,” said  in a press conference held in Cairo Wednesday. Kurz’s comment came days after former President Mohamed Morsi and 105 others were sentenced Saturday to death over charges of prison break during the […]

OECD Report: Top 10% of Americans Own 76% of All the Stuff

Susanne Posel ,Chief Editor Occupy Corporatism | The US Independent May 21, 2015   A report produced by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) explains how wealth inequality is growing across the globe. Of the 34 member states in the OECD, 10% of the wealthiest population earn 9.6 times above the […]

Deutsche bank considers leaving UK

World Bulletin / News Desk Deutsche Bank is considering cutting its UK operations should the country pull out of the European Union and an industry lobby group said several other banks are mothballing investments until the outcome of Britain’s EU referendum is known. Prime Minister David Cameron has promised to renegotiate Britain’s relationship with the EU and […]

EU plan will not stop desperate people trying to reach safety

The European Union is seeking UN approval to use military action to target smuggling networks which are operating out of Libya. The proposal is in response to the increasing number of deaths in the Mediterranean; crossing the Mediterranean from Libya has become the most popular route for migrants and refugees trying to reach Europe, and […]

The West may condemn Egypt’s abuses, but it’s still business as usual

This month, Egypt’s former President, Mohamed Morsi, was sentenced to death. He was among more than 100 defendants given the death penalty for their role in a mass jailbreak during the 2011 uprising that ousted former dictator Hosni Mubarak. The trial has drawn international condemnation. Washington said that it had “consistently spoken out against the […]

Europe’s austerity hits healthcare access: Charity

  According to Press TV, in its annual survey of European healthcare access, the international humanitarian association, Medecins du Monde (MdM) or Doctors of the World called for every resident in the European Union to have equal access to public health services. The charity said “While the economic crisis and austerity measures have resulted […]

EU agrees to Mediterranean naval mission to stop migration flow amid controversy

Reuters/Alessandro Bianchi European Union foreign ministers have agreed to form a naval mission in the Mediterranean Sea targeting gangs smuggling refugees from Libya to Europe. The decision was made during a meeting in Brussels. The move will “disrupt the business model of smugglers and traffickers’ networks in Mediterranean,” according to EU foreign affairs chief, Federica […]

Europe should overcome US pressure, resume cooperation with Russia – Duma chief

Reuters / Francois Lenoir State Duma Speaker Sergey Naryshkin has urged European politicians to stop listening to US propaganda and start working on common Eurasian economic interests with Russia. Naryshkin expressed his views on the best possible course for European politics in an article entitled “Natural Allies”, published on Monday in the Russian government daily […]

Finland boycotts Jewish National Fund

Israeli-Finnish relations are reported to be strained after Finland prevented the Jewish National Fund from participating in the exhibition of non-governmental organisations held annually in the capital, Helsinki, Israeli newspaper Maariv reported. The newspaper pointed out that the exhibition, which is funded by the Red Cross and the European Union, will be held next week […]

China Dog meat trade. We demand EU embargo on China!

Esdaw – European Society of Dog and Animal Welfare. with Yvonne Béninger-Kersten and Nasi Vandadi Please …. continue to SIGN and SHARE the Petition: We demand EU embargo on China! Petition: Special fb page:

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