Posts Tagged ‘Donald Trump’

Donald Trump Just Released His REVOLUTIONARY Tax Plan… It Might Not Be What You Expected

The Goals Of Donald J. Trump’s Tax Plan Too few Americans are working, too many jobs have been shipped overseas, and too many middle class families cannot make ends meet. This tax plan directly meets these challenges with four simple goals: Tax relief for middle class Americans: In order to achieve the American dream, let […]

Dr. Duke shows how Trump tells truth about Zio Insanity in Syria. Says support Russia’s fight against ISIS! How Zios Divide and Conquer!

Dr. Duke started the show by talking about the rare common sense regarding foreign policy that Donald Trump is exhibiting in an election cycle dominated by candidates who seem hellbent on starting World War III. He and Dr. Slattery discussed recent comments he made calling it “crazy” to oppose Russian support for the Syrian government […]

Trump: GOP rivals ‘want to start WWIII over Syria,’ should let Russia fight Islamic State

GOP presidential front-runner Donald Trump shared more of his views on foreign policy Friday, telling an audience in Oklahoma his 2016 rivals want to “start World War III over Syria” and suggesting the U.S. let Russia take up the fight against the Islamic State in the region. “They want to start World War III over […]

Trump: GOP Trying to Start WWIII in Syria, Should Let Russia Deal with It

Andrew AnglinDaily Stormer September 26, 2015 ALL ABOARD FOR THE BIG WIN-WIN In a statement which may well anger Jews a whole lot more than what he’s been saying about immigrants, the Donald just said that the GOP warmongers are insane, and that the best thing to do with Syria is back-off and let Putin […]

Trump’s BRUTAL Response To Obama Loving Libs Over ‘Muslim’ Remarks Is Getting 1,000 ‘Likes’ A Minute

Dean James III% AMERICA’S FREEDOM FIGHTERS – FOX News, Hillary Clinton, Karl Rove and a ton of liberal media outlets went nuts over Donald Trump not defending the Marxist/Muslim Barack Obama at his town hall event in New Hampshire. We reported that some dude (possibly a liberal plant) called Obama a Muslim and said that we […]

The Donald Attacked for Not Saying Obama Isn’t a Moslem

Andrew AnglinDaily Stormer September 18, 2015 It is almost beginning to look like the attacks on Donald Trump are designed to make people like him more. CNN: “We have a problem in this country. It’s called Muslims,” an unidentified man who spoke at a question-and-answer town hall event in Rochester, New Hampshire asked the mogul […]

Dr. Duke and Dr. MacDonald discuss Jewess Who Paints Portrait of Trump in Her Menstrual Blood to Support Immigration!

Dr. Duke had Professor Kevin MacDonald as his guest for the hour. They started off by talking about examples of bizarre behavior by Jews that have been in the media this week, from an animal sacrifice ritual aimed at absolving the sins to be committed in the year ahead to a Jewish “artist” who painted […]

Caught On Tape: Donald Trump Asked About Libertarianism

Donna Hancock Source Article from

Israel re-arrests nuclear whistle-blower over TV interview: Zio-Watch, September 10, 2015

WASHINGTON (JTA) — Hundreds gathered outside the Capitol for a rally against the Iran nuclear deal featuring shofar blowing and presidential hopefuls Donald Trump and Ted Cruz. Wednesday’s demonstration on the West Lawn was sponsored by the Tea Party Patriots and the Zionist Organization of America, an ardently pro-Israel group. Others on hand included conservative […]

BOOM: Donald Trump Just Issued A HUGE Challenge To CNN… He Wants Them To Do THIS!

Dean James III% AMERICA’S FREEDOM FIGHTERS – Donald Trump is demanding that all profits from CNN’s broadcast of next week’s GOP debate go to veterans. Personally I love the idea. But then again, it’s not my money! Following news that CNN has been capitalizing on Trump-mania by raising ad prices for the Sept. 16 debate to […]

BREAKING: Trump Drops Bombshell About Terrifying Detail In Iran Deal Nobody Has Read

Dean James III% AMERICA’S FREEDOM FIGHTERS – Donald Trump has issued a warning about a hidden provision in the Iran nuke ‘deal’ that is quite shocking. It reads that in the case of Iran being attacked by, say ISRAEL then the United States is forced to intervene! We literally pledged to protect Tehran against Israel. I […]

Presidential Candidate Donald Trump News Conference (VIDEO)

VIDEO – 2016 Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump spoke to reporters at a news conference at Trump Tower. He announced that he would sign a loyalty pledge to the Republican Party. Trump Report 2015-09-03   Source Article from

Dr. Duke and Professor MacDonald: Jewish tribalists see a Nazi behind every white face

Today Dr. Duke had Professor Kevin MacDonald as his guest for the hour. Dr. Duke related his struggle to protect the Liberty Monument in New Orleans from a move by the anti-white establishment to destroy it. He and Professor MacDonald then discussed the Jewish role in immigration and the possibilities for change in this area presented […]

Donald Trump the only mainstream presidential candidate who’s spoken out about vaccine-autism dangers

(NaturalNews) There’s only one presidential hopeful currently in the running who has been brave enough to speak out about the link between vaccines and autism, and that candidate is none other than business tycoon Donald Trump. In a 2012 interview with Fox News, Trump stated in no uncertain terms that he’s seen healthy […]

Politics 2016: Who Will Stand Up to the War Party?

The Republicans are vying with one another for the “honor” of being the most warlike, and even Sen. Rand Paul (R-Kentucky) – son of the resolutely anti-interventionist Ron Paul, surely one of the most effective and militant critics of American foreign policy – has joined in the contest. All the GOPers have taken aim at […]

Donald Trump the only mainstream presidential candidate who’s spoken out about vaccine-autism dangers

(NaturalNews) There’s only one presidential hopeful currently in the running who has been brave enough to speak out about the link between vaccines and autism, and that candidate is none other than business tycoon Donald Trump. In a 2012 interview with Fox News, Trump stated in no uncertain terms that he’s seen healthy […]

Differing Views on China

Differing Views on China by Stephen Lendman Ignore demagogues like Donald Trump claiming “China is taking our jobs…taking our money…They’ll take us down.”  Gerald Celente issued a “trend alert” headlined “Market Mayhem: Don’t blame China – It’s the (global) economy, stupid.” […]

SEMI-NEWS/SEMI-SATIRE: August 23, 2015 Edition by John Semmens

Bush Endorses Universal Surveillance In a bid to position himself as the “Big Brother” candidate in juxtaposition to what he characterized as the “Angry Uncle” candidacy of Donald Trump, former Florida Governor Jeb Bush called for an end to “private encryption of any and every kind.” “When private individuals encrypt their […]

The Donald Trump phenomenon: hidden meanings

I have nothing against hope, but the brand of naïve hope that surfaces during every presidential election season is truly ridiculous. Candidate after candidate lies through his teeth, and the people buy in. Now some are saying The Donald is running to form a third party and thus hand the election […]

Too big to Investigate: Vaccine industry now enjoying total immunity from all laws due to intimidated, corrupt lawmakers

(NaturalNews) November 2016, when American voters will once again cast their ballot for president, is still a long way off. However, judging by the rising popularity of the early frontrunners – “Independent” socialist Sen. Bernie Sanders on the Left and billionaire businessman Donald Trump, a non-politician if there ever was one, on the […]

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