Archive for the ‘American news’ Category

The St. Petersburg’s International Forum in the Heart of the Action

The dogs of western fear and sanctions bark, while the Eurasian caravan passes. And no caravanserai could possibly compete with the 19th edition of the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF). Thousands of global business leaders – including Europeans, but not Americans; after all, President Putin is “the new Hitler” – representing over 1,000 international companies/corporations, including […]

The Greek Default: “It’s Already in the Market”? What Will the World Look like the Day Markets Try to Reopen?

You have heard the phrase many times “it’s already in the market”, meaning if “something” or some sort of event happens it is already factored in to prices.  I was overseas last week, travelled much of the week and stayed in a hotel that had only two English speaking channels …one of which was CNBC.  […]

IMF Violates IMF Rules, to Continue Ukraine Bailouts

The IMF, whose bailout operations are absorbed by the taxpayers in the member countries whenever a particular bailed-out nation defaults, announced on Friday, June 19th, that it will “continue to support Ukraine through its Lending-into-Arrears Policy even in the event that a negotiated agreement with creditors in line with the program cannot be reached in a timely manner.” Though […]

The Charleston Murders: Facing America’s Great Evils

The latest gun massacre – this time at a historic black church in Charleston, South Carolina, and apparently driven by racial hatred – reminds Americans how we all live at the forbearance of the next nut with easy access to weapons that can efficiently kill us, our neighbors or our children. Yet, we remain politically […]

Germany Arrests Al Jazeera Journalist on Warrant Issued by Egyptian Junta

Image: Protest in Berlin against the jailing of Mansour In an unprecedented move, the German government on Saturday detained senior Al Jazeera journalist Ahmed Mansour on the basis of an arrest warrant issued by the bloody regime of Egyptian military strongman Abdel Fattah al-Sisi. Mansour was arrested at Tegel airport in Berlin. He was taken from […]

Crisis Report from a Greek Island

  June 22, 2015 Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at Source Article from

Israel: “Wiped off The Map”. The Rumor of the Century, Fabricated by the US Media to Justify An All out War on Iran

Global Research Editor’s Note The following text by Arash Norouzi first published by the Mossadegh Project and Global Research in January 2007 confirms that the alleged “Wiped Off the Map” statement  by Iran’s president was never made. The rumor was fabricated by the American media with a view to discrediting Iran’s head of state and providing a […]

Why Is NATO In Yugoslavia?

Editor’s Note This paper was presented by the late Sean Gervasi at the Conference on the Enlargement of NATO in Eastern Europe and the Mediterrenean, Prague, 13-14 January 1996. It was published on Global Research when the Global Research website was launched on September 9, 2001. The late Sean Gervasi had tremendous foresight. He understood the process […]

Grexit – Critical Times for Greece

Source Article from

US Foreign Policy: A Reflection of the Legacy of Racism and National Oppression

We are here for our annual meeting in celebration of the 35th anniversary of the Michigan Coalition for Human Rights (MCHR). Our yearly dinner was a resounding success in April with hundreds in attendance under the theme of the need to link various struggles against racism, economic exploitation and for social justice and self-determination for […]

Israel Bombing Elementary Schools Not Considered War Crimes, “Collateral Damage” according to UN Commissioned Task Force

The High Level International Military Group—a UN-commissioned group made up of 11 former chiefs of staff, generals, senior officers, and political leaders from the U.S., Germany, Spain, Holland, the U.K., Italy, Australia, and Colombia—dismissed all charges and allegations of Israel’s war crimes after investigating last summer’s attack on Gaza. The report was issued on Saturday following the group’s […]

Adolf Hitler’s Star-Crossed Love with Britain: The U.K.’s Fake “Neutrality” in Relation to Nazi Germany’s “Operation Barbarossa” directed against the Soviet Union

Part I, part II Never during this time did Great Britain agree to peace negotiations. She steadily continued her shelling of German cities. She showed her resolve to fight until the end. The United Kingdom could be fought, and even defeated, but after examining his options, Adolf Hitler asked himself two questions. What price would […]

The Freezing of Russian Assets, Moscow’s Counter-Sanctions Directed against the EU

French and Belgian Russian asset freezes along with extending EU sanctions through January came (not coincidentally) on day one of the 19th St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF). It’s an impressive annual three-day event attracting thousands of participants – including world political and business leaders, journalists and others from dozens of countries worldwide. The Forum’s […]

The Smallpox Vaccine: A Real Threat that Should be a Forgotten Threat

A visit to the village of Berkeley in the UK will bring you to the home of Dr. Edward Jenner, the founder and venerated saint of vaccination.  On the property’s garden, there’s a small stone thatched hut where Jenner administered his smallpox vaccine to poor local residents.  He named the building The Temple of Vaccinia.  […]

Confiscation of Bank Deposits, The Derivative Debt

Source Article from

“We Are Greater” Than The Fracked Gas Lobby

The dome was encased in a rigid web of scaffolding as I rushed by. Looking up at it on my way to the corner of Independence Avenue and New Jersey Avenue SE, I saw a country trying to hide a fatal illness. It’s beyond repair, I mumbled to myself, thinking about the deep underlying rot […]

Paul Elam –False Prophet or False Opposition?

  June 21, 2015 Comments for ” Paul Elam –False Prophet or False Opposition?” Hans said (June 21, 2015): I always get suspicious when i hear the notion of “Alpha”, “Beta” and “Gamma”-males. It is too closely related to Social Darwinism, and reflects a masonic pyramid structure, or a lodge with its gradual degrees. Most […]

Should a Father be His Son’s Friend?

When he was six, I suggested that the bad guys weren’t really evil; and his heroes, the Ninja Turtles, were being used to suppress a legitimate rebellion. He almost blew a gasket. My son is now 28. I have tried to be a friend, to believe in him.  I wanted him to become a historian. […]

Transgenderism – Illuminati’s Way of Mocking God

  June 19, 2015 Comments for “Transgenderism – Illuminati’s Way of Mocking God” MM said (June 21, 2015): Good article as usual but I wish to comment on Rich`s statement about there being “TWO God beings”. God is like water meaning that water can be ice, steam, or liquid but all three of these forms […]

How Lobbies, Intelligence Services and Advertisers Dictate Mainstream Media Content

Recently, several journalists who worked in the mainstream media (MSM) exposed its corrupt nature, weighing in on the growing mistrust it inspires. We hope the following will inspire you to support independent media like Global Research! Former chief political commentator of the Telegraph, Peter Oborne, resigned from the newspaper because it would not publish articles […]

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